Simplicity and ‘Bluebacks’: Finding the Path Back to a Sustainable Money System

In “Working Girl,” that wonderful film about exploited “little guys” taking back their power, we hear an anecdote that’s relevant to our current financial fix. The story goes that a truck was stuck under an overpass, and none of the authorities called to the scene could figure out a way to get the truck through the tunnel. A little girl in a car that was stalled in line came up with the simple and perfect solution: let some of the air out of the truck’s tires.

Simplicity is usually the place to go for right answers. Our current manipulated financial crisis could actually be solved by a very simple solution. Let the excess air out of the financial system: the air that modern money is mostly made of. Loans that have been generated based on false money (numbers generated on paper checks by banks, money that doesn’t exist) should be considered false loans that need not be paid back.

With this simple new policy, every nation’s national debt would disappear. Personal debt would disappear. Home debt would disappear. We would all be left with what we have, own and use, and it would be legally recognized as ours, not as the property of a bank. National debts would be forgiven because the money given to nations for loans never really existed in the first place.

We would wipe the slate clean and start back at zero. The cash currently in the hands of the public would be the last that is printed. Lending would cease, unless it could be done in cash. Here’s an alternative solution: create bluebacks, a new currency, and make that the new medium of exchange, distributing $10,000 of it as “starter” to every American adult.

We’re told the economy will grind to a halt and a massive depression ensue if the government doesn’t bail out banks so they can keep on lending money. Why? That makes no sense. Why is the ability to lend considered the measure for a healthy economy? Our problem exists because of excess lending. Why is lending necessary to an economy, especially one that’s sick because it’s had way too much of it?

It’s a lie being told us to scare us into thinking we have to accept the scalping they have planned for us with the government bank bailout. Why is human productivity and the exchange of goods and service (the essence of “economy”) dependent on lending? Where is the harm if people produce and trade with the real products they have and can create, instead of trading with the fake “air” money the banks give in loans? The very nonexistent money that has caused our crisis?

How is lending more nonexistent money, or buying up debts of nonexistent money and charging taxpayers for them, going to solve the root of the problem, which is the nonexistent money itself? This “solution” is tantamount to a person who has their bank after them for failure to pay on a loan “solving” their problem by making the delinquent loan payment using a credit card. The banks won’t allow people to do that, because it’s clearly not a solution at all, just a forestalling of the problem. But now on the national level, we’re supposed to accept a similar solution as the panacea that will “save the economy.”

I say, let it fall. Let the false economy fall! Let the loans fall apart, let the big banks fail, let all the sick structure come to pieces. What we’ll be left with is the dollars in our purse or pocket, and the dollars we will earn next week at our jobs. People will pay for things in cash, or by trade or barter – perfectly good systems of exchange that were used for centuries by mankind but that the global elite have conditioned us to regard as impractical or obsolete.

Instead of making the cash in circulation the only official money, we could outdate the current cash and issue a new paper currency — blue dollars instead of green ones. Distribute $10,000 of bluebacks to every American adult ($1,500 for each child) and throw away the old currency, credit cards and debit cards – no longer recognized as money. Only checks and the new cash would be acceptable.

Why would this work? Let’s simplify it to the level of an example. Let’s say Person C needs some writing done and tells me she’ll give me $200 in bluebacks to do it for her. I write up her document, and she gives me her bluebacks. I then turn to you and say I need some hauling done – would you do it for the $200 bluebacks Person C just gave me? You say yes, you do the hauling, and I pay you. You then go to Person C, who knits sweaters, and ask if she will make you one for 200 bluebacks. She says yes, and you get a new sweater. Person C gets 200 bluebacks in exchange – the same 200 bluebacks she gave to me at the start of this example.

What has just transpired? Person C got some writing she needed, I got some hauling I needed, and you got the sweater you needed. We all were able to work, and we all got paid. Money passed around and wound up back where it started, but in the process, three new things were created that helped people: some writing, some hauling and some knitting. This little drama between the three people stimulated production and exchange.

That is the essence of the concept of “economy.” Healthy economy is not lending and creating false money. It’s people working to sustain themselves and to make their lives better, trading services and products they are skilled in for services and products other people are skilled in. That’s what money was all about when it started: it took the place of barter exchange, where I gave you my potatoes in exchange for your eggs.

Money happened because you didn’t need my potatoes but were happy to give me eggs. So instead of potatoes, I gave you a certificate for the equivalent value, and you used it to trade for something you actually needed – milk. The guy you gave my certificate (money) to could later on give it back to me in exchange for my potatoes, or he could give it to someone else in exchange for a different product or service. That’s how money was originally meant to work.

Money, in a sound and safe economy, is always tied to the value of a product or service. It is never created as numbers out of thin air. It is never fake. It always represents the tangible fruits of service and production.

Whether we use our current green cash or institute “bluebacks,” going back to a simple cash system would restore our economy to soundness and sanity. I prefer the idea of bluebacks for one reason: many people, who’ve been living on credit and debit cards, have no cash! How would they live, if cash becomes the only medium of exchange? By contrast, distributing bluebacks, evenly to all people, would be like starting a new Monopoly game: everyone begins equal, with the money they need to continue producing and trading.

In this simple new system, one thing must be outlawed: the creation of fake, fresh-air money. In other words, banks can’t can’t create false money by writing numbers on loan checks representing cash-on-hand that doesn’t exist. Banks, in fact, should not be permitted to write checks again, given the mess the banks and their checks have created. Only individuals should have this right. When a bank wishes to give a loan, they must give it in cold cash. It has the right to charge interest, but cannot lend money it only pretends to have. This will greatly reduce the power of banking institutions, returning them to the simple structures they were in the beginning.

