Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 2: Where Have All the Flower Children Gone? – Part One

This is the second chapter in an online book, “Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic,” by Bronte Baxter.

The climate of the 60s: America’s youth uprising. Questioning everything, challenging “the system” and the established worldview. Refusing to serve in a war, bringing about the end of it. Experimenting with sex and drugs, toying with every new or forbidden philosophy. A better world was around the corner – we were sure of it. Soon we’d be, as Arlo sang, “walking hand in hand with every man, sleeping in the sun with everyone.” The times, they were a’changin’.

Fifty years later, the world is no utopia. We’ve had two more wars. The only sleeping in the sun we do is on vacations. There’s less freedom, more surveillance. Independent journalism has virtually disappeared, original voices in the press replaced by dumbed-down TV nightly news. Our schoolteachers teach to standardized tests instead of teaching to kids.

What happened? Where have all the flowers gone, and all the flower children? How did something as radical, colorful and vital as the hippy movement simply vanish one day when no one was looking? Perhaps the answer lies with the Maharishi.

Maharishi MaheshYogi, 1970s version. Founder of Transcendental Meditation and the Students International Meditation Society. SIMS was an organization that descended on US campuses, grabbed pothead kids by the scruff of their raggedy necks, cleaned them up and turned them into upstanding members of society.

Just by giving them a mantra and teaching them to meditate. It soon became the rage – hippies converting to TM, trading in swear words for mantras, tie-dyed shirts for three-piece suits. Most kids were recruited to become teachers, pulling in still more people.

In 1975, Merv Griffin featured Maharishi on his prime-time TV show then started TM himself. First promoted by the Beatles, the giggling guru’s meditation program grew mainstream, with courses taught in corporations and schools so executives could relax and students could focus.

A virtual army of TM teachers covered the globe, with centers in every major city, talks in every suburb. Maharishi said that world peace would happen – better yet, an ideal world – when enough people globally found inner peace by practicing TM.

I was among that army, personally instructing 350 people in the course of six years. I fell in love with a starry-eyed boy, and we were going to create utopia together. We preached the message of transcendence: taking the mind inward to bask in its Source, the state of pure awareness, from which all good things spring. We drank of those waters daily. Refreshed from contact with the supreme, we’d return to the world energized for more lectures and teaching.

It was a glorious time. Hope was everywhere. Gone was the contentiousness of our generation. We were avant-garde leaders now, shouting a new message, a new answer, to the world. Challenging authority became a thing of the past. (Maharishi taught that people should respect it.) Working within the system, we were told we would bring about change, and change would happen by raising people’s consciousness. Get them all to meditate, and problems would vanish from this earth.

We truly believed it. The idea was radical, new, and to our young minds it made sense. TM opened a brand-new vista on the future, where troubles, all born of man’s separation from his pure infinite nature, would spontaneously disappear. The ex-hippie army was passionate: our full love and energy went into achieving Maharishi’s dream for the world.

Hippie recruits who didn’t feel called to become teachers found their way in businesses and vocations, becoming productive members of society. Those from wealthy families supported the movement with gargantuan donations, and received places of influence directly under Maharishi. It was only a matter of time until the world would be transformed and mankind would enter a New Age. Maharishi called it The Age of Enlightenment.

But something happened on the way to paradise. Slowly and subtly, the tone of the guru’s teachings changed. What used to be 20 minutes twice a day became hour-long, then 90-minute, meditations. The mantras were reshaped into “advanced techniques,” and chanting and Vedic readings (hymns to the gods) began. In a bold move, Maharishi began teaching courses in TM-Siddhis, a slew of paranormal abilities which he said humans could develop. Turning invisible was one of the siddhis; levitation was another.

People took the siddhi training, told that it would elevate their consciousness. But instead of flying, people were bouncing around cross-legged on foam rubber mats on their posteriors. Flying is coming, Maharishi promised – keep practicing: frog-hopping is only the beginning stage. No one turned invisible, and no one demonstrated the other special abilities the several-thousand-dollar siddhi course was supposed to teach. At the time of this writing, 30 years after the inception of the TM-siddhis, no one in Maharishi’s organization has yet demonstrated any levitation beyond frog-hopping.

Meanwhile the movement snapped photos of smiling butt-bouncers caught in mid-air and plastered the pictures on posters and fliers as advertisements: “Come learn yogic flying.” TM teachers who completed siddhi training were called “Governors of the Age of Enlightenment,” because Maharishi said our elevated consciousness would regulate negative tendencies in the world. Governors were told not to reveal to TM teachers or meditators that butt-bouncing was all that was being achieved on the siddhi courses to date. That would spoil the innocence of the new initiates, interfering with their ability to learn.

For the first time, more than a few disciples started questioning. Why was TM deceitful in its advertising, pretending that people were flying? Why were we asked to pay thousands of dollars for something that didn’t work? And how had a simple meditation technique, that was supposed to be all we needed for cosmic consciousness, gotten so complicated?

Originally, we signed on for a nonreligious “relaxation technique” practiced a few minutes twice daily as an adjunct to dynamic activity. TM had its roots in Hinduism, but we had ignored that. As teachers or “initiators,” we had to perform a “puja,” a ritual of offerings performed on an altar before a picture of Guru Dev, Maharishi’s master. We were ordered to do this in the presence of every new initiate before dispensing their mantra. We were to kneel down and bow before the picture, making a hand gesture to indicate that the student was expected to kneel down, too.

At the time we teachers convinced ourselves that we weren’t being deceptive. Maharishi said the initiates would understand in time, after their consciousness was raised through meditation. He repeatedly told us that TM was not a religion. As if saying it enough would make it so!

But when the TM-Siddhis started, things got even more religious. We were instructed to read prayers to the gods after every meditation and to listen to audiotapes of chants to Hindu deities as we fell asleep at night. Maharishi reassured us: the gods are not actual personal entities but “impulses of creative intelligence” that exist within ourselves. The fact that Hinduism anthropomorphizes deities just signals immature consciousness, he said, and that, of course, was something the movement was far too sophisticated to be guilty of.

The changes in the movement were so gradual that I hardly blinked an eye the day I got my own advanced technique, which consisted of adding the Sanskrit word “namah” to my original mantra. I didn’t quite understand, as I was told the mantras were meaningless sounds that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. I didn’t know any translation for my mantra “Eima,” but I did know, from the puja, what “namah” meant in English. It means, “I bow down.” Who was I bowing down to, I wondered? Well, it must be a god. “Eima” must be a name for her, and she must be my escort on the path to higher consciousness. Another hidden teaching, obvious only to an advanced spiritual aspirant. I felt privileged and superior to be let in on the secret.

Around this time in the movement, many people started to complain of physical problems, as well as irritability and/or depression. Once I was assigned to spend the night guarding one meditator who was being sent home from a siddhi course because she was “unstable.” She was being shipped out the following day, and course leaders were concerned that she might harm herself or create an embarrassing scene in the meantime, hence her need for a “guard.”

In 1978, an article appeared in Psychology Today reporting that “a substantial number” of individuals develop “anxiety, depression, physical and mental tension and other adverse effects” from meditating. (San Francisco Examiner, September 10, 1989) The scientific criticism was just starting. While over a hundred studies had been done by TM scientists showing outstanding benefits from TM for mind and body, new studies by independent researchers failed to corroborate such claims. Some new studies even suggested adverse mental and physical effects resulting from meditation (depersonalization, the onset of mental difficulties, psychological disorders). TM was accused of failing to conduct double-blind experiments, and of influencing test results with the prejudice of the tester.

One insider, a friend of mine who was exceptionally devoted to Maharishi and who worked with TM psychologists as their research assistant, became shaken and left the movement when she found the scientists she worked with doctoring test results to make them better conform to Maharishi’s desired outcomes. (See the following site for more about independent studies done on meditators:

Around this time, people started leaving the movement, but most of us held strong. A meditating community had sprung up in Fairfield, Iowa within and on the borders of MaharishiInternationalUniversity. The town became home to a thousand meditators, teachers and TM “governors,” many of whom had a hard time fitting into normal jobs and living situations in the world. We were told to meditate and “fly” together daily. That was the new strategy to create world peace as well as success in our lives.

Maharishi began mens’ and women’s monastic groups (the Purusha and Mother Divine programs) and encouraged people to join them as “the most rapid lifestyle for unfolding enlightenment.” People gave up dreams of love and a family to follow their guru’s advice, believing they were serving their enlightenment and the highest social good. My best friend, intensely in love with her husband, was divorced by him when the monastic programs started. He became a celibate, while my friend tried to live as a nun with her broken heart. Within months she developed cancer, dying a couple years later. She forewent Western treatment to pursue an alternative healing system: Ayurveda, India’s ancient “world medicine” which then was being revived by Maharishi. Her physician was Deepak Chopra, at the time TM’s poster boy and its leading Ayurvedic physician. My friend Sharon withered away and died, but Ayurveda grew in popularity.

What troubled me most about the movement in the 80s was a growing sense of subterfuge and surveillance amidst an atmosphere of increasingly artificial “positivity.” Movement leaders instructed the rank and file to “never entertain negativity,” which meant never criticize and always wear a happy face.There was a sense that we were being watched, that unknown people within the organization had been assigned as spies for the rest of us. Any person suspected of entertaining doubts about Maharishi and the movement or visiting other spiritual teachers would find themselves refused admittance to new courses or group meditations in the central “flying” hall. The outcasts were never told what they had done to merit excommunication. “You know,” was the cryptic reply, or “Reapply in a few months” whenever the rejects asked, “But what did I do?”

The significance of being tossed out by the TM movement was devastating to those it happened to. The depth of their turmoil can only be fathomed by understanding that Maharishi was teaching then that two twenty-minute meditations a day no longer would cut it. Regular expensive advanced courses and meditating with the group in the flying hall had become pre-requisites not just for world peace but also for personal salvation. Unless you wanted condemned to many future lifetimes of ignorance and suffering, it was vital to keep up with the program. Our goal was liberation, enlightenment: an egoless state where blissful “pure consciousness” suffuses the awareness at all times, trivializing everything that used to seem important. In enlightenment, nothing touches you, success and loss don’t affect you.

Because liberation in this lifetime required staying on the good side of the TM “gestapo,” people became artificial and prone to quoting movement slogans in front of each other. Everyone wanted to appear kosher so they could stay on the campus and evolve.

