The Power of Will … Continued

My last article talked about that least-remembered talent we human beings possess: the power of will. I equated it with “choice” and “determination,” but will deserves some closer examination. After all, how can we draw on its power if it’s only a shadowy concept, something we’ve mentally assigned to the realm of boring philosophers and 19th Century preachers?

Yet will is the force that moves everything in the universe. It is the magnetic energy behind thought, that draws to itself whatever it dreams of. Will stirs the pot of creation, and adds new colors to the mix. It is the creative power behind thought, behind everything. By learning to use it, we can deflect any aggression, defeat any predator, and create whatever in life we wish to experience.

We need to really get this, intuitively, or it’s only an empty theory. It needs to become a deep understanding that we live from. Only then can will empower us.

So let’s think deeply for a few moments, reason things out, and consider our own experience. What evidence is there that will exists and that it is the power that moves the universe?

Well, what does the universe consist of? Stuff. Matter. Things. Where did it all come from? Unless it existed eternally, matter had a beginning: there was a time before it appeared on the scene.

Is it reasonable to think matter has always been there? That would mean matter is God, the end-all and be-all. Does that make sense? That rocks, fish, air, planets, stars have existed forever, without any beginning? It’s more reasonable to think that they came from something, something more basic than themselves. Scientists speak of a Big Bang, from which all matter appeared. What did the Big Bang come from? What was it that was exploding?

If nothing existed yet, then what exploded in the Big Bang was something immaterial, something that pre-dated matter. What could that possibly be except energy or thought? In fact, it had to be both: energetic thought, because thought is naturally energetic and energy is naturally intelligent.

Think about it. Think how energy moves in an intelligent direction. In its solid form as matter (people, animals, objects), energy moves in response to desires and intentions: a dog gets thirsty, it moves toward the water; you miss your mom, you call her on the phone. Energy moves with purpose directing it, not randomly and meaninglessly. That’s why we know energy is by nature intelligent. We see this even on the finest levels of creation, where subatomic particles display attraction and move in response to the attention of the observer.

So energy is intelligent. Is the reverse true: is intelligence energetic? If so, then energy and intelligence are one and the same thing. Energy and thought are one and the same thing. I’m using “intelligence” to mean “thought,” because thought is the active expression of intelligence.

Stay with me here. This is what I mean by thinking long thoughts. This is the kind of deep thinking we need to do to understand what we are and what we’re made of and how the universe works. Once we deeply grasp that, we grow in power. Perceiving our deeper nature, we start to operate from there. And that means finding our way out of the fix we and the rest of mankind are in.

So let’s get back to the drawing board … Is thought energetic? Obviously it is. Thoughts are what drive us to do things (to expend energy). A powerful thought (one with great energy) attracts other minds to it (examples: reading a book, buying a popular item, joining a cause). Even the random mental chatter that flows through our minds when we’re idle has a level of energy (enough to keep us awake at night if too much of it is going on).

We’ve seen for ourselves that energy is intelligent and that intelligence (thought) is energetic. So thought and energy are essentially one and the same. We also saw that energy/thought, being immaterial, must have preceded the creation of the universe. In fact, it is what the universe had to be born of, because there was nothing else.

Since energetic thought is the parent of the universe, it is also what the universe is made of. Matter (the universe) is simply congealed thought, congealed intelligent energy. And matter (creation) moves in response to our energetic thought.

This is the principle behind the Law of Attraction, the reason thoughts are magnetic. There’s very little difference between a thought of something and that thought congealed in the form of a thing. Our thoughts are creative and destructive, depending on the direction of their energy. Thinking bad things will happen, attracts energy to the thought that encourages the bad thing to occur. Intending and expecting good things to happen has the opposite effect.

So where does will come in? Will is all of it. Will is the force behind the thought (it’s the energy). Will is the intention directing the energy (it’s the intelligence). Will is the energetic thought, the directed energy, that is the source of the universe. It is the oven from which the Big Bang exploded. It is the force that moves everything in the universe. In fact, it is the only thing that ever makes anything happen. Without will, without energetic thought, everything would be static. There would be no life.

Whenever something happens, someone’s will has caused that event. Someone had an intention, a desire, strong enough (energetic enough) to move the soup of creation around in some way, or to add something new to the soup. People who live mostly on random thoughts, on their own repetitive mind chatter, have very little influence on the direction of creation, let alone the direction of their own life. Because they think from a level of low energy, not from focused intention.

The people we call the movers and shakers of the world live mostly on focused thoughts. They control what they allow in their minds, and think thoughts purposefully. Their minds are filled with plans, with intentions. The energy behind their focused thought is powerful, because focus gathers energy. Such people are the architects of the world, of “reality.” The reality that the rest of us mostly just react to and experience, because we, floating in the soup of our own random thoughts, allow others to determine our direction.

The movers and shakers are swimmers. The rest of us are floaters. And the swimmers of the world, having the game down as they do, right now are having fun pushing the floaters around the pond. Their scheme is to shove all the floaters into one little corner of the pool and keep us there, while they splash and play and enjoy all the rest of the place by themselves. It’s called the Great Conspiracy. And they’re pulling it off because we cry and moan about how mean they are, how clever they are, and how powerful they are, when in fact, the only difference between us and them is that they know how to think!

They know how to think with purpose, with will. They think with intention. They think with bad intention, but this is partly our own fault. We earn and deserve their scorn for being floaters, always reacting to life, never grabbing life with our hands and shaping it to our purpose. Our passiveness, our lack of will, has let the willful assume control of the playing field. They despise us for our weakness and stupidity and would like to see most of us exterminated (although they’ll keep a few around to do their bidding).

We have been weak and stupid, but not because the bullies are by nature stronger or smarter than we. Everyone came from the same Big Bang, the same intelligent energy. Some of us just learned the power of will while others forget that faculty existed. Those who did learn the secret conspired to keep the rest of us in forgetfulness. But the power is there within our own thoughts to take back control of our destiny. To take back our lives, personally and collectively.

It is only a matter of changing our minds, of thinking with new purpose, of determining not to self-destruct over the machinations of the bullies who are having a great laugh at our expense, as we float every which way they think to push us. It’s a matter of learning to swim.

It doesn’t matter how advanced they are in implementing their plans. When the floaters wake up and start swimming, they will create a force in the water that pushes back those trying to herd them. The bullies know that, and it is why they want to get rid of us, to destroy most of the world’s population before we get wise to the game. A cornered animal is likely to get wild, to discover its will, to assert its power. The bullies want to eliminate most of mankind before we reach that point.

The trick is for us to wake up soon enough. Not wake up in the sense the Truthers have already awakened: to knowledge of the conspiracy. We must wake up much more profoundly, to our power of will. We must decide NEVER to allow what they are orchestrating, that it will NOT happen, that we draw the line right here.

We mustn’t say “I’ll let them shoot me before I’ll go to a FEMA camp,” because then we create being shot. Then we enter the next world as a victim, still vulnerable to bullying, still pursued, still the plaything of the strong and malicious. When will it stop? When will we have enough and DECIDE it ends here? How much must we get pushed around before we catch on that when it ends depends entirely on us?

It’s our lack of will that allows their will to determine everything. It’s our lack of assertion. By remaining passive, mentally and physically, we allow them to do to us whatever they will. We are victims by choice. By default. Our will, operating in passive mode, has allowed it.

All we have to do to reverse the situation is to summon that will, to summon our passion, to understand the difference between us and them is only in the level of determination. “Victory belongs to the most committed,” goes the saying. They are more committed. They scheme, plan, and act. We bitch, moan, and hide under the bed. Not all of us, but so many of us aware of the conspiracy. So many of us feel hopeless. And it is that very hopeless attitude that will be our downfall, unless we take the bull by the horns and correct that.

It’s time to grab hold of our attitude and will ourselves to grow powerful. First by addressing everything in our personal lives that we let hold us back, every lame excuse for why we haven’t succeeded, for why we suffer, for why we cannot have what we desire. Then by addressing the Great Conspiracy itself.