The economy moves when people are moving and working. When they are producing, and sharing the good products of their labor. That’s a strong economy. It’s also called “living.” Creating and enjoying things, and supporting themselves, are spontaneous activities for humans. In our natural state, these things happen unimpeded. In our unimpeded state, “the economy” is strong.

Right now, bankers and governments threaten to impede the simple practice of economy to the point of stopping it. They have actually been impeding it for centuries, through outrageous taxation and in the past decades through outrageous mortgages. People work most of their lives just to pay two things: mortgage and taxes. In Amish societies, a home is a built in a day with the help of neighbors, and it’s yours. No mortgage, no big deal.

Everyone has the right to a home that is theirs, not the property of bankers. Why can the Amish find a way to own a home in a day, while the rest of us take 30 years of mortgage-paying to do it? Why do the bankers own us? Why have we let this situation develop? We are slaves to the moneyed aristocracy, tied to them by loans of fake money that never existed, numbers they wrote on a check to get ownership of our homes.

Bankers have impeded our economy and controlled us for a very long time, but now they threaten to stop our ability to trade entirely (i.e., crash our economy) if legislators don’t bend to their demands that the government swallow up their toxic debts and pass the sickness on to the American people, who already are taxed to the point of bare survival. The intent is to cause another depression, but before that happens, to give the government total control of the economy so the big bank moguls in bed with the government have no competition from smaller banks and credit unions that attempt to truly serve the people.

When the moguls/government leaders have accomplished both total financial control and another great depression, they will offer the solution to the suffering they have caused: their own new currency in the form of a national debit card. They will issue new money, but it won’t be bluebacks that you can exchange freely, that are tied to the tangibles of service and production. Their new money will be numbers on a computer, numbers they can alter to suit their purposes whenever and however they wish. Your money will be whatever it shows on the international computer as your holdings. If they don’t like your politics, they can delete your account. They will monitor everything you buy and spend through your national debit card.

And after you’ve used it a year or so, after they’ve saturated their mainstream media with PR about the wonderful security of having a beneath-the-skin microchip, they will tell you that all debit cards will be worn as microchips in that fashion, to stave off fraud, terrorism and identity thieves. You’ll be told you can store your medical records on the chip, your address (in case you get kidnapped) and other essential personal information.

Voila: we become cyber people, monitored and controlled by the global computer, which of course can send electrical impulses to the chip as easily as it can read one. With this final move by the power elite, we will be owned lock, stock and barrel, down to the level of our bodies. It’s tantamount to the chains they once put on slaves. Only our chains will be worn inside our flesh.

So what are we going to do, Americans? Sit back and let the government stick us with a trillion dollars in debt and tax us to starvation and homelessness? Let them create a depression, and the “solution” in the form of a national I.D./debit card, our only legal means of exchange? And if we allow all that, how will we resist their inserting those I.D.s into our arms whenever they want to? If you don’t permit it, they’ll simply cancel your money account and take your home.

Of course they’ll have all sorts of reasons why the I.D. under your skin is to help you. Just as this government takeover of the American economy is being touted as an act to protect the interests of the people on “Main Street.”

We have to look for the simple solution. We have to simplify, because in simplicity the essentials of anything exist and thrive. We need to ask what a healthy economy truly looks like, not let the moguls define that for us. Then we need to take simple actions to get ourselves back to that.

We will stop borrowing and stop spending beyond our means. Banks and corporations will fail that have been doing those things, and justly so. People who worked for those institutions will start over with enough bluebacks to carry them until they find sustainable jobs, jobs not dependent on the vultures. We’ll return to buying within our community. The toys we lived for that are propped up by the surveillance economy will drop away, and we’ll get back in touch with simple, important things.

Families will have time for each other instead of having to work two jobs and spending all their at-home time just trying to keep up with chores and child-chauffering. Marriages will start to prosper, freed from the stress of the modern insane lifestyle. Kids will start to find fun at home and play with their parents and neighbor kids. People will buy and trade locally, at small independent stores, from small independent farmers and tradespeople. We will learn new skills to replace our lives in the office cubicle/debacle.

Crafted products will return, and pride in a job well done. We’ll have homecooked food (with time to prepare it). Electronic products won’t break in a year and get tossed onto the ocean cesspools. Things will be made to last, and leisure time will develop, as mortgages and outrageous taxes, along with all the corporations that only served their own interests, bite the dust. We’ll have time to explore philosophy and think about higher things, explore potentials of being human we haven’t been able to think about in the exhaustive struggle just to survive. We will enter a new era for mankind.

It will not happen if we roll over and let the bankers and main government leaders (they’re actually the same, if you look at who’s standing in the shadows) bail out the banks at our expense and march us down the road to another depression, along with all its ensuing agenda. We will only see the dawn of a new age if we stand together against the insane, self-serving policies and demand a viable alternative. Bluebacks to save the economy? Why not? It only takes enough people calling for it to make it happen.

The 5% can’t rule the 95% if the 95% stop allowing it. If we get mad enough, and loud enough, and number enough, the insanity will stop and the insane will be ejected from positions of control. One way to start this is to tell our legislators to let the banks tumble, and to institute new money. Can you think of a more crucial or strategic time to take back our power?

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

Anyone may publish this article on another site as long as they include the copyright and a link back to this website at

Wall Street Tsunami: Riding the Wave

It comes as no surprise to Truthers that the global elite are manipulating the markets to create havoc for mankind. But prepared as we are mentally for their shenanigans, emotionally and materially we find ourselves wondering what to feel and what we should do in the current situation.