The movie Man on the Moon depicts what happened to Andy Kaufman, a Hollywood comedian and TM governor who after years of movement involvement was found to be mysteriously wanting. There is a scene where a smiling TM-Siddhi administrator informs him he is not welcome on Maharishi’s campus anymore, no reason given. For an earnest meditator, that was like telling a cancer patient the drug he needs to live is being withdrawn.

In 1987, when I left TM and Fairfield, I had lived 17 years within the movement’s perimeters. I’d seen the world go from flower power to mantra power. My friends had changed from buoyant folks delighting in free expression to paranoid people with phony smiles and legislated attitudes. It took me two years to break free of the thinking that kept me in Maharishi’s orbit. It felt traumatic, like a failed marriage. I didn’t know what was happening, but I knew I could no longer be part of it.

In the 20 years since I left the Transcendental Meditation movement, Maharishi raised the price for learning to meditate into the thousands. Disciples able and willing to kick in a million dollars (apiece) were offered (in the last years of the guru’s life) proximity to him, a golden crown to wear, and the title of “raja” or “king”. Maharishi had created a “world government” he called “The Global Country of World Peace,” and his rajas are the rulers.

I’ve come to personally know two women who confide they were sexually propositioned by the “lifelong monk.” One of Maharishi’s closest disciples from the 70s, a Swedish man named Conny Larson, published an autobiography in which he says he left the TM movement when he realized the girls who came into Maharishi’s room in the wee hours, leaving disheveled, weren’t really in there “reading him his mail.” Since Maharishi’s death last February, one of his former girlfriends, Linda Pearce, is expected to come forward with her full story (first covered in a newspaper article in 1981, some years after John Lennon announced in a Rolling Stone interview that the Beatles believed Maharishi had tried to rape Mia Farrow).

In the years since I left the movement, the truth about the mantras has also come out. The mantras (which Maharishi gave to the teachers to give in turn to the lower initiates) turn out not to be “meaningless sounds with life-supporting qualities” as he said. They are, rather, names of Hindu gods, a fact made public with the advent of the Internet. Wikipedia, in its section on mantras, lists three of the mantras Maharishi gave me and other teachers to dispense: Eim, Hrim, and Shreem. Eim, says Wikipedia, is the Hindu goddess Saraswati, Hrim is the goddess Durga, and Shreem is the goddess Kali. (Wikipedia quotes these facts from “The Shakti Mantras,” by Thomas Ashley Farrand, Ballantine Books, 2003, pages 43, 124 and 138, but you can find the same information appearing dozens of places in a simple Google search.)

This intentional deception by Maharishi, perpetrated on his teachers and through them on the public, is to me the worst thing this “man of God” did to society. Through this lie, telling us that the mantras were “meaningless sounds,” Maharishi got unsuspecting Westerners to worship his gods under the guise of teaching them a “simple relaxation technique.” This is even more reprehensible than sex seduction of young disciples. He seduced the minds of 6 million people, or should we call it rape?

I’ve written elsewhere about the hidden agenda of mantra meditation, how it connects with psychic realms and why it was important to Maharishi to pass this lie off to the world. The power of recitation of the name of a god in meditation is very real power indeed. It connects a person to trans-physical dimensions, where vital energy is siphoned off, eventually crippling and destroying the personality. As individual identity disintegrates, the meditator continues his practice, because, he’s told, this implosion is a good thing. Oneness consciousness is taking the place of his formerly “limited” self. He is nearing his goal: universal awareness, the death of ego, annihilation of “the illusion of I.”

This is why the flower children disappeared. Maharishi transformed a generation of dissenters, the hippie generation, into pimps for the gods. He turned their spiritual yearnings into spiritual servitude. The ambition of 60s/70s youth to make a better world was undermined first by drugs and then by mantras that freed from drugs but turned the saved into thralls of invisible forces. Grateful thralls to boot, who would always remember that they were rescued and how much they owed to their guru.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: diverter of seekers, seducer of minds, stealer of souls. Any of those would be an appropriate epitaph. The mainstreaming of meditation in Western culture is this man’s questionable legacy.

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008

CLICK TO GO TO PART TWO OF THIS ARTICLE (the next and third chapter of this book).


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  1. April 17, 2008 at 12:01 pm

    Congratulations, Bronte, on a great new blog. I know your valuable insights will be useful to your readers here!

    John M. Knapp, LMSW
    TM-Free Blog

  2. Thom Knoles said,

    April 17, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    Ms Baxter’s bizarre reflections upon the ostensibly ghastly effects of TM fly in the face of the many benefits of its long-term daily practice as cited by millions of people today.
    Her assertion that people who meditate somehow are being hijacked spiritually by malevolent “gods” does not raise any serious question about the independently-documented and acclaimed benefits of meditation.
    Questions raised? No.
    Eyebrows raised?…well… Ms Baxter’s fanciful conspiracy-of-the-‘gods’ theory hardly serves her article’s avowed insistence upon using rigorous science when researching the effects of meditation.
    Surely, the truth is that Ms Baxter hides an agenda that would have us desert meditation, en masse, in aid of…what?…fundamentalist protestant christianity?…atheism?…what is her ulterior motive in attempting to rubbish meditation by frightening her more gullible readers; why does she attempt to carry out character assassination upon Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?
    Is it really credible that if the then Mrs. Frank Sinatra (Mia Farrow) was the victim of “attempted rape”, that we should never have heard about it from Farrow, but should have to wait 40 years to be given “the inside story” by Ms Baxter?
    Once we all decide to stop meditating because Ms Baxter scared us about these soul-hijacking “gods”, what would she have us do instead?
    I fear that our correspondent’s honest answer to that question is that her readers embrace religious ideas considerably more far-fetched than Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s own simple teaching: “Be.”

  3. brontebaxter said,

    April 17, 2008 at 5:46 pm

    Oh good, some stimulating discussion. As to my “ulterior motive,” I’m neither a Christian nor an atheist. I guess you’d say I’m an independent: I believe in human empowerment. I also believe the Infinite has a considerably more sublime vision of what life on Earth could be like than the life we’re collectively living today.

    As far as your statement about “the independently-documented and acclaimed benefits of meditation,” I suggest that your own words betray an agenda. Anyone familiar with TM, which you clearly are, knows that almost all of the studies done on TM are far from independent. Most have the names Wallace, Dillbeck, or Orme-Johnson listed as the researchers, as the Wikipedia article on TM demonstrates. In the 1980s, Robert Keith Wallace was the president of Maharishi International University, Michael and Susan Dillbeck were faculty members, and David and Rhoda Orme-Johnson were TM-teachers/researchers also on staff at the movement-run facility. “Independently documented and acclaimed studies”? This is just another one of TM’s careful lies.

    Bronte Baxter

  4. PJ Lockabey said,

    April 17, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    It sounds to me that, like anything else taken to extremes, TM simply went to far , and went from an enlightened simple practice to a servant of something darker. Moderation, in all things, is the path of the enlightened, at least as far as I am concerned.

    As to detrimental effects of meditation, I don’t think the original poster is saying that at all, but rather that this extreme version of it is harmful. I personally have found occasional meditation to be quite stimulating and helpful, but I cna see where doing so while ignoring the world is detrimental.

    I honestly can see the original posters point, and would tend to agree with it. I do not think Bronte means to say that all meditation is bad, but only that THIS FORM of it is detrimental because of it’s intent.

    And as we all know, intent is everything.

  5. ptor said,

    April 17, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    I didn’t get the impression that Bronte is poo-pooing meditation in general. Meditation needs no rules or masters or mantras nor any association with any religious scenario. The case with Maharishi is very important and exactly like that of all major religions (read: cults) where peoples good intentions and universally riteous principles are taken advantage of by half-truths, misleading ceremonies and conniving sorcerers misdirecting spiritual energies and the awareness of malign entities vampiring earth.
    The basic law of life is “as above so below” and being led/distracted into apathy of physical realities through insidious transcendental philosophies is extremely unbalanced. The prime example of this was Maharishi’s instructions to respect authority. Yeah, keep respecting the fat, evil bankers that enslave society and shutup and keep repeating your mantra. “Amen” is another example of people fooled into repeating a bogus mantra. If they only knew!
    The meditators were missing out from actually flying in reality by remaining unaware of the advent of hang-gliding in the early 70’s and further on paragliding, non-motorized human flight like birds, where you actually fly, integrating the material world (not shutting it out) while also flying in the mind and spirit. This is an example of what can manifest when the sprit, mind and physical world are intertwined harmoniously.
    Thanks Bronte for your insights which are of great relevance to the mystery of “what happened to all the flower children”. What we all do next or “instead” is up to us as conscious, aware, independant and interconnected individuals. This is the point of the whole matter, autonomy over our own minds and souls. If we all just “be” we’ll be constantly taken advantage of like we have been. It’s time for Be+! doesn’t matter how much you close your eyes and chant, if you still eat McDonalds, you fuck over everybody. Oops did I say Fuck? Fuck yeah.

  6. brontebaxter said,

    April 17, 2008 at 8:21 pm

    You get me, guys. I’m not dissing all meditation. I meditate myself. Mantra meditation, however, and any form that involves “you guru, me dirt under your feet” has ulterior agendas.

    I’m putting up a page soon with cool books I like and recommend. Some of these have to do with meditating. I also intend to write an e-book, whenever I get time, on how to practice the Law of Attraction and the physics of why it works. Manifesting entails some meditation.


  7. David said,

    April 18, 2008 at 1:41 am

    Where have they all gone???? Why they and their children have gone into the government. They and their kids are the ones running the government and denying us of today the rights they were so ardent to use in the 60s.

  8. Jeebus said,

    April 18, 2008 at 2:06 am

    If TM really did off with the hippie movement, I’d have to say that’s a point in its favor.

  9. Frank said,

    April 18, 2008 at 4:07 am

    My dad was involved with the TM movement in the 1960’s & 70’s in the UK and personally knew the Maharishi and was actually in India when the Beatles went out there and claimed to have got into a fight with one of the Beach Boys over a girl , which to a young lad at the time was pretty cool .
    He went onto become a trainer but over the years became very disillusioned with the TM movement and the Maharishi himself .He said that , whilst initially TM had benefits ( he stopped smoking and drinking ) the whole thing lost its original message and he basically confirmed your story of obsession with strange practices like yogic flying , and money .The people who he reported to were only concerned how much money was made from the courses . He was also concerned that his students used the mediation as a drug to block out the world , rather than as a spiritual tool and claimed that the Maharishi was just a fraud and an old letch !
    His story confirms your post , but he was never against Meditation as long as it was used in a responsible manner , even though he stopped practicing . Having said all that it is not the first spiritual practice that claims miracles and has failed to deliver . Some would suggest that Christianity , Islam and the rest are just the same and I would not argue with that .