All there is in the world is one essential element: thoughtful energy, energetic thought. That’s all there is. Everything material is a distillation of that, a result of that. Each of us is essentially a thought thinking itself, a thought made of energy. Energy that is eternal and infinite.

By thinking with focus, with passion, with determination, we access our unlimited energy to create or experience anything we want. There are no victims when all are infinitely powerful at their core. There is only forgetfulness of our nature, failure to access will, and a choice to let the bullies make all the decisions.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2009

Anyone may copy or reprint this article as long as they include a link back to this website at

Human Will: The Forgotten Freedom Faculty

Modern spiritual teachings, both Christian and New Age, tell us love is the answer to all the problems humanity is facing. But love without will is powerless. That’s why love is touted as the singular solution, because such teachings lead mankind away from the path to freedom. That fulfills the purpose of religion, which is to keep mankind enslaved through the powers of erroneous thought.

When is the last time you heard anyone talk about the importance of that forgotten human faculty, the will? When did you read anything about it? The last time I heard it discussed, I was a child, back in the 1950s. Adults then spoke of  “willpower.” But even though will was talked about, mostly it was a topic of humor. People were fond of saying how they didn’t have any willpower, giggling about it as they dove into their cigarette pack or their second helping of dessert.  The assumption was that will was the gift of the superhuman, that ordinary flawed humanity could not be expected to find it in themselves.

The human will has been ignored as a serious subject for a very long time. We talk about our other faculties constantly: our brains, our sexuality, our athletic prowess, our emotional sensitivity, our empathy, even our intuition and psychic abilities. But the human will – the ability we have to decide and to choose, and to do so in a way that carries power – that part of our humanness is buried. Not because it’s weak or incapable of doing, but because our social programming has conspired to make us forget it exists.

There’s an old story called Acres of Diamonds about a man who traveled the world as a pauper looking for riches, only to discover as an old man that the land his home had always been on contained acres of undiscovered diamond mines. The diamonds represent the will, the faculty we possess that’s capable of choosing and molding our future. Right now when we’re threatened with tyrants at every turn, with the very loss of all that makes life worth living, we need to connect with this forgotten part of our humanity and call on it for answers and solutions.

I believe this is the lesson we were born for. Have we not been born into a world of bullies and the bullied? Of hunters and the hunted? People aware of the global conspiracy have woken up to this. But there’s more to the story, if we want to be free. We have to dig deeper.

Why is the world an interplay of tyrants and victims? Why is that the biggest game in town? Why does genuine love get short billing, in spite of our good intentions to be loving and “evolved”? The reason is that will controls the playing field, and the ones exerting the will are the tyrants. The rest of us, unaware of the power of will, fall prey to the schemes of those who know how to use it.

Adopting a loving attitude when we haven’t yet broken out of being victims will not save us personally nor will it save the world.  Our fear will constantly drive us to abdicate our lovingness. Even if we manage to stay loving in the face of injustice and enslavement, love does little to help if it isn’t upheld by will. I cry, you cry, we embrace – and hug all the way to the FEMA camp.

As a frequent visitor at the Alex Jones website, I value all the information available there. I sometimes read the comments at the end of the articles and am troubled by the hopelessness so many posters feel about our future. I found the same attitude in many emails and comments I received when I was very active writing this blog.

The truth movement has awoken to the realities preying upon mankind, but has yet to take the step to become a genuine liberty movement. Truth movement, liberty movement – one focuses on knowledge, the other on empowerment. Only when we make that shift can we take back the control of our lives and our world that the tyrants are sucking from us.

People are hopeless because they don’t believe they have any power over the threatening situation. They think the tyrants hold all the cards. Indeed, the tyrants are brilliant, and have posted guards at every exit. They’ve planned their chess moves well in advance, while we, the novice players, are just waking up to how to play the game.

But human intelligence, buttressed by will, does have the ability to throw a wrench in their  strategy, just as a savvy chess opponent can defeat any strategy if he’s determined and clever enough. No set of moves, however brilliantly orchestrated, is guaranteed to win every game. It only succeeds if the opponent is less clever than the other player. With enough will and deep thought, any brilliant chess play can be defeated. In the same way, determination and cleverness can defeat the strategists planning the New World Order.

Think of “determination” as will in action. Will decides what we allow (the passive aspect of willing) and what we initiate (the active aspect). Then determination implements the decision. For all practical purposes, “will,” “choice,” and “determination” refer to the same thing. From this point on, I’ll use the terms interchangeably.

I am increasingly certain that reclaiming our will is the door to our freedom – the only door to our freedom. Ignorance of the power of will is what keeps us afraid and enslaved.

I’ve written elsewhere in this blog about the power of thought to create real things in the outer world. Some call it the Law of Attraction. Some call it Creating Reality. Thought is powerful and creative because it rides on will. A thought without a strong intention, without passion behind it, is nothing but a pipe dream. A thought infused with will is a force to be reckoned with.

Determined thought or intention moves the machinery of the universe, not only on the gross level but at the subtlest level of life. Quantum physics talks about the intention of scientists in experiments determining the path taken by quantum particles. This isn’t just a theory, or feel-good pretending: it’s scientific fact.

In your own life, think about the times you’ve accomplished something, or someone you know accomplished something. Compare that to the times you didn’t accomplish. Was not will the differentiating factor? When you succeeded, was it not because you refused to have it any other way?

Some time ago I was an activist on a neighborhood project attempting to  save our town from encroachment by a powerful government agency with destructive designs. There were several people at the helm, organizing the fight. I’ll never forget one day when one of them told me, with the utmost determination and confidence, that the agency would without a doubt be defeated. This was at a time in the campaign when everything looked like the agency would win.

Lynn is a spiritual woman with a high degree of personal will and empowerment. She had made up her mind that the plan would be defeated, and that was the end of it. It was simply a done deal. Not just a done deal in her mind, but a done deal in the real world. She had decided it so, with all the passion and confidence she possessed. This beautiful person understood the power of her own determination. She fully got that if she made up her mind that the agency could not have her home, then it could not take it. She knew she had the right and power to decide whether to concede it to them.

I knew in that moment, from the way she said it, that she had created the defeat of the agency. All the motions we all went through from that point onward were merely the denouement, the winding up of the story. The outcome had already been decided. This master of reality had made up her mind that the bullying stopped at her front door, and it did.

We’re so much more powerful than we realize. Mothers with will in gear have lifted automobiles off their trapped children. Prisoners with will have broken out of impossible-to-escape prison camps (see the movie Rescue Dawn for one such remarkable true story). We all know someone who with the confident innocence of determined desire succeeded in something the world considered impossible. We think of them as exceptional, but the only difference between them and the rest of us is that they access a faculty that most of humanity doesn’t remember it possesses.

I’m working on building my will. When I find something in my life I don’t like  – a situation, a negative habit – I now say to myself, “I don’t accept this.” I say it with confidence and a sense of being finished. I may not know at the time how I’m going to get out of the thing that has bound me, but the ropes begin to loosen the moment I make the decision that I’m done. Circumstances develop from that point onward that bring about the end of the thing I want rid of. It’s quite dramatic sometimes, even miraculous. Other times, it’s gradual and subtle. Always it works.

I build my will in little things and in so doing develop my confidence in taking on matters of substance. I fully believe if the time comes when I face someone demanding I get vaccinated or microchipped, I will spontaneously access the power to make them leave me in peace.

I remember the moment in the first Star Wars where Obiwon waves his hand in front of an Empire cop, and the dazed guy lets him pass. And the moment in the book/movie, The Education of Little Tree, where officials come to drag the boy to a reservation school, but the granddad sees them coming from the hilltop; he and the boy are safe in the woods every time the would-be enslavers come to their door (another great true story).

Those who are afraid (and do not master their fear) that they will be sent to FEMA camps or killed, are creating being sent to FEMA camps or killed.  Those who believe global tyranny is a done deal are creating experiencing global tyranny. By passively accepting the horrendous as inevitable, the passive aspect of our own will kicks in to allow it, stamping the plans of the tyrants with our own personal seal of permission.