Here are some thoughts from my corner, starting with material matters first. Buy bullion, and do it now, as much as you can manage. You can transfer it back into cash in a week or two if you want to. But gold and silver (the hard asset version, not gold and silver stocks) will be helpful things to have if 1929 is repeating itself.  In depressions, people trade with gold and silver. Right now people are buying it up like crazy, and you can be sure they plan to buy and sell with it in the event of a crash. So get yourself some.

What assets can you cash out without wrecking your lifestyle if the crash doesn’t occur? Liquidate those and buy gold or silver instead. Don’t liquidate, however, until you have located a source where you can buy bullion. Where I live, the coin shops are sold out, and people are on waiting lists. I tried another city not far from my own, and found a coin shop there that’s selling. I told the man how many ounces I wanted, and he locked me into the spot price at the time I placed the phone call. Tomorrow I will go in to pay and pick them up. I made sure the gold was ready before I liquidated the assets that would buy it, because having a heap of worthless cash would be no better than having a dried-up asset.

The gentleman I am buying from has bought and sold bullion from his coin shop for over 30 years. He confided that yesterday he mortgaged his home and turned the entire sum into gold and silver. I asked him why he did that, since owning a house that was bought and paid for seemed a better way to go through a depression than having a pile of gold and no home of your own.

He said a home of your own is certainly better, but that if the market crashes, he will have gold enough for three homes. That’s because if the dollar falls, the value of gold will spike. He plans to buy his own house back for as little as a dime on the dollar, then have bullion left over to buy essential goods as needed.

If the crash doesn’t happen, he will act as his own banker for a while, cashing out a gold coin a month to pay his mortgage. If the economy stabilizes and the price of gold starts to seriously drop, he will simply pay off his mortgage again with the gold and get his house back.

So he loses nothing by liquidating ownership of the house temporarily in order to purchase hard assets. He said that even though gold is at $862 an ounce now, he expects it will rise to three times that in the event of a total crash. That gives bullion a kind of security that is good to avail oneself of.

A couple I know liquidated almost all their stocks a few months ago in order to pay off their home mortgage. I’ll bet they are thanking themselves right now. Even if you can only come up with a couple thousand dollars, buy a little bullion on Saturday or Monday if you can. The only way you could really lose is if the crash doesn’t happen, the price of gold drops a lot, and you go to sleep and aren’t noticing. Then if you wanted to convert the gold back to cash, you would take a loss.

If you buy hard assets, do it from a private coin shop where you don’t have to register your name. Better to keep your purchase confidential. Expect the seller to charge you slightly over the spot price, as this is his legitimate commission on the sale. But a reputable coin dealer will charge a reasonable commission. Where I live, most shops charge $25 to $50 commission per ounce of gold. Find out what the going rate is, and don’t go with a dealer who charges way above the norm.

Call around to coin shops in your area and find out their commission, what the spot price is (that means the exact price at the moment of the metal), if they have bullion available, and if not when they expect it. If the dealer is nasty-sounding on the phone, chances are he also overcharges. Go with a person you feel good about.

Other things it’s good to buy this weekend: anything that will make life easier if you have to live in a cashless society, or without electricity. If you need something as expensive and complex as a wood stove or a well with a hand pump, don’t fret that you don’t have time. Buying the bullion will make it easier to purchase those things later if you need them.

I spent the afternoon buying little essentials and things to make life more comfortable in a simpler world: stocking up on soap, matches and toilet paper; grain and dried beans (enough to last a good while); a manual carpet sweeper, and some tools I was needing. I also stocked up on vitamins, pet food and pet medications.

Doing these things felt empowering and reminded me that I do have control over how I allow outer events in the world to affect my life. I had an interesting interchange yesterday with a friend. Prior to having lunch with her, I had been stewing all morning about how poorly prepared I felt to face the possibility of a crash. After all, I thought, I have a mortgage, and if a crash happened, I could be homeless and lose my pets. How lucky was my friend, I thought, as she owns her home outright.

To my surprise, when we met for lunch, my friend was stewing as badly as I was. Her big cause of fear was that she might not be able to pay her property taxes in a crash, and that her home would be taken from her for that reason. This gave me some helpful perspective.

Here was a woman I envied for how well-off she was materially, how prepared for anything, yet her anxiety was equal to or worse than my own. It occurred to me that if she had a scheme figured out for paying her property taxes, she would probably be in just as much anxiety worrying that they might cart her away because she is a leader in the local branch of the John Birch Society which has been warning the public about the New World Order for years. I realized that if that fear wasn’t nagging her, she could as easily get upset over the possibility of cancer striking her in the next few years. In other words, there is ALWAYS a reason for any of us to get upset, if upset is the mental mode we inadvertently let ourselves slip into.

My friend had every reason to feel secure (compared to me), yet that made no difference in her subjective state of feeling. We were matched for anxiety, however much she excelled in preparedness. I realized then that it was pointless to get into worry over what might happen, when it is our fear, not our circumstances, that is the real cause of our suffering.

Rather than think of all the bad scenarios that could happen to us in the event of a crash, why not think of things we can do to be as secure as possible materially, then trust that we’ll figure out the rest as we go along and as opportunities present themselves? Why not imagine we’ll be in the right place at the right time, rather than inevitably in harm’s way? It’s as easy to imagine sailing through the years ahead, Great Depression or no, as it is to imagine getting kicked out of your house, getting incarcerated, or dying.