    • K. Kojei said,

      September 23, 2013 at 6:13 am

      Not much different from Baghwan Shree Rajneesh. Same symptoms. Jehovah’s Witnesses? Same symptoms. The day my mother let that judgmental, frowning old woman with her magazines enter her life was the day hell enter our lives. By the time I was sixteen I was a gifted lecturer on the scriptures and the dogma. I was a poster boy who stood at the podium, eloquent and articulate while hiding terrible bleeding welts underneath my white shirt and suit jacket from being beaten bloody by both parents, spent miserable years as a teen, denied to learn music, denied to date, denied to go to my school prom, robbed of thousands of dollars I worked hard for and suffered guilt for everything including breathing.

      When I began to notice the gaping discrepancies and ask piercing, unanswerable questions of “the elders” it wasn’t long before I was persona non grata, kicked out, “dis-fellowshipped” by judgmental “Christian elders”, followers of a Christ who specifically said “Judge not” and launched upon my own journey to find truth. That was the very day I discovered the sweet, quiet, spirit of grace that took up a position next to me, showed me the most beautiful sunset and let me know I was not alone. From that moment, that spirit, whatever it is has literally stopped bullets, suicidal thoughts, possession and every other attempt to take me down into evil oblivion.

      The absolute most insidious part of these programmatic dogmas is how deeply ingrained in your psyche they burrow and what few tools there are to erase their stains. Even now it is painful to watch a person caught in the grip of any of these traps.

  10. April 18, 2008 at 4:30 am

    Hi Frank. Bronte here. For the record, I do believe in “miracles” — including paranormal abilities. A miracle is just a possibility of life we haven’t explored or understood yet. One of the saddest results of TM’s yogic flying and the world’s other spiritual promises that never delivered is that they reinforce our cynicism, our belief that this 3-D reality is all that’s available to us. THAT is the biggest illusion, and the one that most limits humankind.


  11. Frank said,

    April 18, 2008 at 6:54 am

    Bronte-I would agree with you completely . Even though this is a time of turmoil , I am actually quite hopeful . My take on the human psyche is that our unconscious beliefs such as the belief in death , deprivation and self hate are rooted in us like a weed . Most people accept these beliefs without questioning them . I do not think that these thoughts are our true thoughts and so we see the world we expect to see .
    I believe/hope that this weed is being pulled up at the moment , but its roots are very deep . The problem is that the only way of bringing these feelings to the surface for release is to create events which allow us to feel the deeper emotions and this can be very painful , unless one is aware of what is happening . Also there is very strong resistance in us , which wants us to continue with our view of the world .
    With regards to ” miracles ” , I find it is very difficult to create deliberately but works a treat for things that I do not have a great emotional connection with .Anything , I wish to really happen , never seems to materialise,damn it .
    Back to the Maharishi- I hope that the time for Gurus is over .Whilst spiritual teachers will always be needed , hopefully future Gurus will not have other agendas apart from teaching .


  12. elizabeth walker said,

    April 18, 2008 at 7:32 am

    I never wanted to be apart of TM. The Maharishi always looked peculiar to me. I feel lucky to have been a natural mystic, have had many visions, so am sensitive to hype connected to certain so called spiritual groups. It saddens me that many here have made disparaging comments about the hippies and the 60s, they were some of the most advanced times in history, in my opinion, and true hippies were-are profoundly courageous. That there were charlatans who took advantage of the innocence of many is only natural, but it shouldn’t obscure the fact that so much of what we are today in a good way came out of those years. The return to spiritualism, popularizing of healthfoods, relaxation of many formalities, breaking down of many barriers between genders, generations, races, cultures. I believe it was the Right which perverted much of what was valuable of the 60s to discourage future young people from seeking further truths and freedoms. In Journey Without Distance, a book describing the flow that brought together the people who put together A Course in Miracles, the voice received by Helen Schuckman(sp?) said that there was a celestial speed up because things had gotten so bad. Such things must cause confusion among those unready to experience so much rich energy.

    I studied zen beginning in 1989. I got alot of flack for my independent attitude from them, and my visions there were very unpopular. I loved the zen master, Dae Soen Sunim, but never let him lead me by the nose, which he liked very much. It was the group that made it impossible for me to stay. Especially the abbot, he was furious that I was so intense and independent, and hated especially that I could speak to Dae Soen Sunim with confidence, ask him strong questions, and that he complimented me for that.

    Though I loved meditating, I stopped doing it every day and only did it when guided to. I had places in the woods I sat at, I went to one of them last week for the first time in 15 years, it was different, but wonderful. My guide sometimes would ask me to sit and I would to find that I had forgotten to do something, stuff like that. My practice was-is about reaching, connecting with the spirit, and there’s no predictable path for that, no formula, no time table, no map. You simply have to have faith. They, my spirit friends, say to me, stay with it, Elizabeth. Anyone who tells you they can give you enlightenment is well full of it, sorry. You give it to yourself in a way, it must be your own chioce, your personal journey. And it may not be so comfortable, not so full of material breaks, wealth, “success”. The spirit might need a kind of breaking up or down of the wordly values to lessen fear of want and need, it might need to show lessons in not needing or wanting, of looking to something else for comfort, another source of courage and love. A source within. And so it is still quite the rare thing for us to pursue, though we all in our way are doing just that. The Maharishi was a good teacher, he taught us what not to trust. The way George Bush is showing us what we don’t like in a government. Sometimes the bad guy is a great galvanizer for good.

    Good blog!

  13. Fairy said,

    April 18, 2008 at 10:46 am

    Matthew Deloozi wrote a book “Is It Me for a Moment” where he talks about HOW other dimensional entities, who’ve governed and controlled humanity for thousands of years, are harvesting our life force from another dimension or interdimensional place. What Bronte says is the same. By repeating the gods’ names besides the “bow down” word, is the same. Doing it, you give them respect and agree with their will. Same with kneeling in front of the picture. You surrender to them.

    The biggest danger to these controllers are humans who want to be free and live free and do not care much about obeying authorities. The hippy movement was such, and something had to be done about it. To invent a guru was the solution to change the direction of millions of hippies who were yearning for freedom. Millions of people cannot be controlled by physical force, it has to be done in a different way. And it was done. ALL these “movements” (like the Feminist movement) are artificially created for the same purpose: THEM to advance their agenda and you to lose all your freedom. Microchiping is part of the same agenda.

  14. patty said,

    April 18, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    The only spiritual leader I trust is David Icke who puts truth above all else. I originally was attracted to Sylvia Browne’s spiritual messages but found out she defrauded her early follwers out of $20,000., chronically lies, and deceives people-see The Tv psychics are in it for the $ and celebrity and want people to worship t hem. people need to always seek out the TRUTH above all else and when finding out a spiritual leader is a con, rapist or deceiver need to make their findings public. There was really bad publicity about this TM yogi trying to rape Mia Farrow and having sex with his followers-if that is his level of spirituality who needs it?! patty

  15. philiptravers said,

    April 18, 2008 at 8:04 pm

    I did it for awhile too.But, for all the avowed changes for good that were supposed to happen,that period of my life was chaotic.It seemed odd that if things were to become more easier to flow with,a rail station gate closed and just too far to walk using public transport seemed the opposite of a transition to a more harmonious life.On limited income,it wasnt easy.The fact I went to school with a teacher in Melbourne,meant a sort of friendly reminder,of how kids end up doing similar things,I was a little surprised however when a saw a teacher visiting the town where I lived.I am uncritical of TM today.I was essentially antagonistic also to being called a hippy,even though pot and L.S.D use were experiments.I am sort of disgusted with the seventies,as I mature..being blamed for world conditions today,baby-boomer blues,seems totally and residually unfair.I was anti-nuke before I did TM..I have an inkling that suggests whatever the failures of TM are or were, maybe some people have failed themselves badly as well.After all,to be still alive to see what one sees proves that the critical faculty is a wonderful tool,that may lead to good outcomes in the world as is.DavidIcke isnt a teacher to me,although I say that not having read any of his books.More a compiler of accounts that require the potentially world have an aha in eureka,plus an aha moment as in this road sign is more mysterious than the bloody town.

  16. Thom Knoles said,

    April 18, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    …and this was only Bronte Baxter’s Part One (!) on her favourite whipping-post…
    Watch out, transcendental meditators and Vedic gods, she’s on the warpath…

    Ms Baxter’s self-distracted attempt (comment 3., above) to effect a dismissive rejoinder to my comment (2., above) simply underscores several of my points.

    In her rush to aggrandize her apparent status as her readers’ new spiritual leader, Ms Baxter is willing not only gleefully to monger a hackneyed rumour (which has been discredited repeatedly, see below), or to cite selectively mere hearsay of the negative experiences of a few to be the definitive invalidation of the good experiences of millions. No, in her haste to dismiss her critic (me) merely as someone whose “own words betray an agenda ”, Ms Baxter dodges flagrantly mutely my pointed question: what is it she proposes to teach us? What are the details of Ms Baxter’s replacement program for us, her potential faithful and eager unquestioning believers and followers?

    Evidently, millions do love their daily experience of transcendental meditation and enjoy its benefits. After all, it has been practised in the West for fifty years now, and it will continue to be practiced, and learned by more thousands, unless we all are saved by Ms Bronte Baxter and her cheerleaders (such as Mr. John Knapp, comment 1, above).
    Ms Baxter and the ubiquitously self-promoting and commercialised anti-transcendental meditation poster-boy, John Knapp, would have the world believe that the millions who have learned transcendental meditation all have had equally dreadful experiences (…or eventually will have…). That we all conform to BB’s own bitter and resentful depiction of the miserable and abused transcendental meditator, as she claims she was for so many years….

    Seemingly, we, the vast multitude of transcendental meditators, lack the superior intelligence of Ms Baxter, who had the good sense — on her own(!)– to cease that diabolical transcendental meditation before those mischievous soul-milking Vedic gods tricked her forever.*

    Are we really to believe Ms Baxter, that millions of transcendental meditators somehow simply are imagining their desirable experiences, even decades into their daily practise; that they should shake off this terrible hypnotized illusion of benefit before it’s too late?

    If we are to follow Ms Baxter’s advice (once we accept on her say-so that her negative judgment is more authoritative than our own personal experience), then, having discarded obediently what we imagined was our lovely meditation experience, what is it specifically Ms. Baxter (our apparent successor-teacher) wishes us to practice and believe in?