We live on the Earth at this time because we chose to be here. We allowed it, we willed it. Perhaps we did that so we might experience the drama of bullies and bullied being played out in the extreme, as it is being played out today. Perhaps we wanted the stakes to be this high in order to jog our will awake, so we might become at last fully human, fully empowered, reality creators, masters of living.

We are only victims if that’s how we perceive it. We can take the bull by the horns, take charge of any situation. No one ever does anything to us that we don’t on some level allow. Allowing can be as simple as believing there’s no way out. It can be as simple as fear, or any other form of helpless acceptance.

What happens in our future is up to no one but us. The rest of the world can do what it likes, experience what it wants to, for its own ultimate freedom and wisdom. But no one can force anyone to be a slave who does not accept it. Whatever your fellows choose to do, you are safe and free if you determine to be.

But can your choice for personal freedom help save the world from the New World Order? I think it’s the only thing that can save it. But that’s the subject for another article.

Bronte Baxter

Anyone may copy or republish this article as long as they include a link back to this site at

© Bronte Baxter 2009

‘Journey of Souls’ Enlightens in Spite of Itself

I received an interesting comment today on my old article Creating Reality through Thought: Why It Works, When It Fails, How to Fix It. I thought I’d share the letter and my response to it here.

The reader writes:

“The problem with the “Law of Attraction” is that it doesn’t qualify itself in terms of where and what circumstances it will work or not work. Let us take just a couple examples.

“a) Say someone throws a lot of gasoline on you and lights you on fire and you suffer horrendous burns

“b) Say you were covertly given a bioagent that sent you through convulsions, neurotoxins affecting your ability to think and enormous pain all over your body

“c) Let’s say you were in pakistan having a nice day and suddenly a group of men abducted you. Next thing you knew you were in guantanamo Bay facility being tortured for being a suspected terrorist ( of couse they knew you weren’t but they don;t care). The men who abduxted you of course got paid for bringing them some “terrorist fodder”

“Will the Law of Attraction help you? Could you implement it under those circumstance during the events and after? Would you conclude that your thoughts created and allowed the whole scenario?

“Bronte wrote:

“Looking back on our childhood, or on incidents of victimization in our lives, we may find it hard to believe our thoughts either created or allowed the whole scenario.

“For some people … yeah. For others … no way. There is something very wrong with this concept. I’m pretty sure that if I knew what I knew many decades back about this planet, I would not reincarnate on this planet. Whatever bad one can say about the New World Order, one can say much worse about most of the human cattle they manage. The Stanley Milgram experiments put most of the human population at the same mentality as the New World Order. The only difference is that one is smarter than the other.

“Also, without the mindless humans, the New World Order management strategies would fail. The bulk of the human population has more in common with the NWO than the NWO would ever want to admit. So I could imagine most people wanting to come back to this hell hole called earth.

“Bronte wrote:

“But if we’re willing to let go of the karma doctrine long enough …

I threw karma crap in the basket. it takes mindless sheep to swallow that absurd concept.

“Dr. Michael Newton’s “Journey of Souls”

I read the book and found it pushing more spiritual enslavement. I threw my copy away so can only reference it by memory. It talks about “guides,” “teachers,” “councils,” etc., just another upper-echelon power structure. The entire book also shows spirits disconnected from earth reality.

Bronte responded to the reader:

First, about Newton’s book. Yes, it does talk about “guides” and celestial “councils” that help us decide the direction of our next incarnation. And of course those all represent enslavement and manipulation. The value of the book is that it makes that manipulation more obvious.

For those who haven’t read it, “Journey of Souls” is a set of transcriptions that Newton (a regression therapist) made during his conversations with hypnotized subjects whom he regressed back to the “between-life space,” the place where we allegedly go to between incarnations or lifetimes. Subject after subject reported similar experiences of the afterlife, whether they believed in life after death or not prior to being regressed by Newton.

Of course we have only his word for this. But taken together, the transcripts are worth some serious considering. They appear to represent people’s subconscious memories of how they planned the events of each subsequent reincarnation.

The transcripts show humans as having a choice but preferring to create suffering and chaos for ourselves in each new life because we think that will “purify our souls” of our past bad tendencies or actions. Apparently those who run the world that is the between-life space have people believing those lies there, just as religions have us believing the same lies here.

According to the book, people are assigned a “council of three” elders who are members of the larger “council of elders” who are at the top of the hierarchy in the afterlife. This “gentle and loving” smaller council works to steer the soul into plans for its reincarnation that will be to the soul’s “spiritual benefit.” That’s as far as Newton’s book takes it, because Newton is blind to the New World Order conspiracy.

Those of us aware of the New World Order agenda read the book from a very different perspective than the one the author wrote it from. We are given a window into how the manipulation of souls takes place in the nether world, and why we encounter spontaneous mishaps and disasters in this one.

It is because we ourselves planned it, set it up before we born, according to the transcripts’ uncovered memories. We created events on the time line that would cause us suffering in this life, thinking those would make us wiser and better spiritually.

This explains the reason for the three kinds of scenarios you listed at the top of your comment, the kind of horrible events that strike us out of the blue, that we were not desiring – things that appear to “just happen.” The truth is, they don’t “just happen.” They happen because we allowed them. Not consciously in this life, but in the pre-life place where we set them up as part of what we would experience here.

If the soul feels it is guilty (and what soul does not?), that soul will most likely set up an experience of self-punishment in this world to cleanse itself of its “bad karma.” You and I agree that karma is a story fed to us to keep us enslaved, a doctrine that when accepted always creates more suffering. The incessant suffering supplies our upline, the Fourth Dimension energy vampires, with food. That’s why they assign us a “council of elders” to “help” us design each lifetime to be studded with bad things.

It’s supposed to purge the soul, but it does not. It makes us sadder, more hurt, weaker. More prone to further manipulation and still another lifetime filled with even more “lessons to learn” and “sins to be punished.”

There’s no end to the cycle until we consciously break it. And this is what the knowledge of our power to create our own reality allows us to do. Bad things may still strike us out of the blue until we fully wake up and reprogram our pre-life plans for our future. But even disasters do hit, we have the power to get out of our fixes by using our current choices (intent), visualization, and control of our thoughts to extract ourselves.

In another article, I write about the true story of Dieter, an American navy pilot who was shot down in Viet Nam and found a way of out a seemingly impenetrable prison camp, when all his fellow POWS said it was impossible. (This story is told in the excellent movie, “Rescue Dawn.”) Dieter did the impossible that no one else could do, and lived to tell about it. Why did he succeed, when all his fellows died? Because he alone had the mindset that insisted on life, on freedom, on escape. The others were controlled by the hopelessness engendered by their external circumstances.

So we can choose which way we will live in any unfavorable circumstance: we can get ourselves out of the fix, or let it beat us. When we tackle the job in front of us, not only can we influence/change any problem, but committing ourselves to such action cultures the kind of consciousness we’re trying to return to. It makes us heroes. A hero isn’t a victim.

As far as your assessment of humanity goes, you appear to be a fatalist and misanthrope, my friend. You despise people, but you are one of the people yourself. Yes, we’ve grown very stupid and sheeplike, but this is the time for us to wake up to that and reverse that. By taking back the power of our minds.

You are an intelligent person, but caught in the web they’ve spun for us. They win, when you only go as far in your thinking as you do. And if they can instill the intelligent with hopelessness, it’s easier to control the less intelligent, because those who would normally wake up first and sound the alarm to the rest, instead wake up and say, “Look at you stupid idiots. You deserve it.”

I think your mind is aware but your spirit is limping. Pick yourself up and recognize your power, instead of complaining about how lousy it is, and holding yourself superior to the rest. That kind of attitude feeds right into their plans for swallowing all consciousness in their massive maw. If they succeed in that, we’ll experience the implosion of the universe. We can’t afford to remain either depressed or arrogant.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

Handling Our Fear

A reader sent me this note today, and I’m sharing what she wrote along with my response because many people new to the conspiracy experience the same challenges as this young person. Feel free to add your own thoughts and suggestions in the comment section. Here is what R. wrote:

“I’ve only recently discovered this whole NWO conspiracy, and I’m sorry, but I’m terrified. Reading up on the inner workings of the Illuminati and their methods of brainwashing has shown me exactly what we’re dealing with, and I’m finding it hard not to be scared. The fact that I’m 16 means I don’t get taken seriously.