And the fact of the matter is, what we imagine, we nudge into reality. Many people who lived through the 1930s say the Depression years were the best years of their life. People helped each other; the drive to consume, own and be better than peers evaporated; people lived close to their gardens and to their families. Circumstances forced them to remember the things that counted, and to live from that insight. Life became rich.

So if we have to, we also can weather a Great Depression. And we’ll do it with style – our own style, with our own unique creativity and resourcefulness, with optimism and a song. If we maintain our focus, we’ll defeat the New World Order in the process.

Are you worried that they’ll tear you and your kids from your home because you can’t pay the mortgage? Well, 80 percent of the world has mortgages, too, and will be in that boat with you. They can’t kick 80 percent of the world onto the street: there would be massive riots. So stop worrying that you’re going to be thrown out.

More likely they will try to institute the national ID, insisting people take it if they want to keep living in a foreclosed home. That’s where we Truthers come in, with our massive grassroots campaign to inform people, and to organize massive resistance to policies like the national ID (a prelude to the national microchip).

If worse comes to worse and you have to move from your house, you’ll fall on your feet if you maintain faith in yourself. Someone will open their home to you who owns their house outright, or you’ll camp out in the woods a while and live like an Indian, close to the land. Have you ever slept on the ground in a sleeping bag at night? The Earth fills you with her energy. It gives you health and vitality. You could do worse than become a child of nature, even if it means your children must learn the same.

The point is, we are capable of weathering whatever is up the road, because we are capable beings. And because we CHOSE to come here at this time. It is a great adventure, and one thing’s guaranteed, the next few years aren’t going to be dull. We are in the middle of a great story, a story about the destiny of the human spirit and of the human race. We get to help write the plot and the dialog. This tale has a happy ending, although if we saw in advance exactly how it plays out, it would spoil the fun of reading (and writing) the book.

I remember a magazine article years ago with an interview of an American who had been a hostage in Iran for many months. His captors used to hold a gun at his head every day and play with him, shooting the trigger to scare him. He said he never knew from one moment to the next if he would still be alive the next hour.

After the fear abated, which fear eventually does, he found himself left with a curious state of consciousness: he was at peace. The torments of his captors didn’t bother him anymore. He existed in a space of Isness, of expanded consciousness, that was content and whole within Itself. He knew whatever happened, he and those he loved were going to be all right. He actually said those months were the most meaningful of his life, filled with a light he never knew before or since. His consciousness spent the time dwelling in a world, in a vibrational level, that transcended the trials of this dimension.

He said the bliss of that state made the whole ordeal not only bearable but a blessing. He felt afterwards that he would not have had those expanded  experiences had the stress of the prison environment not stimulated his soul to reach for something higher, greater and more beautiful than he had ever known as an ordinary denizen of this world.

My point? That we can make something good out of anything. That the future is going to be what we design it to be. If we determine it’s going to be good, fun and blissful, it’s going to be those things. If we ride the wave of fear and come out the other side, maintaining an expectation that life will give us whatever we need to thrive – then that is what we will meet on the road ahead.

All the human race is in the same soup together. Together we may stew a while, but then we’ll climb our way out. I know it, because I’ve already seen it. Because Love has decided that’s how it’s going to be. And nothing can argue with Love, because Love is the strongest force in the universe, and overcomes all resistance. Let the Illuminati play the game how they will, because Love is trump to every card.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site:

The Revolution Begins at Home: 10 Things You Can Do to Change the World

Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”     ~ Margaret Mead

What does it mean, when 12,000 people in one week are attracted to read an article with a far-out topic like Toppling the New World Order: A Vision for How We Can Do It, out of all the other things they could be reading about? When the piece ranked #21 out of 3.5-million WordPress blogs? It means we’re powerful, Truthers. It means our numbers are huge. It means you are not alone out there, knowing the things that threaten this world and wanting to do something about it! Such numbers are cause for much hope.

The next question: what happens when those 12,000 people decide to get busy? Okay, let’s cut the numbers to be realistic. Let’s assume out of 12,000 readers, 2 out of 12 are too scared to act, another 2 aren’t sure there’s a conspiracy, 2 are fatalists who think nothing can stop the train wreck, 2 are too lazy to leave their computer chair, and 2 believe the world will be fine if they just sit home and think happy thoughts. That still leaves 2,000 people out of 12,000 who are serious, who know the need for action and are wondering how to get started. 2,000 seed people, ready to create a better world.

I wrote in the “Toppling” article about starting public talks in our communities, showing the turn-out the evidence of global conspiracy, and connecting the dots for aware citizens who until now have not been able to complete their own mental picture. I talked about the support group this would create, how the growing membership pooling their talent and skills would develop the capacity to spread this information still further, talking to regional leaders and those in public office, even running for office themselves perhaps on an independent or Truther ticket.

This is an exciting concept when you consider that 2,000 people, working in up to 2,000 separate cities, could make this information blitz happen in every country and major city in the world. In fact, it’s already begun, as David Icke, the Whole Truth Coalition, and other respected conspiracy writers and researchers introduce and promote this and related activist ideas.

Picture it: 2,000 serious people, and the 500 to 2,000 cities that they live in hit with public lectures and conspiracy information as those 2,000 people get themselves busy locally. Picture those cities getting plastered with lecture presentations not once but again and again, as more people join the community groups, educate themselves, and make themselves available for additional public and private presentations. Cities that double in number, as local groups expand to give talks in other metropolitan areas not far from their own. New groups beginning in each of those new cities, which also then expand to generate start-up groups in still other towns. In time, the message will be talked about in libraries and community centers, in colleges and classrooms, in every city on the planet.