    Let us hope her response is not merely more of “hate with me again: transcendental meditation and Maharishi (and all gurus and mantras and gods).
    Ms Baxter will not save us from meditating with mantras by simply repeating again the ever-repeating known).

    Bronte Baxter’s solitary reply (Comment 3, above) to my simple question, posed in my original comment (read it yourselves) is:
    “I’m an independent: I believe in human empowerment. I also believe the Infinite has a considerably more sublime vision of what life on Earth could be like than the life we’re collectively living today.”

    I am afraid this is not a breakthrough replacement teaching sufficient to get millions to ditch their twice daily practice of transcendental meditation.

    No; unless we are frightened successfully into submission by Ms Baxter’s scary(?) idea of “gods” milking us when we practise any form of mantra meditation (other than her own), then, in order to assert her replacement authority over us, Ms Baxter will need something more of a clearly delineated and cohesive belief system, one that does not rely upon her preposterous ideas such as this one, asserted in her “the hidden agenda of mantra meditation” (link in the in the thirty-fourth [34th!] paragraph of her polemical “i-hate-TM & Maharishi” diatribe):

    “I would like to suggest that mantra meditation turns humans into zombies who serve the agenda of the gods. That agenda is procurement of more humans and more human energy. This explains the common phenomenon of proselytizing by the religious, including fundamentalist Christians, TMers, and disciples of other varieties. Servants of “God” or the gods feel a driving need to bring in more recruits.”
    I return to this point below.

    Now I wish to address the discredited rumour touted so gleefully as “fact” by the poorly-informed Ms Bronte Baxter (she failed entirely to deal with, or perhaps even to notice, my casting of aspersions upon her eligibility as The Credible Historian in the “Maharishi’s Secret Attempted Rape of (the then) Mrs. Frank Sinatra (Mia Farrow)” rumour. I recommend Ms Baxter undertake more serious research before lashing out recklessly, since her future as our replacement guru may be a stake.

    Since Ms Baxter has such faith in the trustworthiness and authority of whatever she agrees with that also happens to be written in Wikipedia, then she and her readers should Google and otherwise research “Magic Alex”, a.k.a. Alex or Alexi Mardas, a.k.a. Yanni “John” Alexis Mardas , then wince as they read about who it was that concocted the “Maharishi’s Secret Attempted Rape of (the then) Mrs. Frank Sinatra (Mia Farrow)” rumour. It was The Beatles’ one-time flunky groupie, Alex Mardas, jealous that he was not invited into the ashram because he was using drugs.

    I copy here an extract:
    “Along with appearing (uncredited) in the Beatles’ TV movie Magical Mystery Tour, he (Alex Mardas) accompanied them to India to study with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the spring of 1968. When he suggested to Lennon and George Harrison that the Maharishi had been making sexual advances toward Mia Farrow and other women at the camp (a suggestion not supported in Farrow’s autobiography What Falls Away), they took the suggestion seriously enough to confront him. When the startled Maharishi’s answers didn’t satisfy them, they and their wives departed the camp. (McCartney and Starr had already left, for other reasons.)
    After returning to England, Lennon’s wife Cynthia accompanied Mardas and his flatmate Jenny Boyd on a vacation trip to his native Greece (the island deal had been abandoned), while Lennon remained at home. Coming back early, Cynthia discovered her husband sitting at breakfast with Japanese artist Yoko Ono, both clad in bathrobes, and all the signs the two had been cohabitating for several days. She left with Alex and Jenny, staying with them overnight; Cynthia was clearly upset with what had happened with John, and she proceeded to sleep with Alex. She said she woke up in his bed the next morning disgusted with herself.”

    There it is: Bronte Baxter’s “attempted rape of Mia Farrow by Maharishi” was a lie made up by a drug-dealing addict who schemed to confuse The Beatles so they would leave India and pay him to build an alternative recording studio in London.

    Not convinced?
    Read these references:
    John by Cynthia Lennon (Hodder & Stoughton)
    The Sunday Times, 18 September, 2005
    George Harrison: The Quiet One by Alan Clayson (Sanctuary Publishing)
    The Love You Make by Peter Brown and Steven Gaines
    Shout! by Philip Norman (Warner Books)
    All You Need is Ears by George Martin (St. Martin’s Press)
    “Hawkers by Appointment”, New Statesman, 3 August 1979
    Here, There, and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of The Beatles by Geoff Emerick (Gotham Books)

    Still not convinced?
    Watch “The Beatles Anthology” in which George Harrison, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr discuss openly Alexis Mardas’ false rumour and its basis.
    It was a fabrication, and Ms Baxter fell for it, as did many.

    But then, Bronte had so much wanted it to be true…needed it to be true.

    …more later…

    *as she enjoins you to do, please do click on Master Baxter’s link (above, paragraph 34) “the hidden agenda of mantra meditation” to receive a hint of her own agenda to become our saviour by teaching us how to shrink the vedic gods back down to size by virtue of everyone eschewing all gurus (other than her) and mantras (other than hers), thereby ceasing immediately the god-feeding, and starving those psychic leeches. One cannot but marvel how John Knapp, the self-described anti-cultist (comment 1, above) sleeps at night after condemning transcendental meditation through one side of his mouth while singing simultaneously the praises of Master Bronte Baxter through the other side. It appears he is a master ventriloquist when it suits his commercial purposes.

    • Carole said,

      August 30, 2010 at 12:05 am

      Although Ms Farrow does not say the Maharishi attempted to rape her, she does say that after meditating alone with the guru in his cave,” I became aware of two surprisingly male, hairy arms going around me. I panicked, and shot up the stairs, apologizing all the way.” She was so freaked out she immediately packed and fled the ashram. I’m not familiar enough with the Maharishi to know if this was a common practice.

      • brontebaxter said,

        August 30, 2010 at 1:17 am

        A book has just come out by one of the women (at the time a young girl) who Maharishi had an affair with. Her name is Judith Burquist, I believe (last name may be off, as I’m writing this from memory). The title is “Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay,” and a friend is sending me a copy this week. Judith leaves in Europe, and right now the book is only available by ordering it through her ($37 or something), but I imagine in time it will be available much less expensively on

        I knew about Judith through a friend who is friends with her, and she’s been saying for years that she would write a book about what happened between her and Maharishi, but only after Maharishi died. He passed away a couple of years ago, and now the book is out. In reply to your comment, I’m sure that those two “male, hairy arms” would have given Mia Farrow much more than a bear hug had she not packed up and left.

        There have been many stories over the years of Maharishi’s indiscretions, but this book that’s come out is the first written testimony. I know the intimate details of how Maharishi attempted to seduce two different women, whom I know personally and were just young girls at the time. The guy was no saint.

      • Boyd said,

        November 2, 2010 at 1:04 pm

        The movie Rosemary’s baby was filmed in the Dakota Building were John Lennon was shot to death by Mark David Chapman (A Big Beatles Fan). It also appears that John Lennon knew the director Roman Polanski personally. Roman Polanski’s wife Sharon Tate was Murdered by “the Manson Family”, when she was pregnant. Charles Manson has a connection to the Beatles via the song Helter Skelter, and had his own “special” interpretation of the song. Charles Manson’s “followers” wrote “Helter Skelter” in blood when they killed Sharon Tate.

    • Kyle Cleveland said,

      January 30, 2013 at 11:52 am

      You clearly haven’t spent enough time with the movement. I was born and raised with it, graduated from MSAE in 1991. Its a cult and a dangerous one at that:(. Here’s a recent post with some excellent comments below:

  17. mo said,

    April 18, 2008 at 9:22 pm

    ”how it connects with psychic realms and why it was important to Maharishi to pass this lie off to the world. The power of recitation of the name of a god in meditation is very real power indeed. It connects a person to trans-physical dimensions, where vital energy is siphoned off, eventually crippling and destroying the personality.”
    Absolute rubbish! Mantra does not siphon off energy. Maharishi and other such gurus make the mistake of introducing people to mantra in a diluted fashion – that is the reason why even being a teacher you are not able to even understand the mantra Eim or Hreem, never mind acchieve anything of use with it. mantra meditation and the process of acchieving siddhi through mantra takes a lot of effort and conscious understanding of the various facets symbolised by the mantras. It is not spiritual servitude and its effect will never manifest in people who think in those terms. Its a pity you wasted so many years and more a pity you personally initiated 350 people in 6 years.

  18. Bonnie said,

    April 18, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    Hi, Just linked to your article from Icke’s site, and found facinating because I have just asked the question to the universe and has been happening the answers are coming almost instantly. GO UNIVERSE…and I am concerned about Echart Tolle. Opra has unleashed on the world it seems another unbelievable scam as awful as Dr. Phil, The man disturbes me. I was excied about the prospect of mass awakening to the infinate intelligence that is what I so love about my own awareness, so I bought the book and it was the worst book I have ever tried to get through. I only watched about 5 minutes of the program and have seen other exerpts from it and it was equally as bad. I had ordered a dvd from netflex and could only watch 2 minutes of it. Unbelivable!!! He sleeps on stage, and stares strangely and basically says the same things Deepak and Dyer and all the others say but is putting the audiance in trance and then dispensing with their EGO and killing off the person in a very diabolical way. I feel it’s the most deceptive work in a long time, and people are falling for it in masses. YICKES!!! NOT the awakening I was hoping for. IF this is part of the NEW WORLD, It’s very much the same with a hypnotic twist.

  19. Karl said,

    April 19, 2008 at 12:26 am

    “This is a home tape recording by John Lennon recorded in 1968 after the Beatles’ trip to Rishikesh,India. It was recorded before the idea of Sexy Sadie came up…However in this ‘song’ John is half-talking,half-singing about his impressions of his trip to India and of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi”:

    “The Beatles’ disillusionment with the Maharishi during their stay with him in India in 1968 involved allegations that Maharishi had sex with a visiting American student (Anthony, et al., 1987).”

    “[T]he Maharishi burst into the Beatles’ lives, offering salvation with a price tag of only fifteen [sic] minutes of devotion a day. ‘It seemed too good to be true,’ Paul McCartney later quipped. ‘I guess it was’ (Giuliano, 1989).”

    “The Beatles … parted with Maharishi in 1969 with the public comment that he was ‘addicted to cash’ (Klein and Klein, 1979).”

    However, it is true that Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Mia Farrow all deny the alleged attempted rape story.