“Many people posting here talk about the universe and all this stuff. Astral projection gets mentioned a fair bit on other sites. There seems to be a very spiritual element to the Resistance that I can’t seem to tap into, and I think that if I could, I’d be less afraid. I’m Catholic, but you guys talk about higher selves and stuff. It sounds interesting. So what I’m asking is, is it possible for me to discover this thing that you guys have? Because I’ve been trying to do the astral projection thing and it hasn’t worked yet. I don’t know how else to get rid of my fear.”

R., I recommend you read David Icke’s book, “Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else I Illusion” and (after that) Neville’s “The Law and the Promise.”

I empathize with how you’re feeling. I think it’s a stage we all go through in the awakening process. You have to be a little careful though, because fear can be manipulated. There are bazillions of spiritual teachers out there who will be glad to give you a ticket to a euphoric state in exchange for your spiritual sovereignty. Stay away from them.

You have everything you need within you to take care of yourself, because the Infinite Consciousness is within you, and it is all loving and all-powerful. In fact, it’s not just in you, it is what you are by nature, at your root. Your individual consciousness (what you usually think of as yourself) is a localized expression of that vaster consciousness that knows no lack or danger, because it is the oneness at the heart of all creation, a field of harmony where all things can be created or reconciled.

When you bring your awareness inward by sitting quietly and focusing your attention on attention itself (on the mind that is thinking all the thoughts), you focus on the consciousness that is the core of your being. It’s a simple thing, like being in a movie and shifting your attention from the movie to the movie screen underneath. You will slip into a deeper state of awareness when you do this, which is very peaceful and rejuvenating. It’s a way of connecting with your inner Infinity. Fear goes away when you do that, and things that looked insurmountable before appear in a different perspective.

The spiritual teacher circuit will tell you that to do this thing (which is a matter of just shifting your attention from the outer expression of who you are to the inner levels of yourself), you need a guru or a mantra or chants or a guide or some other kind of disempowering nonsense. It isn’t true. All you need is a chair, some quiet time, closed eyes, and the intent to focus attention on what’s behind the thoughts. It’s no harder than switching the channel on a radio. You’re just tuning into another frequency of your own being.

This kind of practice, which many people engage in for a few minutes daily (I like to do it right when I wake up), is very empowering. So is creating from that space, through intentional constructs of thought. You do this by imagining on whatever it is you desire (from that deep, quiet place). Neville’s book goes into detail on how to do this, as does my article Creating Reality through Thought.

When you get into fear, say to yourself, “I happily disconnect myself from all predatory entities, energies and influences.” That will help a lot in ridding yourself of any outside psychic influences that could be fueling your fear. Read my articles in the blog category “Psychic Predation and Protection” for more about this. There are negative beings on the astral level who look for opportunities to feed destructive thoughts into people’s minds, exacerbating their fear, anger, or whatever negative emotion they may have fallen into. Severing the connection by ordaining that they leave simply gets rid of them.

Ultimately, consciousness is creative, self-empowered. It (you) gets to decide what happens in its experience, and it creates new things, solutions, new experiences.

Consciousness is a force that cannot be killed or cut up. It is eternal. YOU are eternal, not just as the Isness at your core but in your unique personhood. God didn’t create us, or this world, so that it could be destroyed by Its more goofed-up children. We are in the end stages of the goofed-up children running the show. It’s a bit of a bumpy ride, but when this is over, it will be a different world. Ride out the storm, and when you get over your fear stage, join in the effort to save the human race from those who would like to totally enslave it. You do this by spreading information to help more people recognize the global agenda.

We are each expressions of God in this world, and it’s through us, consciously connected with God (the Infinite), that the world will be set right, perhaps for the first time in its history. Take heart, my friend. It is a grand adventure we signed up for, and we all are in this story together.


Affirmations for Freedom and Empowerment

Here are some affirmations I wrote that I use to create reality around the issues we’re collectively facing today . After my last article on the Law of Attraction, I thought some readers might find them useful.

Bronte Baxter

I happily disconnect myself along with all I hold dear from the influence of any and all predatory, invasive and destructive entities, energies, programs, substances, particles, vibrations and thoughts.

I establish protection around myself and all I hold dear that shields us from any and all predatory, invasive and destructive entities, energies, programs, substances, particles, vibrations and thoughts.

All humanity awakens from its hypnosis and perceives the truth of the human predicament. All people awake to the truth, find courage, and take the actions necessary to retrieve their souls and their freedom. We reclaim the world from those who enslaved it and forgive all past atrocities. We take the harmonious action required to make Earth free from predation forever.

I courageously speak the truth about the global conspiracy, both its material and spiritual aspects, with clarity, evidence, hope, patience, and simplicity. My words are inspired by the Infinite and open the minds and eyes of the people I talk to. I am protected from all harm as I do this.

I disconnect myself from the program-grid created and controlled by mankind’s adversaries. I connect and fully align myself – body, mind, and personal soul – with Infinite First Consciousness thriving within me. I align myself fully with Its original, glorious, joyous, loving vision for creation and for my life. Disharmony totally falls away from my body, mind and spirit. My entire being resonates in the frequency of Infinite First Consciousness.

I possess and manifest all I require to take care of myself and those I hold dear and to thrive in these challenging times. I fulfill my purpose in coming here. I help restore the world to the original, joyous vision of Infinite First Consciousness. Through all my thoughts and activities, I remain hopeful, confident, happy and empowered. I open myself to direction from the Infinite. I ask for guidance and help from those beings in the unseen who genuinely work for the freedom, harmony and happiness of all beings.

Infinite First Consciousness extends its love and humanity’s into the hearts of all predators, changing their desires into freedom and brotherhood for all. Mankind takes back its conscious power of choice and self-determination.

Truth is emerging. Humanity is awakening. The controllers are retreating. The predators are rehabilitating. Hierarchy dissolves. Sustainability thrives. The nightmare ends. The dance of joy begins.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site.

Enlightenment: From Siphoning to Assimilation

By Bronte Baxter

The world’s religions have changed from their ancient demands for blood sacrifice to their modern insistence on a more personal commitment to the divine. Blood provided life-force renewal to the interdimensional predators who call themselves the gods. But blood-on-demand is nothing in “loosh quality” compared to willing, devoted worship. Robert Monroe was told as much in his encounter with the light being (see my two last articles).

Yet there is another, more insidious reason why the ancient religions, which taught fear of God, have morphed into modern religions and spiritual practices that teach surrender or love of God. The reason concerns free will. If that deeply human element can be won over, if the heart and ability to choose can be wholly offered to “the divine,” those on the receiving end no longer have to siphon humans for their energy, they can simply assimilate us. We become one with their system, with their collective consciousness. Our personal energy signature – the soul or ego, individual self– that which makes us creative, original, reasoned, deliberate beings of action – that is taken from us. Or more precisely, we give it away.

We give ourselves to “the divine,” and in so doing, align our personal frequency with those who have fed on humans since the dawn of history. We become entrained with them, like a tuning fork that hums the pitch of the humming forks around it or a soldier that marches in step with his army. As in the military, the surrender of personal choice results in a strengthening of the collective. Soldiers fall out of step when they cross a bridge, because the power of marching in unison is great enough that it could break the structure. Assimilation strengthens the collective that is the gods.

If the “Star Trek” image of The Borg comes to mind, the parallel is not inappropriate. The Borg in the sci-fi TV series were a civilization of beings half biological and half cyber. Like a hive, they were ruled by a central queen, whose will ran the collective. They thrived by discovering new planets and assimilating their inhabitants. Assimilation was accomplished by mind-controlling a person and then inserting, in place of the individual’s mind, the mind of The Borg. The victim’s will became the will of The Borg, his actions entrained, like an ant’s, to work for the collective’s purpose.