This was how Eastern mysticism swept the Western world, starting with Transcendental Meditation centers in thousands of cities in the 70s. It’s how the apostles spread Christianity. It’s called grassroots activism, and it’s a proven way to get out any message, call out support for any cause, be it beneficial or sinister. Truthers have saturated the Internet with the truth of the global agenda. Now it’s time to saturate the non-cyber world, where billions of people remain uninformed because they don’t spend time on their computers.

It’s an exciting concept, one that when embraced by 2,000 seed people can bring humanity back from the brink of world fascism. Because each of those 2,000 people acts in concert with a Truth Movement, that in all its varied expressions and dimensions, is already tens of thousands (possibly millions) strong.

The principle we operate on is this: solve the big, impossible problem by breaking it down into many small, manageable problems. Break a global threat to freedom down into its component parcels: the ignorance of the individual people and communities supporting it. Eliminate that ignorance by spreading information, helping people to connect the dots, and the people will withdraw their support from the systems and leaders that aim to destroy them. A majority of the population is not needed. Every successful revolution was won by a minority. The American Revolution was won by a third of the colonists.

There is another reason why this strategy is going to succeed: it expands our base to include the decent people working at higher levels within the power structure. Many government officials and other community and regional leaders are willful members of the elite clique that has as its goal the enslavement of humanity. But mixed in with these are genuine, decent human beings who simply want to do a good job and serve the public. Part of our job, as community groups of Truthers, is to find out who those sincere leaders are and approach them with thought-provoking information, so they are inspired to research alternative news sites, realize the global agenda, and support us in our efforts.

In my article, The Power of Being Little, I wrote about a grassroots activist movement where I live that successfully stopped a powerful regional agency from a damaging plan it intended to inflict on our citizenry. Part of how we defeated them was by going to our state senators and representatives, telling them the story, and asking for their help. We also went to county commissioners, city commissioners, and other public leaders. A number of these people took an interest in our cause, and chose to publicly speak out against the agency’s agenda. Having a few king-pins on our side tipped the scale, and the agency gave up its plans.

The global elite, who have had the same agenda for centuries, aren’t simply going to disappear because we start to take action. But from the perspective of knowledge, they can be monitored and never empowered with positions of authority again. Standing up together through legal means is a peaceful way of taking back control of our lives and our nations. The danger of reprisal is minimal, because we work in groups in a nonviolent way within the legal structure (a structure we may one day legally overhaul, when our numbers are great enough).

We need to find the good people in positions of influence and inform them of what’s really happening. Then we need to work with them to put a stop to every law and policy that plays into the agenda of Big Brother government.

So how do you get into action in your local community? Here are ten suggestions to help you get started:

Action Step 1: Create an Internet “truth tree” Spread conspiracy information virally, with chain-style e-mails. These are e-mails you send out regularly that operate on the principle of a chain letter. You start a truth tree by once a week sending out a link to an online article to at least 20 people in your online address book. At the bottom, you ask them to send the article to 20 other people if they think this information is important.

As you read online articles, bookmark those you think give the best evidence of the New World Order agenda, the emerging police state, the propaganda media, growing surveillance, plans for the microchip, election manipulation, 9/11 fraud, other government lies, plus anything else that supports the contention that we are moving toward global fascism through the machinations of an international cartel.

Once a week, pick one outstanding article from your bookmark file and send it, with a short comment describing the link’s content, to that list of your 20-plus people. The list should include family members, old friends, your more progressive colleagues, and other people on your address list who “never knew you believed in that kind of stuff.”

The goal here is not to tell the people on your email list about reptilians, channeled messages, orgonite, Satan’s takeover, the return of Jesus, or the world as a hologram. Believe whatever you will about those subjects, but trying to promote them in these e-mails will probably do more harm than good for your truth tree and for freedom. If you alienate your 20 people with subjects that are too controversial for people just learning about the global agenda, they’ll put you in a spam file and never hear a thing you have to say. The conspiracy moves forward. Alternatively, you can get out the essential information: that there is a world plan in place moving us toward fascism, and that we must stop cooperating with it. If all people unite on that basic point and start working together, we will defeat the Fourth Reich.

At the bottom of each weekly e-mail, include a note that points the reader toward your favorite alternative news sites and that asks them to pass the e-mail on to 20 other people. Your note might read something like this:

Sample truth tree email footnote:

Please forward this message widely! If you send it to 20 people in the next hour, you’ll add an important branch to this e-mail “truth tree” helping to expose the lies that undermine our freedoms. An informed citizenry is the first-line defense against tyranny.

For more alternative news, check out these websites:

Be sure and make the links in your e-mail live links, so readers can click on them and go directly to the article or alternative news site. To make a live link, type the URL into a Word document, hit the space bar to make it turn blue, then cut and paste it into the body of your email.

If starting an e-mail truth tree seems like an inconsequential thing to do in light of the all-pervasiveness of the conspiracy, think about how all-pervasive a chain-style e-mail can be! Out of your 20 people, how many do you think might actually pass your weekly emails on? Let’s be really conservative and say only 2. Then let’s say that out of those 2 people’s lists of 20, another measly 2 pass the message, and so forth down the line. Using those numbers (a 10-percent pass-on rate), what would be the future of your humble little message?

After your “inconsequential” e-mail got sent around like this for just 10 rounds (10 levels deep), 20,460 people would have received it. Send it around another 5 times, and 655,340 people will have seen it.