  20. ptor said,

    April 19, 2008 at 2:37 am

    Whether or not the rape thing is true or not, it’s besides the point and has nothing to do with the power of mantras and the vampiring of spiritual energies of those people weak enough to be entranced by a guru and/or religion.
    Thom has not refuted or even engaged in the main point of her essay in his schoolyard diatribe that is actually pointing in the direction of Tavistock directives and Project MKULTRA. It is rather obvious that she has no agenda and is not implying any mastership on her part. Besides, knocking down the guru is a universal step in any spiritual process to self empowerment and transcending the limitations of ANY particular belief system.
    I believe the point is we are all our own masters and must figure out what is best for ourselves in meditation, which is as simple as breathing. Her suggestions are essential in questioning the esoteric aspects of meditation and avoiding degenrative and dogmatic aspects of something as universal and simple as meditaton. Keep questioning everything and authority and be your own Guru! i.e. go figure it out yourself Thom!

    P.S Check, it out.. Now the Pope is calling for obedience to the U.N. Same shit, different pile.

  21. bill sigler said,

    April 19, 2008 at 2:50 am

    So glad to see you back and writing, Bronte Baxter!

    Your original expose was one of the most powerful things I’ve ever read, and very important to my spiritual development.

    I can’t wait to delve into your new blog, as you tackle the “sacred cows” udder by by delusional udder. Just another indication that the internet has kicked it up a notch–offering an alternative to the discerning

  22. CNN SUCKS said,

    April 19, 2008 at 2:54 am

    You want to know what really happened to the flower children of the 60’s. I’ll tell you. First one must understand that the so called peace movement and it’s very symbol for peace are simply another twisted version of a pentagram. The broken and inverted cross that morphed into a peace sign. The dope and free sex used to help opened the door that we cannot close. When the “make the world a better place, make love not war”, tent dwelling hippies moved on into the 70’s, they started the ball rolling and became the greatest, biggest materialistic generation to date. Buying up all the giant houses, huge gas guzzling cars and anything to do with sex and drugs and violence, are the reason we have the failing and hopeless dumbed down braindead grandkids they now see before them today. Seeing where the 60’s lead us to where we are now, they know it is because of them not caring enough about the future generations that have now mutated into selfish , greedy , violent , blood loving lowlifes that rule the world today.

  23. cHAd latimer said,

    April 19, 2008 at 4:48 am

    “Give a flower to a stranger day ” July 18th…very simple, go out into the street and hand a random person a flower. Turn around and walk away or converse with them. not complicated PEACE………………….

  24. cHAd latimer said,

    April 19, 2008 at 5:24 am

    Nice article by the way. Reminds me when i was 17 attending a Sant takar Singh initiation at a Radisson Hotel. Buddy and I were first approached by a couple of stiffs in expensive looking suits who greeted us by saying ” are you here to see the master ? ” San takar Singh was sitting in the center on a stack of puffy white pillows on a huge pedestal looking down at all of us. He preached for 8 hours straight in punjabi and distorted english. We were told not to look nowhere else but the center of his forward and that eventually we will begin to see him metamorph into different shapes and identities. It worked but i was sure if i did this with anybody, it would also work, and it has. Just a mind trick. He made us meditate for an hour after the initial 8 while chanting the names of 5 gods repetitively. Other lost souls during this session were breaking down and crying. Looking back at this i truly believe this was nothing more than mind control program. When i walked out of there my mind was really scrambled and fuzzy. I’ll never forget the guys in the suits, they were completely washed. You could see it in their eyes and by the tone of their voices. Just thought i’d share this little story. Sorry if it might be a bit off topic.

  25. Michelle said,

    April 19, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    I loved this article! Thank you. I think that if we allow ourselves to be lead by God, by love then we understand that no “man” can lead you to spiritual freedom. One must tap into their own being and focus in on love, compassion, kindness, peace and understanding for the all. First love yourself, and forgive yourself for whatever you feel you need forgiven. Prayer is powerful . Love is powerful.
    Be real about how you feel, get it out and move on. Be real with the pain felt, the anger created, But don’t hold on to it, let it go and seek that which nurtures. we all have the capacity to make this world a better place. It is a gift we all share, BUT we must choose, we must choose to love, to respect, to empower one another.
    We must have patience as well, cause everyone goes at their own pace. Maharishi doesn’t sound honest, he didn’t seem honest. That is definitely a requirement for leadership. Stop looking on the outside 100% and go within. You have all the answers. You too are powerful made in the mighty image of God! You’re powerful!

  26. Bill Lanphar said,

    April 19, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    I’m Sorry but we will never do to a generation what LSD did to a generation and you will never change the minds of men Like LSD did. You can say what you want I haven’t triped in 20 years .. But nothing ever moved me like triping. We were different because we walked in a place of awareness without an ego to filter and mess with everything we precieved .
    The powers of this world demonized the Mind expanding drugs but mankind took a giant leap forward and the CIA and gov sponsored herion and cocane brought us back down to a place where they could control the situation again. Its the truth and I really don’t care if its politically correct or not you all know what I’m saying is true if you were there tripping on the edge of the grand cayon at sunrise .. We have Dick Chenney now and a chip for a president just what we deserve for giving up on the greatest movement that ever touched this Nation. Thats my 2 cents worth

  27. Rob said,

    April 19, 2008 at 5:46 pm

    I’ve been wondering where all the flower children went since about 1978, when I finally left my commune in the Sierra’s to return to “straight” life (straight meant middle class back then). Well, that’s where a lot of us went! Who’s to blame? Well, I guess I am too. The Movement just seemed to disintegrate. In my little corner of the world, it was first fractured when everyone divided into “my guru is better than your guru” camps. In San Francisco (where I moved to), hippies were replaced by yuppies, whose guru was Werner Erhardt of EST fame. Battered VW vans were replaced by brand-new BMW’s, LSD by cocaine and it was all over.

    On the upside, 30 years later I have settled down in Cambodia and in retrospect, for me at least the intervening years have been years of ripening, so to speak, mistakes and all.

    As Michelle says, “you have all the answers” – that means you, not me or the Maharishi. The closest thing I have to a guru remains Neem Karoli Baba (best known as Ram Das’ guru). Amongst the words of wisdom he gave me were these: “Why are you asking me all these questions? I’m just an old man.” I’m serious! Those words were like a cold shower on a hot day to me – shocking and refreshing at the same time.

    I met almost all the “big name” gurus of the era (Satchitananda, Yogi Bhajan, Swami Muktananda, Satya Sai Baba and a bunch of others) and taught meditation and hatha yoga and spent a year in India etc. etc. Wow! Come to think of it, I should be a guru by now! I could make a bundle! Seriously – I think we got what we deserved – our shallow, self-centered society got shallow, self-centered gurus. The downside of the “Law of Attraction.”

    Thanks to the David Icke Headlines page for referring me to this entertaining blog.

  28. A Flower Child, nigh on 40 years hence said,

    April 19, 2008 at 5:51 pm

    Water falls and flows.

    When it falls, it flows freely, and takes with it what it finds in its flow.

    When it falls upon a pristine mountain top it flows clean and clear and fresh.

    When it falls in a city it flows everywhere, it makes no distinction between trees, flowers, dog piles and sewers.

    It falls and flows and transforms everything it finds in its path.

    It doesn’t judge. It just moves along, sometimes clear and transparent and sometimes murky and dark with the elements dissolving away within it.

    I think that water might laugh with love as it listens to the E. coli pointing its finger at the nitrates and hissing “Pollution! Contamination!” as they’re swirled along together in eddies and whirlpools down splashing gutters or roaring streams.

    Water flows differently in a river or in rivulets down skyscrapers, in waves smashing against rocky coasts or in droplets from fresh clean leaves. By its very nature it adapts to the shape and energies of where it for a time has come to flow.

    Transforming all it touches, not judging or caring what particles it comes to hold within for a time.

    It just flows. And transforms.


  29. gregory said,

    April 19, 2008 at 7:22 pm

    i rode the same train, in the same era, and what a great, fabulous, concentrated learning experience it was, and is. i learned more about more stuff than in any other facet of my life. would not have missed it for the world. everything in life has come and gone, cities, jobs, relationships, houses, circumstances, but that door opened by meditation has never closed, and the room inside simply gets larger and larger and larger. let it out, if you have some pain around the tm thing, but keep going, the flow just keeps on opening.

    enjoy, gregory

  30. AK said,

    April 20, 2008 at 9:57 pm

    What made the flower children possible was a set of social factors that clustered together that are not in the same cluster today:

    1) A baby boom that generated a critical mass of young people right at the same time.

    2) A big incentive to question and protest the Vietnam war because there was a draft in place. That lit a fire under lots of people. Today, there’s no need to fear a draft.

    3) The dollar had greater purchasing power than today and life was much more affordable. You could rent an apartment in San Francisco for very much less than today, having room-mates brought the costs down further, and one didnt have to work ultra long hours to pay rent, food,etc.

    4) Students did not graduate with the sheer, crippling loan burdens as today–less debt bondage.

    5) News coverage of the Vietnam war was much more open–and frank. It was brought right into people’s living rooms. By contrast, the news today is dumbed down. We are no seeing footage of people being killed in Iraq and not seeing coverage night after night of coffins being unloaded from planes or wounded veterans being carried down in stretchers.

    A friend of mine who lived through those years and who was in France as well as the US said that it was different in Europe–the student protest movements were not only based on emotion but also ideology. He said that in France he was asked what his philosophical stance was, and it wasnt enough for him to say he was an anarchist. He was asked, ‘What kind of anarchism do you follow?’ As he put it, French youngsters assumed one had to have a solid intellectual foundation, and to have been able to think it through–their rebellion was not just based on emotion–emotions come and go and are not a solid foundation for a lasting social change movement.

    My pal thought that was one of the reasons why things dissipated in the US — much of the protest and flower child movement was emotion driven, and without a solid intellectual foundation.

    People wanted to ‘groove’ ‘trip out’ and not be bothered by thinking things through. This climate of trust and gullibility made us very easy pickings for a multitude of charlatans.

    Joyce Collin Smith who was a very early English convert to Maharishi, noted in her book Call No Man Master, that MMY didnt start out in the UK by ministering to the emigre Hindus…they would have known exactly how to fact check his lineage claims in relation to Guru Dev. The internet was not yet available, but they could have written letters to family and friends back in India and made inquiries about MMY.

    But Westerners didnt know how to investigate lineage claims. It is noteworthy that in addition to MMY, Baba Muktananda made lineage claims that also turned out to be questionable and was most successful among Westerners, and that Rajneesh adroitly mastered the art of creating an entire, trippy scene that was highly attractive to Westerners–and that utterly mortified his Indian neighbors in Pune.