Cosmic consciousness is not what we are told: a state where the individual mind merges with its own interior pure consciousness. Cosmic consciousness (“enlightenment” or “Brahman”) is a fusing of one’s personal self with the force that has hijacked the universe.

We can reason that the Infinite Source of all the egos in the universe must be an unlimited consciousness of love, life, joy, creativity and immortality. It knows no destruction or death, either for Itself or its children. Why would a self-fulfilled, joyous being want to make individuals that don’t share in and express Its own qualities?

Brahman is quite different than this original entity. Brahman is the consciousness that enfolds the physical universe, spitting out supernovas and destroying them with all their attendant life forms. We are told Brahman is the creator, the maintainer, and the destroyer. Brahman is that consciousness that feeds and depends on physical matter, creating and devouring it at will, as humans breed then slaughter animals on a farm for food. When meditators have cosmic visions of themselves as all the universe, this is the consciousness they identify with. By uniting with and surrendering to it as their Higher Self, they become possessed by the entities who have taken charge of (and perhaps created) the physical universe.

I remember a chilling moment in a videotape of the popular spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, where he describes the movement of the”Presence” in the world. He reaches out a long arm and makes a swooshing sound with his mouth, drawing the arm back in. Then he makes a swipe in the air with his other arm, then the first one again. That’s Consciousness, he tells us, creating then sucking back in life form after life form. That is what Tolle has aligned himself with, the Presence that creates and destroys individual life.

A loving and unlimited creator of individual awareness would not create life forms only to destroy them. That is the act of a farmer, not of an artist or innovator. Creative people don’t make things in order to feed off their creations. They make things to express what’s inside them: the joy or beauty or humor or wisdom. We know this from our own life experience.

Happy people create good things around them, and cherish and take care of those things. They don’t decide to blow them up or devour them. If we as humans naturally behave like that, how could the Infinite Being from whose cloth we were cut, think and behave like a savage? How could It be unfeeling or uncaring, when we by nature are feeling and caring? How could the children be greater in character than their own Creator? It’s not a very reasonable premise.

It cannot be God, in the sense of a supreme consciousness, that requires sacrifice, worship, surrender of ego and ultimate physical death. That can only be the agenda of limited spiritual beings, who see the manifest universe as their playground. They are the playground bullies. They have convinced everyone that they by rights run the show and that they even created the show.

I remember Tolle’s story of his “awakening.” After suffering for years from severe depression, he decided he would commit suicide, at which point he felt an energy vortex sucking him in and heard the words “Resist nothing.” He blacked out and when he awoke, the world was fresh and new. He was a man without depression, without desires, without thoughts. He was a clean machine, devoid of his former sense of personal self. From that day on, he has moved through physical reality without an ego. “Life” moves through him, he says, and he identities that “wholeness” as his Self.

But Tolle’s wholeness is a small particle in the vastness of the Infinite. It is not the Infinite, however much he believes it must be. Brahman is not Infinite; it is the collective consciousness of the material universe, which embraces good and evil, birth and death, as equal in value. The consciousness of the Infinite surely never intended suffering or death for its children.

Tolle, like the enlightened guru-followers, has accepted all that happens in this world, horrendousness included, as the wonderful will of the divine. He regards what happened to him the night of his transformation as an awakening to the highest truth. I suggest what he awoke to was assimilation of his will, his personhood, all that made him uniquely human. He became a vessel for the voice that told him, “Resist nothing” – words that eerily echo the voice of The Borg, telling its victims the moment before assimilation: “Resistance is futile.”

Brahman, what Tolle calls “Presence,” does bring euphoric peace to the experiencer. The grave is peaceful, too, but I wouldn’t want to spend time in one. There is peace when an individual surrenders their personal self. Gone is the responsibility of making choices, of finding motivation, of coming up with creative solutions. Gone is the need to think and the sting of emotional repercussions from former bad decisions. The enlightened need to do nothing, say nothing, become nothing. But to achieve that iced-over state of detachment, that cosmic disassociation, they must sacrifice the most precious thing they have ever been given: their personal divine spark. The enlightened willfully self-implode. And God’s very purpose for making them, as a unique, personal expression of Itself, gets subverted.

Surely we were meant to be more than automatons, possessed zombies, walking around the earth while something else moves through us. Surely God’s plan was not for Its creatures to become mindless robots, with glassy grins and empty hearts, who regard suffering and happiness, death and life, as all the same in value. Surely there is something beyond what the gurus teach as the ultimate, Something that celebrates, supports and cherishes each being It ever created, that desires them to live forever and in harmony and joy, as Itself lives.

The gods have not stopped living off human sacrifice. The rules of the game have only changed a little. Blood-on-demand is not as delicious as the willing offering of a human soul. Siphoning is evolving into assimilation. This is the tyranny of One, the reason the New Age teaches that awakened consciousness means seeing “small self” as illusion and “Cosmic Self” or “the One,” as the true reality. The intent is to fuse all egos into the will of the One, the will of the Overmind.

The gods are masquerading as Cosmic Self. We either open our minds and recognize our programming, and reason our way out of this snare, or we grin like foolish children and follow the Pied Piper right into the maw of the mountain. Will we choose to amalgamate or to shoulder the burden and joy of becoming conscious, empowered individuals? The fate of the universe rests on our decision.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site.

The Forgotten Key to Freedom

Let’s talk more about loosh. If you haven’t read my article, “Tracking the Crack in the Universe,” that’s the foundation for what we’ll talk about here, so check out that last blog before you continue. For readers who have completed “Loosh 101,” this is “Loosh 102.”

The concept of loosh, in my opinion, holds a major clue to human freedom. What is loosh, as it was described to Robert Monroe? It is a kind of energy that animals and humans generate in situations that involve two things: an intense desire plus a negative emotion. In the last article I equated loosh with “life force,” but when loosh arises in the harvestable form, it is laced with some form of negativity: fear (in the example of a mother defending her young), sadness or hopelessness (in the example of a lonely person), fear again (in the example of prey/predator combat). So how do we explain this? Life energy isn’t negative, so what really is loosh?

It seems to me loosh is a strong inrush of vital energy caused by a strong desire in the individual experiencing it. It’s that adrenaline surge you feel in a fight-or-flight situation. But it’s more than a chemical, because we are told loosh is also generated in a situation like a lonely person pining, where no adrenaline is involved. In both cases, there is a common element: a strong emotional desire. Negativity seems to be what makes the harvesting possible, but it is not the loosh. It’s something that sometimes laces loosh, and its presence is necessary for access to the substance by interdimensional energy-eaters. Negativity is not the essential emotion but an overlay emotion, and when it is present, it creates a drain on the inrush of vital energy.

Let me explain more concretely. Whenever we have a strong desire without tangential feelings of fear, sadness, remorse, etc., what do we experience? A surge of life, a re-charge. We say “I’m pumped” or “I’m psyched.” We feel power. But when we have a strong desire accompanied by the negative emotions, that’s another story. Then our strong desire seems to churn inside us, causing anguish. In the first case, our life energy is infused into us from somewhere. In the second case, it’s being infused and at the same time being drained away. Hence no re-charge.

Negative emotions come from an attitude, a decision that has been struck by a very deep part of us, the subconscious mind. The subconscious decision behind a negative emotion like fear or sadness is something like “This won’t work,” “I can never have it,” “I’m sure to fail.” Self-messages from the deep influence what happens to us in outer, material reality. If we’re engaged in combat, a self-defeating attitude determines that we lose. If we’re trying to create something nice, this attitude jinxes us. If we have a fabulous dream, a negative subconscious decision ordains that the dream remains a wish and never becomes reality.

Negative self-talk, which results from self-doubt on the subconscious level, also opens the door to being harvested. When the subconscious has decided that we can’t get what we want, that we will fail, that fundamental ruling relinquishes the reins that control our destiny, in spite of the positive thoughts we may be consciously thinking. Self-doubt puts the outcome of any endeavor on the cosmic “freebie shelf,” where anyone who wants can come and take it over. That’s the reason behind the expression, “Victory belongs to the most committed.” The individual with the least negative self-talk about a competitive outcome wins, because that is the person with the fewest internal obstructions to manifesting their desire.