Still not impressive enough? Okay. What if those 2,000 seed people we talked about, a tiny percentage of those who are reading this article, all started their own Internet truth-tree, each sending out one little e-mail, just like you’re thinking of doing? After 10 rounds of its being passed around, nearly 41-million people would have been contacted. After 5 more rounds, raise that figure to 1.3 billion!

Who says we don’t have time to spread the word to enough people to stop the global train wreck? My heavens, we could do it in a matter of weeks.

Action Step 2: Create the content for a public presentation Focus on evidence of conspiracy and the emerging police state. Touch on every area of living that the global agenda is influencing and working through – every arm of the octopus. Give examples the audience can identify with, that they know from the mainstream news, then add other information from the alternative press to fill out the picture. Be able to back up everything you plan to say, citing sources. Pick out articles you find the most convincing, and make some copies to pass or hand out. Make a Power Point presentation, if you are technically astute.

In my opinion it’s better to stick with the 3D level of the conspiracy in your introductory talk. Getting into esoteric subjects like religion, aliens, and holograms will turn off most people’s minds to where they can’t hear you. We don’t all need to agree on these subjects to form effective Truther groups, as David Icke and Alex Jones both pointed out when Alex interviewed David on his radio show a few weeks back. We need to join together, all who are aware of the global conspiracy, in our efforts to inform the still-sleeping public of the snare being dropped around our heads. You don’t have to believe in Jesus or in reptilians to do this. Talking of either one will only turn away people at introductory lectures.

That doesn’t mean you have to be untrue to what you believe. Just don’t make your spiritual or philosophical views get in the way of the purpose of your talks. We are facing the crackdown of global Big Brother government here. That is what we must expose and stop. On the way to our goal, it’s fine and even important to share and debate our personal perspectives on the deeper sides of the conspiracy, but we can’t afford to give potential new Truthers the impression that our citizens activist group is a “Jesus” organization or an “enlightenment” organization. The best, most effective groups will extend open arms to whoever wants to stop the conspiracy, regardless of their spiritual persuasion.

The goal of the introductory talk is to connect the dots for the already fairly aware people who will be attracted to attend it. These are people who know something’s not right, but aren’t sure what. Provide information that fills in the gaps in what they know, and direct them where they can go to learn more. Then let them go home and read some on their own. You succeed not by convincing them in this short meeting, but by getting them thinking and investigating. So don’t hammer them with everything you know – just the most salient points, to get them started.

Prepare a handout you will distribute to everyone that includes website addresses and names of books you recommend, plus a way they can contact you. Pass around a sign-up sheet on a clipboard to collect names, email addresses and phone numbers for future talks and activities of the group.

Another way to make a public presentation is to play an introduction-to-the-conspiracy DVD by a leading expert (like Ike or Jones), comment on it afterwards, then open up the topic for questions and discussion. Possible DVDs you might use, depending on your personal orientation and preferences, include David Icke at the Oxford Union, Alex Jones’ 9/11 Truth Rising or Loose Change’s Fabled Enemies. There is also a wonderful, free 25-minute video appropriate for a public presentation, that sums up the conspiracy and encourages noncompliance and spreading the word. A reader created it and sent it in. You can find this on the web and download it by clicking here.

To gain some practice and confidence before addressing the general public, give a presentation in your living room, inviting all your family and friends.

Here is an idea for how you might open or end your presentation. When you broach the topic of conspiracy, say you wonder why most of us automatically snicker at that word. Ask your audience how logical that is: Don’t we all know some people have an insatiable lust for power? Don’t we all know that self-serving people exist, who lie and cheat daily, and that some even kill when it serves their purposes? Don’t we also know that less-than-global conspiracies happen all the time, things like Enron, for instance?

Given these facts, is it that far-fetched to surmise that a small group of self-serving people might form a secret plan to attempt to control the world? Is it really “irrational” to think anyone might be capable of having such a desire? Is it irrational to think some might be intelligent enough to attempt it to carry it out?

When you consider what’s rational, the only truly irrational thing about conspiracy research is the hysteria-like reaction people have on hearing the term. What foundation is there for the spontaneous scoffing? Why the knee-jerk reaction? Could it just be that we’ve all been conditioned to react that way?

Conditioned by who? The mainstream media and our government leaders, as we observe the attitude they constantly take on the subject. Why would they trivialize the topic of global conspiracy, making nonsense of something that obviously could be possible? Could it be that marginalizing people who contemplate the possibility of a world plan, holding these people up to public ridicule, somehow serves our leaders’ best interests? What does that suggest about the agenda of our leaders?

Action Step 3: Pick a name for your group You may want to call it “Citizens for Truth and Transparent Government” or “Citizens against Big Brother Government,” or something else that clearly tells the community what you’re about. Don’t include words like “enlightenment” or “Christian” in the title, or you will come off as a New Age or Christian group and turn away half the people you would otherwise draw.

Avoid words in the title that sound extremist or inflammatory, like “police state.” Yes, we are out to inform people of the growing global police state, but putting that term in your group name (or in the title of your lecture on your posters) makes your activism look like the work of wild-eyed radicals in the view of a public who haven’t yet heard the evidence for your case. Wait and use those terms when you have the audience in front of you and you can back up your legitimate use of “police state” with proof. Also, inflammatory terms on your posters can start alarm bells ringing at your own local police station. Why attract negative attention when you don’t have to?