    To this day I have met people from Pune who cringed in misery when I noted I had first heard of their city in connection with Rajneesh (whose followers are still propagating his stuff, only they now call him Osho to hide the history of it all)

    So the flower child/protest movement IMO was brought about by a combination of social factors that we do not have today.

  31. gregory said,

    April 21, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    yeash, AK, but what caused the social factors? and what causes anything, including gurus and followers? if there is no real cause, just the play of time, how can anyone be blamed for anything? punished, ok, but no one is trying to do anything other than do what they can see to do, son’t you think?

  32. AK said,

    April 21, 2008 at 9:56 pm

    Social Psychology has a lot to say about what causes social factors that enhance risk that power will be abused.

    Social Psychologist Stanley Zimbardo did a Prison Experiment at Stanford University involving college students who were screened to exclude those with possible mental illness. The students were randomly assigned roles either as guards or as prisoners and were told that at any time they were free to leave.

    But…over time, everyone, whether in the part of guard or prisoner forgot they were free to leave. The guards got more nasty, the prisoners became more helpless and submissive. Zimbardo himself forgot it was just an experiment. It was one of Zimbardo’s senior granduate students who saved the situation from getting worse and said it had to stop. She dropped by for a visit, was horrified, and told Professor Zimbardo things had gone too far.

    It was an outside visitors perspective, no special magic, just speaking truth to power and saying, ‘This is cruelty, and it has to stop!’ that broke the trance of power abuse and brought the Stanford Prison Experiment to a premature–and necessary end.

    MMY, Werner Erhard, L Ron Hubbart, Gurdjieff and sundry other cult leaders ran social experiments that ran amok. No one was able to come in from the outside and say ‘Stop!’ And there were no entities, no equvalent of the American Psychological Association (which has ethical guidelines for experiments) and no Academic Senate to which these people were answerable in any structured way.

  33. PenName said,

    April 21, 2008 at 11:19 pm

    Great article. Never got into TM (too expensive and something inside said “no”). I totally agree that chanting mantras that are really worshipful phrases to dieties would indeed siphon energy off into that other dimension. I think much of religion is such and does the same thing.

    Icke gives me a headache — but I do agree that the fundamental manipulation of this world is happening through the control of other-dimensional entities via political and religious and cultural channels. Tried to find book referenced above by “Fairy” (she noted a book by Matthew Deloozi called “Is it me for a moment”…can anyone help me find it?)

    I loved Tolle’s first book, but my intuition said “NO” to his second and to everything since.

    Bronte — I just have to say that I have been also “On alert” about the whole “Law of Attraction” thing. The “affirmation-based” “new agey’, “draw what you want to you with positive thinking” philosophy is rife with a selfish spirituality where we all feel entitled to health, prosperity and happiness. By refusing to entertain anything negative, its adherents are whistling through the graveyard, refusing to see a world in shambles. This “law of attraction” stuff comes around often under different guises, via different channels, teachers and books and movements all the time. With adherents growing by the day, thousands of people working with its principles, our world keep getting sicker and sicker.

    Sure it works. I worked with laws of attraction — visualizing positive outcomes, affirming them, etc…. and made awesome things happen. However all of them turned to dust in the end and were far inferior to what came when I just let go and stopped trying to control and enforce my own agenda on the spiritual world.

    Perhaps Law of Attraction may be just another form of sorcery which that other dimension will only happily oblige to put you in its debt and thrall.

  34. Ed Largy said,

    April 22, 2008 at 4:19 am

    The entire scheme of the nwo people who desire to micro manage all the slaves in the world with the earth’s wealth is manufactured by the Tavistock Institute out of Suffox University, England. The PsyOps think tank is privately funded by the elite wealthy hiarchy who desire to psychologically or psychodelically manage the entire population. How do they do this? Conditioning, conditioning, and conditioning. We are now seeing the financial system being manipulated to increase the speed of this process as they are getting ready to globally govern via centralized government. The world’s nations are now being regionalized, e.g. the US, Mex., Canada is merged into the North American Union with the Amero to be the new money for all three countries by 2010. These regions are tied into the Euro with the United States of Europe. Psychology is a scam that has been used from Freud onwards to dope up the people into thinking they can change their behavior into a continuous improvement to achieve nirvana like utopia. All of these social systems are a scar by the hiarchy to manipulate the slaves of the world and take away their wealth. Sad but true.

  35. brontebaxter said,

    April 22, 2008 at 5:06 am

    Very thoughtful post, PenName, and I’d like to respond to what you say about practicing “the Law of Attraction.” It surely is utilized sometimes for selfish purposes, even destructive purposes. The Law of Attraction is a value-neutral law, like the Law of Gravity. If you hurl yourself off a building, the Law of Gravity will take you to your demise.

    But the fact that in the last year so many people have been finding out about the Law of Attraction (primarily through Oprah’s show on “The Secret”), I find exciting and encouraging. The message of the Law of Attraction is personal empowerment, human empowerment, and that’s a message it seems to me this world sorely needs. It undercuts the prevailing philosophy that so much isn’t possible. That, of course, is the philosophy that makes us feel weak, helpless and therefore in need of more powerful entities who exist outside ourselves (primarily religious or spiritual entities) to manage things for us and to take the lead. That’s why we give our power away to gurus, to a gods, to “ascended masters,” channelers, etc.

    How much better to wake up to our own powers of knowledge, creation and self-determination, to discover that we can make things happen in the outer world by consciously focusing thought. Sure, there can be destructive consequences, but it is also dangerous learning to ride a bike or to paraglide. With time and experience, you figure out what’s good for you and what isn’t. You found emptiness in the “awesome things” you say you made happen. Maybe you created selfish or non-harmonious realities, that weren’t good for you or others in the end. Those you would naturally regret.

    I’ve created “awesome things” too but most of them still exist and have made my life better. I LOVE working the Law of Attraction, but I think through in advance what side effects or repercussions I could be creating. Then I add in elements to my “wish” that keep anyone from getting hurt. For instance, I may put, as a tag on an affirmation, “with all good benefits for everyone whom my life touches.” Since my life touches everything in creation ultimately (in the same way a ripple touches all the water in a pond), then all creation is protected and benefited by such an affirmation. Assuming it doesn’t contain the contradiction of being a wish for something bad, but in that case, the tag on the end would cancel the wish itself out.

    The Law of Attraction can be used as easily to create a better world as to create selfish realities. We can, for instance, be envisioning the kind of world we’d like every night before we fall asleep, letting our imaginations run with it and creating a world without sickness, where everyone is abundant, where the conspiracy has a died a natural death and all beings live in joy and harmony. What if everyone who knew about the conspiracy did that, every night? Wouldn’t that start to shake reality as we know it?

    You write that it is “selfish spirituality” to “feel entitled to health, prosperity and happiness.” With this I completely disagree. We are all entitled to those things, why wouldn’t we be? To assert otherwise is to say that sickness, poverty and sorrow were part of the original divine intention for this life. My heart cannot believe that. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had moments of pure, uncaused joy, where I knew all beings were precious and filled with God and loved. Everything alive shined in such moments. Those seconds were charged with life, with the power and joy of life itself. That joy was the opposite of death, the opposite of lack altogether. It was all fullness. I think most of us have had such moments.

    THAT is what I think life is supposed to be like, and will be like, when we get over the illusion that control and truth are outside of us. Everything living from such a place is, was, I think, the original intention for this universe. There’s so much fantastic potential, just waiting to be discovered. So much universal fun to be had we haven’t even dreamed of yet. The Law of Attraction is a big part of actualizing that potential. It is the key that unlocks the door of experience that allows us to prove to ourselves that we can be captain of our own ship. When each person wakes up to the divine power within them, and wakes up as well to the beauty in everyone else, we’ll all be creating realities that bless and benefit both ourselves and this world. I can’t think what could be better.


  36. PenName said,

    April 22, 2008 at 5:54 am

    This way of thought has been around for at least 100 years. Louise Hay, Unity, Christian Science-related authors……”The Secret” perhaps marketed it better. It pops up every few years in another guise, and will continue to.

    I don’t know enough about spiritual realities to refute what you are saying. However I know enough to remain humble and not feel my own vision for what is right in the world or my life is truly the best outcome.

    BTW: I used the power for selfless things — justice, social reform.

    Somehow I just feel there is a different way of truth other than affirmationism — and also different from Hindu/Buddhist non-action.

    I’ve read “happiness” books and power of positive thinking books, and “Change your thinking – change your world” books, for over 35 years and it just doesn’t stick with me…. I have to constantly be reading them, bolstering myself with them in order to maintain the positive mind necessary to keep it up.

    I can’t be alone judging by the thousands of books, articles, self-improvement seminars and happiness “the power is within you” gurus out there. Other people must need such constant immersion and bolstering as well.

    Rather than accept profound guilt and self-reproach for the constant slipping back into negativity, I’m exporing new avenues on why and how the mind — my mind– is influenced and why it is negative to begin with, or drifts that way with inertia. It feel as though the mind is a dirty tool or at best a “radio” receiver that is bombarded by countless bad stations broadcasting out there.

    I do not wish to create my own station full of self-soothing BS, so much as to tune into the real station that I know must be somewhere. I have learned that the real station is not “out there,” not out in the “spiritual” world and its denizens, but rather deep within me. But it is not at the level of my thinking mind and its drivel — whether that drivel be my imagined blessing for the world or my darkest fears.

    The eastern gurus had it partly right in that we need to clean the mind through meditation, but then they steered this into passivity and relinquishing of our power to them and their overlords on high. The western gurus of happy-think assure us the power is within us, but they have us use our greedy, filthy and value-cluttered minds to weild it.

    Those moments of the joy of life you had since you were a little girl, were they choreographed from a mental exercise or intention based in the law of attraction or did they spontaneously emerge from the fresh uncorrupted experience of you in the moment?

    I know the most profound spiritual experiences in my life were not the fruit of some exercise, desire or agenda of mine at that moment, but arose quite spontaneously and seem to be quite unduplicable by any mental intention or cause and effect attraction.