Negative self-talk makes it possible to be defeated by an opponent with a more user-friendly subconscious. It also opens the door for trawling psychic entities, like “the gods” or Monroe’s “light being,” to lap up the influx of energy that our strong desire has instigated. No such in-road exists when a strong desire is accompanied by a determined intention. The energy drain only happens when negative self-talk contaminates the process of strongly desiring something. Then the tears come, or the sadness, or the fear or the outrage, and that self-undermining mindset that shouts “I can’t do this!” shoots a hole in our manifestation, letting the wonderful energy drain away to benefit those who know how to cart it away and make use of it. Did they steal it, these loosh harvesters? Actually, they didn’t. We gave them permission subconsciously. We said “I can’t handle this,” so somebody else decided. That’s what happens when you put your life or desires on the freebie shelf of the universe.

To put this in a nutshell:

· Strong desire + authoritative intent = influx of life energy stored (spiritual empowerment)

· Strong desire + self-defeating attitude = influx of life energy siphoned (spiritual harvesting)

What’s emerging from this picture is that intent is everything. Intent is the reverse side of permission. Holding a determined intention is the key to both success in a given situation and to personal empowerment from that situation, while having a weak intent (a desire polluted by self-doubt) is tantamount to permission for someone else to step in. This spills the life energy and places the key to a situation’s outcome into the hands of something outside ourselves.

Let’s look at this from another angle. What is that inrush of energy you feel when you have a powerful desire, the kind that’s uncorrupted with negative mind chatter? When you get that flush of inspiration, that idea of something wonderful you could be or do or create or experience, how do you feel? You are flooded with energy and joy. If it happens in the middle of the night, you are up for hours. There’s power in a dream, in a desire. Because dreaming and desiring are – what? – they’re attached to something. They’re like a pipeline, bringing in an unbounded rush of energy. Where does that come from? What is it that such great thoughts tap into? Whatever it is, it seems to be the font of the life force itself. The energy that rushes in from that place is strong enough to empower people to lift cars that have fallen on the body of a loved one. It’s strong enough to give the victory in battle to the physically weaker party.

Quantum physics has revealed that matter is not solid. It’s made up of atoms, which are not particles and waves as we once believed, but waves only. Matter is nothing but vibration: waves in some unseen medium. We could call that unseen “nothingness,” or we could call it “consciousness,” or “energy.” I suggest that consciousness and energy are better names for the material emptiness at the core of physical life, because how can “nothing” manifest as matter and all the varied activity of this world? Surely it’s more reasonable to assume that the energy we see around us comes from a source of energy, rather than from zip. Our experience suggests that we ourselves are linked to a source that is a font of energy, something outside physical matter, something on which matter is predicated.

When we desire something, or dream of something that instills a desire, that need reaches into the deepest part of ourselves, a realm that is a powerhouse of energy and consciousness. Unless we obstruct the natural process by throwing up self-doubt, the Infinite, this powerhouse, responds to our desire like a reservoir responds to an opening pipeline: it rushes in to fill it. That’s why energy suffuses us in our inspired moments and in our crisis moments. We are becoming more powerful, more filled with life, at those times. We are garnering spiritual power. In those moments we are fulfilling the intention of the life force to create and to manifest, and to become a unique embodiment of itself: an empowered creator, making manifest more creation, more expressions of life.

Powerful, authoritative desire is the key to personal empowerment, spiritual empowerment. That’s why those who feed off human life created religious teachings that tell us desire is bad. If we believe it’s bad to want things, our desires will never be powerful, never full of confident intent. They will be wimpy and ridden with self-doubt: just the thing the psychic trawlers like, because then our pipeline to the Infinite has holes in it, making any incoming energy harvestable.

So passion, or what I’ve been calling “authoritative intent,” brings in spiritual power. Self-doubt brings in the harvesters. Loosh is the power of the Source, the power of life. When we access it through desire, it infuses us, unless we let it be drained off by doubting ourselves, by shooting holes in our pipeline.

Intent and permission are reverse sides of will, and will is one of the faculties of personhood. We can give it away through permission, letting our energy be siphoned and our souls assimilated into oneness with the harvesters. Or we can build our will and grow in personal empowerment. We are told that being spiritual means surrendering our ego (our desires and our self-hood). But true spiritual empowerment will never be achieved by bending before the gods in self-abnegation. Spiritual empowerment means living the power of the Infinite as unique expressions of the Infinite, which is what our spirits were long before the gods got hold of us. Long before the creation of this physical universe took place.

Freedom means taking back control of ourselves through will, taking back control of our spirits. It means exercising will to think the thoughts we desire, not the thoughts the trawlers want us to think.

And freedom means much more. It means, through intent, hooking up our bodies to run on the intelligence, love and energy of the Infinite, rather than on the limited grid of DNA. DNA was created by (or at least is currently controlled by) the gods, our harvesters. It is programmed with our decay and death. We can overcome the program by establishing ourselves in our nature as one with our spiritual Source. When we ordain, from our authority as sons and daughters of the Infinite, then the power behind our wishes brings them to fruit, whatever our declaration might be. We can ordain a parking place, or we can ordain a healing, or immortality. We can ordain personal freedom from harassment by purveyors of the global agenda. We can also work together with other awakening creators, and ordain freedom for mankind. Working on behalf of all material creation, we can ordain freedom and happiness for all beings in the physical universe. We can establish material life on a new level, where death, lack and suffering are never part of the picture again. We can claim our own divinity, and oust the regime that controls this dimension. And if we choose to ordain that, we must do it in love and compassion for the trawlers, not in revenge and hate, because a made-new world is no place for negative things.

The harvesters are hungry, like everybody else. The gods are no worse than we are when we eat chicken or beef, or when we set up pens on a farm. They eat our energy because they know no other way to live. Our life force sustains them, while they make us their minions. But just as we don’t need meat to live, just as we can rewire ourselves to live off the power of the Infinite within us, so, too, can these gods. What better way to help them learn to tap their internal spiritual resources than by removing their external food source, rendering ourselves unavailable? When humankind takes back its power and its home in the universe, the psychic vampires will have empty nets from their trawling and will have to look to the same Source we’re being forced to look to for ongoing life.

This learning process, for both mankind and gods, won’t be easy and may not always be pretty. But it’s the door to everyone’s freedom, the door to a new life. We can no longer afford to let paradise remain a metaphysical concept. We have to make it reality. Because it’s the only alternative, at this time in history, to assimilation. Our enemies wish not only to harvest our energy but to assimilate our consciousness, our individual souls. That is their plan with their New World Order, where all will be microchipped servants of global government. That is their plan with a universal religion, where all will surrender their egos and amalgamate into Oneness consciousness: the impersonal consciousness of “enlightenment” – stripped of desires, originality, joy, passion, and the power to choose.

We either let them accomplish this by doing nothing, or we take action now. We pick up the forgotten key to freedom, call it whatever you will: choice, personal will, authoritative intent, impassioned and confident desire. We elect to become the children of the Infinite that we forgot how to be. We take back our birthright as sons and daughters of the original, loving, joyous divine intention.

How will that happen? The Infinite will show the way. Once we hook up our pipeline of desire and shore up the holes of self-doubt – in other words, once we take back our power – Original Consciousness can pump its life into our flagging bodies and spirits once more. With that will come inspiration and ideas. Connections will get made. When that starts happening to enough of us, how can the New World Order do anything but fail?

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site.

Tracking the Crack in the Universe

Did you ever wonder why a good God would build a world where the only way to survive is by taking life? How long would you stay alive if you refused to eat? You may love animals and grow plants inside your home and flowers in your garden, but every time you eat, you destroy the life of something. A something with a consciousness, that feels and desires to live, as we do.

The other day I grabbed an onion from a basket to chop up, and I saw it had sprouted a beautiful, tender, light-green shoot. It had a life inside it, a consciousness that wanted to take root, breathe air and thrive. Any tears in chopping that onion did not come from the fumes.