Action Step 4: Schedule a public talk or DVD showing/ presentation If you live in a major metropolitan area, set up one of these for each major neighborhood in the city (plan one at a time, so you aren’t overwhelmed). Phone around the community to find a free site for a public lecture. Where I live, the public library lets community groups use their meeting rooms without charge. You can also try community centers, senior centers, hospitals, churches, high schools and colleges, as many of these offer free or inexpensive rooms to local groups that don’t solicit money from their audiences.

A way to get a no-cost presentation at a local college is to find a student group or faculty member to sponsor you. Once you have given the talk, interested students can set up a club for the group on campus, and all future facility reservations will be free. The group could call itself the same thing as the name of your citizens group, only with the word “students” instead of “citizens.” In my community, it would be “Students against Big Brother Government.” The value to your campaign of starting a campus branch is immeasurable. Idealistic young students, unjaded by decades of toiling under the heel of the ruling elite, will respond warmly to well-presented facts and your rallying message. They will be your energetic allies, working within the community to further spread the word.

When you phone in search of a facility, simply ask to speak to whoever is in charge of scheduling the use of their meeting rooms. Tell her that you’d like to know if they make rooms available without charge to local groups for a public lecture. Find out how many people the various rooms will hold, and reserve one that can accommodate the largest number of people who might respond to your publicity. If the room holds 60 and you get 100, that means 40 people will walk away uninformed. Also be careful to select a location that the public can identify, find and get to easily. Schedule for a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night, as these are best for lecture attendance.

Action Step 5: Create a flier Use it as both a poster and a handout to publicize your presentation. Here is the wording for the flier I will use:

Sample flier:


and the New World Order

It’s not just a story in a novel anymore!

Find out why America is losing its freedoms and what people are doing to stop it. The solution depends on each of us.


[Day and Date]


[Facility Name]


Sponsored by Citizens against Big Brother Government

Find some background art that’s appropriate for the flier – provocative, but not gory or inflammatory. My fliers have the United States Seal with the all-seeing eye in pale shades of gray in the background behind the text. (I plan to make this available for download at World Truth Coalition when it’s finished.)

Save the flier to your computer, and run off dozens of copies at your local copy center.

Action Step 6: Publicize the event in your community Circumvent the mainstream media (remember the power of being little). One week before the event, post your fliers everywhere in town you remember ever seeing a bulletin board. Then look for more bulletin boards at food co-ops, libraries, convenience stores, groceries, and other public places. A day or two after you post your flier, go back to the main bulletin board sites and replace any that have been torn down. Keep doing this as often as necessary until the day of the event.

After you’ve hit the bulletin boards, put up a dozen or two more fliers in the main merchant section of town (or the merchant section of the neighborhood, if you’re postering for a presentation in one section of a major city). Most private store owners will give permission for a flier in their window or on their wall if you ask nicely. Hold it up so they can see what it looks like, and say, “May I put a flier in your window about a free public lecture for the community at the library next Wednesday night?” That establishes you as legit and superficially mainstream, so you will usually get a nod with no questions. When you poster, don’t dress too bizarrely. If you do, store owners will be reluctant to put up your flier.

The reason lots of posters (that is, fliers) are important is that people forget about an event unless they see it advertised repeatedly, and the flier is your main publicity. I don’t recommend plastering a parking lot full of cars with fliers on their windshields unless you know ahead of time that it’s legal. Where I live, you could be stopped by a cop for doing it, and that kind of attention is not in your best interest.

You’ll also want to get a public service announcement (PSA) to every local radio station or cable television station a week before the event. A PSA should be brief enough that it can be read over the air by an announcer in about 15 seconds (if you make it longer, it probably won’t get read, or essential information could be left out). Drop the PSA off at the radio station in person, or mail it with a note like the following:

Sample note to accompany radio PSA:

Dear (station name) program manager:

I represent a local nonprofit community group, and we would appreciate your reading the enclosed PSA over the air beginning next [list the day and date]. If you have any questions, please contact me at [your phone and/or e-mail address].


[Your name]

on behalf of Citizens against Big Brother Government

Also send the PSA to the community calendar at your local mainstream newspapers, and smaller papers. Call each paper in advance and get the name of the person who handles the calendar, then mail the PSA directly to them, with a note similar to the one you used for the radio stations. Make sure any daily newspapers have the PSA in their hands one week before the event, or your PSA may arrive too late to be published. Weekly papers need even more advance notice, and monthlies may need as much as 6 weeks in advance of their publication date.

If it seems unbelievable that a mainstream newspaper would publicize an event like this, keep in mind that the clerical person paid to post the community calendar is not schooled in what is “acceptable news” quite the way her superiors in the newsroom are. Chances are good that you’ll slip your PSA right into that mainstream newspaper again and again with the upper echelon never even seeing it. That’s the power of being little.

Here is the text I’m using for my own PSAs: provocative without being inflammatory:

Sample PSA for radio or newspaper:

Big Brother government and the Orwellian New World Order: it’s not just a story in a novel anymore. Find out why America is losing its freedoms and what people are doing to stop it. Come to a talk [Day], [Date], at [Time] at the [Facility Name], [Room Number], [Address]. Sponsored by Citizens against Big Brother Government.

Fliers and PSAs are important ways you can publicize every public presentation. There are also “one-time shots” – the kind of publicity you get from a media source only once, or occasionally. These include things like an interview/article at the local college newspaper, a radio interview on a local alternative radio station, publication of an article you wrote in a non-establishment weekly or monthly community paper, or an announcement in your mother’s company newsletter. Special publicity like this must be scheduled a couple months in advance of your event. Try to arrange it so the article or airing reaches the public a few days to a week prior to your talk.