  37. Ruebin said,

    April 22, 2008 at 9:14 am

    I’ve been meditating for 40 years… since 1968. For 18 of those years I studied Zen under a zen roshi. It took me a long time to figure out what was really going on… ALL of the “sanctioned” religions today here in the west have been infiltrated, and their purpose changed to actually divert people away from true liberation. It took me many years to finally figure this all out. This includes ALL religions here in the west, including Buddhism, and that covers Zen and Vipassana as well. Yes, there are some good people out there trying to teach this “stuff”, but the real movers and shakers in this “new age” eastern religion movement here in the U.S. are exactly like Bronte Baxter describes the Maharishi… nothing more than very slick snake oil salesmen. Check out the “zen apron” that all of these supposed “advanced” zen masters wear to show the “students” just how “spiritual” they are… these are nothing more than Masonic apron… only a much more “stripped down” zen version! And yes… in most zen sects here in the U.S., when you go into see the Roshi for a personal talk, you are required to prostrate down to this person when you first enter the room.

    Sadly, I see SO MANY unsuspecting people going into Buddhism these days, whether it’s Zen, Vipassana, Tibetan Buddhism, or some other form of it, and very rarely do ANY of these people do ANY homework about this before blindly joining one of these cults. They are so blinded by the seductive talk of enlightnment, entering the “Dharma”, ending all suffering and the cycles of birth and death here in this life… the list goes on and on…

    I’ve found meditation to be real simple, and NOBODY needs a teacher to be taught any of this. For me it just boils down to learning to follow one’s breath… that’s ALL! And I don’t call it “meditation” anymore. I just refer to it as “sitting quietly”. And when one becomes quiet by “sitting quietly”, the rest will gradually come. We’ve been too spoiled by “quick fixes”, fancy “dharma centers” that cost money to simply SIT in. If there really were such a person as the Buddha, I sometimes think that he’d roll over in his grave if he could see what we have done here in America with his teachings!

  38. Ruebin said,

    April 22, 2008 at 9:43 am

    One final comment…

    Here is an excellent book that exposes this whole western “zen myth” for what it really is, and they also expose several well known American zen teachers as well. “Zen at War”, by Brian Victoria, who himself is a Zen Master.

    Here’s a little bit from this book, if anybody is really interested in what is behind so much of this zen “bluff and bluster” that we see so many of todays supposed “zen masters” acting out. As the author himself questions… what exactly IS this type of “enlightnment” that these Japanese masters have brought over here to the west? And even the spokesperson for zen buddhism, the well known D.T. Suzuki questioned if these “zen masters” could have satori, kenso, etc… but with absolutely no compassion. Read these two essays very carefully, because THIS is the real zen that we have imported over from Japan…

  39. brontebaxter said,

    April 22, 2008 at 10:21 am

    Ruebin, you express this very well, and I’m very much in agreement.

    PenName, I’m copying an excerpt below from a ten-lesson course I wrote in how to “imaginate” — how to take control of one’s thoughts and of one’s life. This excerpt doesn’t talk about how to imaginate, but how to eliminate the things that get in the way of it. This is copyrighted material to which I don’t own the copyright, but anyone interested in purchasing the course can obtain it by writing to the college I wrote the course for: Health and Harmony Colleges in Australia, at

    Before the excerpt, a response to what you wrote. I think the reason we have to “bolster” ourselves to keep on utilizing the Law of Attraction is all the negative programming we’re saddled with that gets in the way of the new, empowering way of thinking. The negative habitual thinking spontaneously springs up and gets in the way, like weeds getting in the way of young new plants in a garden.

    The human mind is much like a radio receiver, picking up the frequencies and thoughts around it. Unhappy trans-dimensional entities sometimes influence us psychically, transmitting discouraging thoughts that we think are our own. They can take a momentary dip in our emotional equilibrium and exacerbate it by plying us with negative, subtle thoughts. I think we can get into a pretty routine low from that sort of thing, and once we’re down, it’s hard to break out of it.

    I’ve had some first-hand experience with this. Depression runs in my family, and I’ve always been susceptible to it. During a particularly difficult time, I sought help from a healer who suggested I make the following statement, out loud and with full attention, three times in a row several times a day: “I happily disconnect myself from all energies, entities or programs that may be or are feeding upon me.” Amazingly, out of everything I tried, that’s what broke me out of the dark doldrums. I felt lighter and freer the first day I tried it. Once I got un-depressed, I stopped saying those words regularly, but I still use them or something similar when I feel I may be picking up negative influences psychically. I haven’t fallen into depression again, and it’s been a couple of years. Before that, I got depressed regularly.

    Excerpt from “Imaginate Your Way to a Better Life” by Bronte Baxter

    The Deepest Part of You

    You have had some experience now in the practice of imaginating. So what exactly are you doing when you do this process?

    You are programming your subconscious mind with an idea, an image you want made manifest in the outer world. But why is it necessary to engage subconscious mind when you want to create a reality? If your conscious mind
    is part of universal mind (which of course it is), why do you have to get “sub-“ to get down to business? Why can’t a conscious intention be enough?

    If it were true that conscious mind can make intentions come true all by itself, affirmations would always work every time anyone used them. Every goal a person attempts to accomplish through diligent action in the world would also result in success. But we know that
    neither affirmations nor earnest effort always bear fruit. Why is that?

    The reason is that conscious thoughts are only what we’re thinking on the surface. Underneath is our real opinion, the opinion held by our subconscious mind. And that is what has the power to create reality.

    Which is more powerful in your own experience, a conscious fleeting thought that passes momentarily through your mind or an attitude you have carried with you for years? Which is more likely to influence your outer reality? The deeper, more established thought, of course. It’s clear that if we want to better our lives and create reality through pure intention, we need to deal with this thing called the subconscious.

    Every time you think a thought repeatedly, or think a thought with great feeling or conviction, you are programming your subconscious mind.
    It doesn’t matter if your thoughts are positive or negative, if they pass idly and routinely through your head or if you think them on purpose. Every time you think habitual or emotional thoughts, you are creating. You are building an attitude, a point of view, that is recorded in the deepest part of you. Such opinions become as much a part of who you are as your breathing. And like breathing, they aren’t noticed unless you make an effort to pay attention to them.

    Subconscious mind is not somebody else’s mind, or some incomprehensible part of you that is severed from your personality. Subconscious mind and conscious mind are not two separate things but rather two levels of one mind: yours.

    When you think habitual thoughts or emotion-based thoughts, they turn into subconscious beliefs, and what the subconscious mind believes it naturally creates in the outer reality called your life.

    Your Life and How You Built It

    How do you turn a thought in your head into an exterior fact? Through a sequence. First you have a perception. If you persist in that thought, it becomes your opinion. The more you reflect on that opinion, the more of a habit it becomes, until it is an attitude. The more you think from the point of view of your attitude, the more automatic the attitude becomes. In time, it is adopted as part of your personality, part of the definition of who you are.

    So a perception has turned into an opinion has turned into an attitude has turned into part of your personality at the deepest level, the subconscious level. Subconscious because even when you don’t put your conscious attention on it, the attitude is an integral part of you, influencing everything you think and do.

    When a conscious thought
    or activity gets habitual
    enough that it is automatic,
    we say becomes subconscious. That means subconscious
    mind has taken over the conscious behavior and continues to generate it automatically, without our having to be aware of it.

    Think about your breathing again. What if you had
    to consciously think about breathing in order to take each breath? You’d spend all the day doing nothing but breathing because there’d be no room in your conscious attention left over for anything else. The body knows this, so it makes breathing automatic, an activity supervised by the subconscious aspect of yourself. That frees up your conscious mind to take care of the business of the moment.

    Think about the beautiful posture exhibited by dancers. They walk about more erectly than most people because they have trained themselves that way. It began with a conscious thought – reminding themselves to hold their bodies in a certain manner. But after standing and walking erectly long enough, the behavior became automatic, something performed by their subconscious mind.

    Trained dancers don’t have to think to walk erectly, they just do it. The rest of us, for the most part, have to think about our posture if we want it to look that good. For us, it’s a conscious activity, not a subconscious one. The moment we withdraw our conscious awareness from the way we are standing and start to think of something else, we fall back into our habitual posture again.

    In the same way that standing erectly can be taken over by the subconscious mind if the thought to stand that way becomes habitual enough, so any thought takes root in subconscious mind if it we think it repeatedly. Another way thoughts root in the subconscious is if emotion attaches to them. The rate at which a subconscious impression is made is often directly proportional to the degree of emotion accompanying the perception.

    Consider, for example, a small child being suddenly frightened by a huge dog. No habitual thought is necessary to turn that sort of experience into a subconscious impression. From that moment on, from just a single experience, the child’s subconscious mind will probably be programmed with a fear of large canines. The more the emotion involved, the less repetition is needed to turn a conscious thought into a subconscious one. The less emotion involved, the more repetition is required.

    All this illustrates how a perception or thought by the conscious mind turns into a subconscious impression or belief. Subconscious mind is the part of us responsible for creating realities in our outer world. What blueprint does it create from? The impressions, beliefs and desires it receives from the conscious mind, through habitual thought or emotional thought.

    So here’s how the cycle of creation goes, from the time you think a thought to the time it manifests in your life:

    Perception → Opinion → Attitude → Subconscious Belief → Outer Fact

    This is both good news and bad news. The bad news is that you’re walking around with a lot of subconscious impressions you didn’t intentionally mean to pick up, impressions which have created the thing you call your life. The good news is that you can eliminate subconscious impressions that create bad things in your life and replace them with impressions that generate good things and happiness instead.

    Weeding the Mind Garden

    All of us have been programming our subconscious minds through our habitual and emotional thinking since the day we were born. It’s hard to know what all is buried there. Understanding the complexity of your subconscious mind by looking at what’s in your conscious mind at any given moment is like trying to understand the programs that run your computer by reading the document you’re typing on the screen in front of you. You don’t get a very big picture.

    How do you know what’s in your subconscious mind so you can eliminate what you don’t want and replace it with what you want? By listening to the thoughts, just
    below your conscious awareness,
    that run through your head all day long. All those little whisperings, mumblings, grumblings. Often they sound something like “This will
    never work… I can’t do this…
    I’m stuck… it was a stupid dream anyway… well, that’s life.”

    The more you try to attune yourself to your subliminal inner dialogue – “tapes” some people call them – the more aware you’ll become of this under-layer of thought. You’ll observe it more often, more easily.

    What do you do when you detect self-sabotaging chatter? You replace it with a clear and positive statement that negates the words on the old tape and substitutes what you really want your subconscious mind to think about the subject. By developing the habit of doing this whenever you slip into negative thought, the self-destructive programming harbored in the deepest part of your personality will be eliminated, a little at
    a time.