I’m not a sentimentalist. I’m a person questioning, increasingly aware of an insidious thread woven through biological life. We are born, we feed, and we die. Life is a process of consuming other living things in order to stay alive as long as possible until death in turn consumes us. We tell ourselves life is a whole lot more, but it’s reduced to that as long as we must feed to survive. If we can’t stay alive more than a few months without food, how can eating not be fundamental to how we define our existence?

Eating is a requirement for biological life as we know it. It’s the thread that holds together material existence. More than a thread, it’s a chain, binding us to the law that we must consume each other. Rebelling is punishable by death.

What kind of God or gods would create a world predicated on killing? We don’t like to ask that, and we find every excuse to avoid looking at this question. But every time a dear one dies, or you find a nibbled bird in the yard destroyed by an idle cat, or you read about an animal that has suffered mercilessly, or another molested child, or a nation ravaged by a quake that’s buried thousands of living people, your mind goes back to that nagging question. Who would make a world like this? Was it truly a God of love?

According to much evidence, it wasn’t. The world was created by something else. Or if it was created by the loving God our hearts insist exists, then creation has been tampered with by someone else so merciless that it barely resembles the original divine vision. The biological universe is controlled by the law that to live we must take life or die. That is sinister. Something there is that makes us have to eat, that makes us age and disintegrate. This is the “something wrong with the world,” the crack in the universe. Knowledge of it works “like a splinter in the mind, driving you mad,” quoting “The Matrix.” Yet awakening to the truth of our predicament is the first step toward radical change. Only radical change can possibly right the fundamental flaw woven into physical creation.

And how well-woven it is. Not only does violence wind through the lives of all Earth life like the fibers of a time-bomb attached to a victim. It reaches out into space, where supernovas implode, collapsing millions of stars along with all living beings on all their attendant planets. Death and devouring are so pervasive most people can’t conceive of a world without them, or if they can conceive it, they label the concept preposterous. Yet quantum physics shows that matter is nothing but atoms: emptiness vibrating. Emptiness does not die and neither does the energy it oscillates. So why must bodies die that are made of up of these things?

Robert Monroe, in his book “Far Journeys,” writes of contact he had with a light being in an out-of-body experience. (Monroe is arguably the world’s foremost researcher on OBEs; he started an institute with trainee/researchers to scientifically investigate the phenomenon.) Reportedly the light being told Monroe that when humans die, their energy is released and harvested by trans-dimensional beings, who use it to extend their own life spans. The claim is that the universe is a garden created by these beings as their food source.

According to Monroe’s story, animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and on each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested. In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call “loosh.” Loosh is also harvested from the loneliness of animals and humans, as well as from the emotions engendered when a parent is forced to defend the life of its young. Another source of loosh is humans’ worship.

According to Monroe’s informant, our creators, the cosmic “energy farmers,” intentionally equipped animals with devices like fangs, claws and super-speed in order to prolong predator-prey combat and thereby produce more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more life force is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators.

This story told to Monroe (which threw him into a two-week depression) corresponds to reports in some of the world’s oldest scriptures, the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas of India. There we read that “the universe is upheld by sacrifice” (Atharva Veda) and that “all who are living (in this world) are the sacrificers. There is none living who does not perform yagya (sacrifice). This body is (created) for sacrifice, and arises out of sacrifice and changes according to sacrifice.” (Garbha Upanishad)


“(Death as the Creator) resolved to devour all that he had created; for he eats all. . . He is the eater of the whole universe; this whole universe is his food.” (Mahabharata)

In the writings of Carlos Castaneda, who chronicles the life and teachings of a Yaquii sorcerer called Don Juan, we find another story of the Divine devouring humans, in this case human consciousness. Reports Castaneda:

“The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle’s beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for awareness is the Eagle’s food. The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things.” (“The Eagle’s Gift,” by Carlos Castaneda)

The idea that man must sacrifice (must kill something or be killed in order to appease the gods) is apparently intrinsic to all the world’s root religions. We find blood ritual, including human sacrifice, in the Druidic tradition, Tibetan Buddhism, among the Indians of the Americas, in Greece and Rome, Africa, China, Arabia, Germany, Phoenicia and Egypt. Even the Old Testament (Judges 11:31-40) has a little-advertised story of human sacrifice, with the Israelite judge Jephthah ritually slaughtering his own daughter to fulfill a vow he made to Jehovah.

While we may not think of Judaism as typically promoting human sacrifice, it more than promoted it if we count the genocide Jehovah demanded of the Hebrews. In one day alone, they murdered 12,000 Canaanites “and utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword.”(Joshua: 6:21)

In Islam, the situation is similar. Allah, while paying lip service to the immorality of human sacrifice, orders his servants in the Koran to practice jihad against all unbelievers. “When the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.” (Koran: 9:5)

Peace-loving Moslems interpret such passages as “symbolic” in their desire to justify their faith, much as Christians try to justify Jehovah’s sociopathic behavior with excuses. In many ways, the god of Islam reasons and rants like the god of the Israelites. Could it be the same entity? It isn’t contradictory that he would support two separate peoples, then lead them to fight each other. Not if his agenda is to stimulate and harvest plenty of loosh.

Christianity, the religion of brotherly love, is implicated in blood sacrifice by being rooted in the Jewish tradition. The Bible declares Jesus is the son of God (Jehovah), and Jehovah announces at Jesus’ baptism, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.” (Matthew: 17:5) Where was Jesus when his father was slaughtering the Canaanites? Jesus himself becomes a blood sacrifice, a fact that Catholics reenact in the mass and that Protestants bathe themselves in to be “saved.” Christians are no strangers to sacrifice.

If suffering and death were part of creation that no one, including the gods, could help, there’d be some reason to be more forgiving. I might even buy the story that they need us to support them with our homage and we need them to keep the universe running. But when you add blood sacrifice into the equation, I abandon ship. It’s one thing if the gods can’t prevent earthly suffering and death – quite another if they seek it out and thrive from it or worse yet, created it. And that’s what blood sacrifice, and the scriptures around it, indicate.

When the oldest scriptures of the world tell us we were created as food for the gods, I have to ask myself if I want to live in a universe where that might be true. The fact is, I don’t. I can no longer give my approval to that kind of reality. So if I won’t live with it, I have to come up with something better. I have to find something more fundamental than the physical universe to locate my identity in, and my power in. I sense, as many do these days, that there’s something beyond the universe as it has been presented to us, something outside this box, outside this system. That’s what I seek to know, connect with, and draw from.

Robert Morning Sky, a truth seeker of the Hopi and Apache traditions, tells a story he learned from his people about a race of beings who knew no limitations, who existed far outside this physical universe. One day one of them declared his intention to visit Earth and take on a body just for the adventure of it, for the experience. His friends cautioned him, as this universe had a reputation as amnesia-producing, a place of no return. But the entity laughed that off and promised to come back after one lifetime.

Centuries passed, and the entity never came home. One of his comrades decided to enter the physical world to go look for his friend. He promised not to get lost in matter and to return with the other individual. More centuries passed, and neither being returned. So another immortal entered physical mass, and he also never came back. In time many members of these unlimited beings incarnated in human form, and the story goes, none of them yet has gone home.

Maybe we are those people, starting to remember who we are. Maybe it’s time to break out of the hypnosis we’ve lived under for eons, the unquestioned assumptions that we must kill and eat, suffer and die, live in lack and sadness, and undergo all the human drama as it has been defined for us.

Is it insane to think that humans can beat the system? That we could make a choice to stop the activities that supply our up-line with fuel? That we could minimize even stop our own refueling from the life force of creatures lower than us on the food chain? Is it madness to think that our bodies, made of undying energy, could themselves not have to die, that we might learn to live on the power of infinite consciousness, which we can access within ourselves, being part of it?

While some may call that madness, I prefer it to the world I see around me. I certainly prefer it to death. I prefer it to loss of my dear ones, and to sickness and poverty. The greatest experiment mankind can engage in is mastery of the principles of freedom, creation, abundance, and immortality. We’re wearing body suits that in 70-some years of use are programmed to self-destruct. What could be more important than changing that programming?