Another excellent way to publicize your presentation is to go somewhere friendly, like the local food co-op, and ask the manager if you can hand out fliers in front of the store. This, of course, entails some financial investments, as you have to pay for the cost of the fliers, but if you hand these out in the right places, you will fill your audience. In my town, the best places to hit are the health food co-op and the student union on the college campuses. When people have their own flier in hand, they are much more likely to remember to attend your event.

Action Step 7: Give your presentation Be sure to include lots of hope in it. If the picture you paint is fatalistic, people will turn away without considering the merits of your points. Show them why we are powerful as a grassroots movement, talk about our numbers, and the global effort to break the big problem down into many small problems. Tell them we need their help.

Encourage them to leave their names and contact information, and to inform themselves by researching alternative news sites and informative books for the information they aren’t getting on the mainstream news. Have some of your favorite conspiracy books and DVDs on a table in the back for them to look at as samples, or better yet, have some for sale. Invite the crowd to a second lecture in one week’s time – same time, same place (to make it easy to remember).

At the second meeting, play another DVD or go more deeply into the conspiracy material. Remember to save your 4D, spiritual solutions for the second meeting if you are determined to share them at all. If you do, be very respectful of the people in your audience who will not be able to accept these concepts, and make very clear to the group that agreeing with them is not required in order to stand up to the conspiracy or before they can become an active member of the group.

Make clear this philosophy is your own perspective, and that within the Truth Movement, there are many other spiritual perspectives. Explain that the Truth Movement has room for them all, because if we wait until we all agree on such issues, we’ll be dead or microchipped first. Better to work together to take back control from our common enemy, and save spiritual debates for our leisure.

If someone at your lecture gets angry or wants to argue, don’t lose your cool. This information is scary at first if you haven’t heard of it, and mind-blowing. People naturally might react with denial or rage. Explain this, and be compassionate with any spontaneous reactions people may give, but keep on presenting your points. If someone wants to interrupt the presentation to get into a debate or a quarrel, calmly explain that there’ll be time at the end for discussion. If they persist, a person or two from the audience will typically jump in and tell the loudmouth to be quiet. After all, the group came to hear you, not some heckler.

Avoid getting into an argument or word battle. If you do, you’ll lose the audience’s support. Present your material without ego attachment, and let your listeners take it or leave it. What they choose to make of what you say is their business. Your job is to share the information with those who came to hear it.

Action Step 8: Contact local leaders Give them information, and ask for their support of your group’s efforts to defeat Big Brother government and expose the New World Order agenda. People you contact should include not only legislators but anyone with influence who you think is probably a genuine, decent human being. The more influential people we can wake up and get working with us, the better.

To get an appointment with a legislator, simply phone their office and ask for one. Give you name and say you are a citizen of the constituency who wishes to express your views on the growth of Big Brother government. You will be given a 10-or-15-minute appointment slot (find out in advance how much time you’ve got).

If possible, go to the appointment with another Truther, so if you fall short of words you will have some backup. Plan in advance the points you will make, so you make best use of your time, and stick within the time frame allotted. Be sure to give the legislator some handouts and a page with online links to some alternative news websites. Explain that a local group is forming, and similar groups all over the world, while explaining your goals. Ask that they research the subject of the New World Order, and if they find your concerns valid, to work from the within their position to incapacitate Big Brother government. Tell them you’ll contact them in a month to see what their position is on the matter after they’ve had a chance to do some reading.

Action Step 9: Join the Whole Truth Coalition This is an international networking group supported by David Icke, but it is for all Truthers of every philosophical persuasion. The Coalition’s goal is to connect and coordinate people working to spread the word in their countries and local communities. If you send the Coalition an email, or sign up for their newsletter/mailing list, you will receive notices about what other Truthers are doing in and get names of any other activists who may be living in your area. The Whole Truth Coalition website, as it grows, will also share tips, materials, and a broad range of information. Become a part of this group now, both to give help and to receive it.

Action Step 10: Visualize global freedom and expect a happy outcome Focus your thoughts on the fun and joy of the world waking up and mankind becoming free after all these centuries, rather than focusing on the latest plodding maneuver of the global elite.

Keep your spirit happy by reminding yourself that no one can do anything to anyone without their conscious or unconscious permission, and that you and millions of others are changing your minds about what you will allow. In the quantum mechanics of creation, expectation is everything. EXPECT a happy outcome for our efforts, and freedom has to win out. We simply won’t have it any other way.

These are exciting times we live in. The time to reach out to the public and to the decent among our leaders is now. People who once scoffed become ready to listen when systems they believed in start to crumble, and all established systems are crumbling presently. An animal, being surrounded by hunters, is more likely to escape, the closer the hunters approach. This is because the greater danger looms, the more likely it is to be recognized by the animal being threatened.

In the same way, all the signs around us of the tightening police state work to our benefit, if we but use the opportunity for education that the growing threat provides. Now, like no other time, people are ready to listen.

Our job is not to convince anybody, but to find the minority who are starting to ask the important questions and to help them see the big picture. Then, to ask those who’ve become convinced to work with us sharing information and taking down the laws and policies that are creating our prison.

There is no need for fear, because we are conscious children of God, and consciousness and the Infinite both are powerful. There is no need for fatalisim, because 5 percent can’t control the 95 percent without the latter’s permission, and the 95 percent are waking up in exponential numbers as the sounds of the approaching hunters become more distinct.

Fear and fatalism are luxuries we can’t afford to indulge in any longer. It’s time to shoulder our backpacks, whistle a cheerful tune, and get out there and alert the hunted.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

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