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna warns: “He who does not follow the wheel thus set revolving lives in vain.” The wheel is the cycle of birth and death, karma and retribution, human sacrifice and divine blessing. To rebel against this system is to fail in our life purpose as defined by those who say they are our creators and gods. But surely life was meant to be more than dinner for the next rung up on the food chain. If “living in vain” means breaking out of that, I’m all for that kind of failure.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site.

Readers Challenge, Bronte Responds

I’ve been getting some interesting email in response to the recent articles on TM and “the gods.” Some bring up some interesting objections that I’d like to respond to here.

· “The idea of vampire-like psychic forces feeding on humans seems, to say the least, a bit far-fetched.”

It’s only far-fetched if you believe two things: that humans are the end of the food chain and that all there is of reality is perceivable by the human senses.

Why would humans be the end of the food chain? Why would we assume the buck stops here?

Isn’t it somewhat arrogant to assume that something can’t exist just because our eyes can’t see it? That’s a little like the ostrich believing an approaching enemy has ceased to exist because when her head is stuck in the sand, the predator is invisible.

The human eye perceives only a small frequency range of the known electro-magnetic spectrum. We have no first-hand perception of anything that may exist in the ranges of infrared, x-ray, gamma ray, ultraviolet, or bands of energy beyond those that we aren’t even aware of. It’s ethnocentric to think life exists only within the range of visible light. That’s rather like saying you can’t believe life could exist on the trillions of other planets, that life is unique to Earth (just because you this is where you happen to live).

But back to the food-chain. The scriptures of every religion say, virtually or literally, that God/ the gods need humans for food. Every religion I’ve researched historically required blood sacrifice, including human sacrifice. Jehovah, in Leviticus, speaks of “the aroma of the sacrifice” being pleasing to God. I suggest that “aroma” is the suffering of the victim. While Jehovah did not require human sacrifice on a physical alter, he ordered the Jews to slay tens of thousands of men, women and children (plus all the people’s livestock) in bloody forrays, that included, at the high point, a second circumcision of the Jewish people. Spilled blood nourishes “the divine.”

The energy in blood is equated with the life force in Chinese medicine: the flow of the Chi is the flow of the blood. Blood sacrifice is required by the gods of every religion because spilling blood is releasing the Chi, the life energy, which they then can assimilate.

Soma is another form (other than blood) that the life force takes, and this, too, is courted by the gods. Maharishi explained Soma as the “ambrosia” or “nectar of the gods” generated in the body during meditation. According to Indian scriptures, it is also engendered through other forms of worship. The gods consume the sacrifice and the gods consume worship as well. Both transfer life energy from the physical dimension to entities dwelling in frequencies beyond the range of visible light.

The only way to call this “far-fetched” is to dismiss every scripture of every culture that’s ever been written as nonsense. You’d also have to trivialize all the evidence of possession and mental illness that exists, and all evidence of psychic phenomena. I realize some people do that, but to me it’s the ostrich again, afraid of looking at what’s going on around us and dealing with it.

· “TM works and you know it, or you wouldn’t have done it all those years. I think you’re just bitter.”

If it works, then why am I bitter? What would I have to be bitter about?

I don’t deny I felt benefits from TM in the beginning. It’s what kept me hanging on so many years. But in time I came to see that the initial pure consciousness TM gave me tastes of was being usurped by something else that was eating up my soul. I was losing “me.”

I had a healthy sense of personal self and recognized the subsuming of it as something negative, so I got out. Some of my dearest friends still see losing “the ego” as spiritual progress, and are tightly caught in the jaws of the invisible beast. There is little left of the people they used to be. They’ve been largely “assimilated.” I hope to help them see this someday and, in seeing, make a willful choice that cuts their link with the devic marauders and reclaims their lost personhood. An intentional rescinding of permission will free them. These friends are one big reason I do this writing.

· “I also quit TM and agree with most of what you write, but I never felt drained from meditation.”

That’s not surprising. How much you notice the siphoning depends largely on how much energy or life force you had to begin with. A farmer milking a cow can’t deplete it too badly, or it won’t provide milk. If you trim a plant down to the nubbins, it may not grow again. Likewise, “the gods” don’t take so much life force or Soma away that it is grossly noticeable in most cases. But the milking is real – it’s even discussed in the scriptures.

People who meditate many hours a day over a period of years (advanced meditators) are the ones most likely to notice negative changes in their lives. If they weren’t very strong to begin with, the life force depletion shows up over time as physical ailments and other maladies. I know one woman who used to be slightly eccentric when we were meditators together 20-plus years ago. As she continued to meditate, she became full-fledged psychotic. Now she spends her life in and out of mental hospitals. This is an example of how weaker people suffer most from the psychic predation.

People with strong, healthy egos are less likely to surrender their individuality to the gods, in spite of mantra-meditating for years. Such people are more or less “failures” in terms of Indianism standards: they don’t reach that “cosmic” state meditators yearn for, but neither do they transmogrify into zombies. Their strong sense of personal self protects them from being psychologically assimilated.

Assimilation, even more than energy siphoning, is the primary danger I perceive in mantra meditation and Eastern religion. It is also, I expect, the real purpose behind mantra meditation.

When a meditator relinquishes the authorship of action and ceases to identify with his thoughts and desires, he thinks he has reached oneness with the Infinite. In reality, he has abdicated his personhood and placed it on the “freebie shelf,” where outside entities are entitled to pick it up and work through it as their instrument. He now channels their will into this world, having given away personal rights to his body, heart and mind. This is called possession, in my book, and it accounts for the other-worldy charisma of “the enlightened.”

Bronte Baxter

Where Have All the Flower Children Gone? Part Two

This is the second article in a two-part series by this title.

Click through at the end of this post to the continuation of the article, or view it in full on the page listed at the left on this screen.

The hippies were an aware generation, on the edge of discovering and achieving remarkable things. Spiritual growth divorced from restrictive religion. A government accountable to the people. Wars that couldn’t happen because kids wouldn’t serve in them. The questioning of authority. Noncompliance with idiocy. Community empowerment through back-to-the-land living and support of local trades and local commerce, breaking the growing stranglehold of Big Business.

The flower children challenged all the assumptions: spiritual, political, social, economic. They asked the big questions and were willing to go to jail for their principles. The hippies knew something was wrong with the world, and even tried to name it: the Establishment, the System. They were so close to the truth that they had to be stopped. Since they couldn’t be stopped, they had to be diverted.

The hippie movement was poisoned from within. Drugs, thrills and depersonalized sex ate away at flower-power vision and resolve. Heads were clouded by pot and heavy metal. Icons announced that getting the latest kick was the way to personal freedom. Drugs weren’t bad – the Establishment only said that to stop our having fun. Drugs would set our mind free. Multi-partnered sex would set our soul free.

The focus turned from activism to pleasure, thrills that never satisfied. We grew bloated with decadence, and longed for a way out. We wanted to be spiritual, but didn’t believe in Jesus. We lost our self-confidence, mourned our lost innocence. If only someone would show us the way back to feeling wonderful again.

That’s where Maharishi found us in the 1960s and 70s when he made his trips to America. He tossed life vests into our turbulent sea. We followed his voice and made it to the shore. We’d be forever grateful.

The hippies could not be allowed to grow into adults and assume responsible places in society. Not without being purged. Our enemies corrupted us, and then we begged for purging. One of their own, Maharishi obliged us. He taught TM to take our “stress” away. We gladly gave it to him. But “stress,” our cares, were attached to our souls. When TM took them away, it took part of us with it. Instead of working our problems through and becoming integrated, we gave them to a mantra, the hypnotic song that transported them, with pieces of our personality, into another dimension.

Is it a stretch to allege that the death of the hippie movement was intentional? A form of cultural genocide? The Establishment lost its critics once the hippies were assimilated. Gone were the voices crying “foul!” and “fraud!” The Establishment and the agenda that drives it wanted the hippie movement killed. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was their henchman … Click here to continue with this article

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