    This principle of replacement happens to be at the heart of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a psychotherapy that is used to cure all types of self-destructive thinking. Remarkably, studies show it to be as successful as drug therapy in restructuring the brain chemistry of people who suffer from major depression. This therapy works by identifying negative thoughts as they arise and replacing them with more constructive self-talk.

    Part of creating a better life for yourself and getting the things you want is eliminating the subconscious programs that are creating and maintaining bad things in your world. Imaginating is another part of the solution. But for imaginating to really take root, you need to clean the weeds out of the soil of your subconsciousness. Do this by becoming aware of negative internal habitual chatter, and when you become aware of it, substitute what you were thinking with a clear statement that represents what you want to think.

    Sometimes just firmly stating the truth of the matter to yourself is all it takes. Sometimes that won’t work and the negative thought will bounce right back into your head again. In that case, withdraw yourself from activity for a few moments, close your eyes, and repeat several times (mentally or out loud, but with focus) the replacement thought you want your subconscious mind to accept. That sows the new seed.

    An example makes this clearer. Suppose you catch yourself repeatedly thinking, “I am never going to get over being impatient with my son. He just keeps pushing my buttons.” You might construct, write down and mentally repeat the following replacement thought: “I am naturally growing more patient with my son. Everyday I understand him better.”

    The important thing here is to think
    (or say out loud) a clear and specific affirmative thought. If you don’t go
    that far, and just say to yourself, “Oh, there’s that negative thought again,” just the act of becoming aware of the destructive thought will somewhat reduce the intensity of your subconscious belief. But that is not nearly as effective or swift a way of rooting out negative programming as
    is inserting a substitution thought in
    the old one’s place.

    Don’t fight with yourself, try to
    “block” destructive thoughts, or get upset if the negative thoughts keep on recurring. They will for a while, just
    as weeds keep popping up in a garden even after you begin weeding regularly. But you’ll notice progressively fewer and fewer weeds, and with consistent attention to introducing substitute good thoughts when bad ones sprout up, the bad seeds will die out eventually and the new seeds will take over.

    Persistence pays off! If you combine imaginating morning and evening (more often if you prefer) with self-monitoring your thought patterns during your waking hours, you will in time eliminate all the self-sabotaging attitudes that hurt you and restrict your happiness. In their place, you’ll be creating wonderful new subconscious beliefs that will manifest as outer realities.

    Time Is on Your Side

    Imaginating works on the same principle as the self-programming you’ve been doing all your life. It impresses the subconscious mind, through repetition and emotion, with specific thoughts. Unlike your former self-programming, however, this intentional programming will result in life-supporting realities in the outer world, not distressing and damaging ones.

    Don’t be discouraged if you have years of bad programming to root out. We all do. Fortunately, new self-programming takes far less time to establish than the old programming did because we do it with focus and intentionality. In weeks or even days, you’ll start to see results. In a few months, you’ll see even more. Not only will you feel better psychologically, but bad things in your life will begin to disappear and the good things you want will start coming to you.

    It’s all a matter of exercising a little self-regulation, or thought management, and some focused imagination we call imaginating.

    Stop all of the old mechanical
    negative inner talking and start
    a new positive and constructive
    inner speech from premises of
    fulfilled desire. Inner talking is
    the beginning, the sowing of the
    seeds of future action. To
    determine the action, you must
    consciously initiate and control
    your inner talking. Construct a
    sentence which implies the
    fulfillment of your aim, such as
    “I have a large, steady,
    dependable income, consistent
    with integrity and mutual benefit,”
    or “I am happily married,” or
    “I am wanted,” “I am contributing
    to the good of the world,” and
    repeat such a sentence over and
    over until you are inwardly
    affected by it. Our inner speech
    represents in various ways the
    world we live in.

    ~ Neville Goddard

  40. PenName said,

    April 23, 2008 at 12:04 am

    Ruebin said:

    “ALL of the “sanctioned” religions today here in the west have been infiltrated, and their purpose changed to actually divert people away from true liberation.”

    AMEN! I do believe that truth-tellers have come over the years, but by the second generation of disciples the message is warped — infiltrated in each instance by the same layer of energy which will steer the prime truth of “The kingdom is within you” back to “Seek power outside yourself and follow all these rules and get involved with a hierarchical system, accept all this fear and guilt, etc….” The infiltration process is probably very easy for these guys by now, and is executed in perfunctory fashion time and again. All these traditions have a little bit of truth and something not quite right….. the something not quite right was implanted after the original transmission and is hard to wash out down the road.

    Thanks for the links on Zen, Ruebin. I look forward to investigating them.

    Bronte, you said:

    “The human mind is much like a radio receiver, picking up the frequencies and thoughts around it. Unhappy trans-dimensional entities sometimes influence us psychically, transmitting discouraging thoughts that we think are our own. They can take a momentary dip in our emotional equilibrium and exacerbate it by plying us with negative, subtle thoughts. I think we can get into a pretty routine low from that sort of thing, and once we’re down, it’s hard to break out of it.”

    I agree 100% and that is the rub! I don’t feel that affirmations and vigilance toward positive thinking is enough — it is a good start and important, but somehow we need to clean the receiver, or bypass it altogether to get to the correct broadcasting station of our true selves. I think that these deceiving transdimensionals can fool us into thinking we are doing good, when we are still following their hidden directives. Many times I thought I was thinking and doing the selfless, giving, beneficial and positive thing in my spiritual life, only to find out later it got me deeper into a worse trap. These interdimensional beings don’t come at us always with the obvious negative, depressive, fear-based thoughts — they dress themselves up as sparkly good, happy, co-creator notions as well.

    Not reason enough to abandon positive-thought based visualization/feeling efforts, but reason enough to stay open, observant and very humble to other possibilities.

    We all have bad programming to root out… but we are also affected by the signals from dynamic, intelligent energy beings who will change the game continually — the bad programming is not always a static thing addressed with a static affirmation. The other tricky item is that the other side knows the rules better than we do while we are in this dimension. They have a higher ability to see past, future, our weaknesses, our “karma,” and we operate very blind. We are handicapped going in if we play on their dimension, which is the dimension we access partially by thoughts and dreams. Perhaps we can win if we bring the effort down to a dimension they cannot access — the living human energy and spark of life within each one of us. Bring it back to our turf and get out of theirs.

  41. brontebaxter said,

    April 23, 2008 at 6:46 am

    Pen Name, you’re right on here on almost every point, in my opinion. I agree about the “positive” programming and the need to be vigilant. My blog entry yesterday “Channeled Messages: Who’s Really Talking?” cites an example of just that sort of deception.

    As far as your remark that “the bad programming is not always a static thing addressed with a static affirmation,” I would respond that I think static affirmations are across the board pretty worthless. Use of affirmations alone is a dead-end trail, in my experience. The Law of Attraction stuff is so often dismissed as “affirmations” and it’s often explained very superficially. But if you delve into the subject of manifesting, there’s a wealth of information available if you access the best sources. Neville’s book, “The Law and the Promise” does one of the best job’s I’ve seen of explaining how to manifest. It is wholly unlike the superficial treatments of this subject I’m seeing lots of places around the Internet.


  42. Rob said,

    April 25, 2008 at 12:13 pm

    Hello again, this blog remains one of the most refreshing and “enlightening” blogs I’ve come across in a long time. Reuben’s entry said so elegantly everything I’ve felt about western-style Zen. So thank you, Bronte, for starting a wonderful exchange.

    I had a very strange experience the other day that I’ve recounted in my website: Coming on the heels of my reading and contributing to this blog, it’s timing couldn’t have been better. Note: while my website is a “.com” I’m not trying to sell anything. Later maybe, but not now. I’d just like to share my “flashback” story with anyone who’s interested

  43. Rob said,

    April 25, 2008 at 12:23 pm

    This remains one of the most refreshing and “enlightening” discussions I’ve read on the subject of gurus, cults, etc. in a long time. Reuben expresses the whole western-style Zen subject so elegantly. Thank you, Bronte, for opening the subject.

    A lot of us who have contributed to this blog lived during that magical era. Strangely, the day before yesterday I relived it again in a very weird way. I’ve published it on my website, and my blog, if anyone’s interested in reading about it.

    Thanks again – Rob

  44. Rob said,

    April 25, 2008 at 1:06 pm

    So many of the comments on this blog have been so wonderfully refreshing, I’d like to ask for comments on A Course in Miracles, if anyone has anything to offer. I recently went back to it after a long lapse and am having the same uncomfortable reaction I had before: as much as I can’t argue with the text itself, I feel I’m being told what to think and how to feel. For instance, the statement, “my attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability” (lesson 26, I think). While it’s true that when one is caught up in an angry, reactive inner dialogue one loses their peace of mind, it also seems true that sometimes anger is an entirely appropriate response to a situation. Many of us woke up to what our gurus were trying to do to us when we heeded warning signals in our minds – in my case at least, those signals came in the form of anger. I hope I’m not taking us off topic, but this has been on my mind for awhile.

    On mantras: yes, I agree about “watching your breath” and it reminds me of an amusing and enlightening (in the small “e” sense of the word) exchange I witnessed between “Swamis” Kriyananda and Muktananda back in about 1969. Paramahansa Yogananda (my guru) taught a technique where the meditator silently chanted “hong” on the incoming breath and “sau” on the outgoing, but Muktananda taught it exactly the opposite – “sau” on the incoming, “hong” on the outgoing. The argument about which was the “right” way got almost heated, though both “swamis” managed to retain their benevolent , “spitritual” smiles throughout.

  45. April 25, 2008 at 5:33 pm

    Hi Rob. Great comment. I think you find interesting the eight pages on “A Course in Miracles” that appear in a wonderful book called, “The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power,” by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad. Here is an excerpt:

    “The ‘Course’ operates through giving a lesson each day consisting of a statement to be repeated like an affirmation, mantra or prayer. It unabashedly states that the function of the lessons are first, ‘the undoing of the way you see now,’ and next, ‘the acquisition of true perception.’ These two steps – undermining a person’s framework for integration, and then programming in so-called truth – are basic to all mind-control. We find absurd the idea that truth, true perception, or any kind of wisdom can be instilled first by inculcating self-mistrust and then programming the so-called truth through repetition.”


    • Carole said,

      August 30, 2010 at 6:07 am

      I remember reading a Course in Miracle many years ago. I was enjoying it and using it as a meditation aid. I would read just one page and then go into meditation. As I recall there was a lot of talk at the beginning of the book about eliminating guilt and fear. I could certainly relate to those ideas. However, half way through the book the narration suddenly took a very intimidating and authoritarian tone. A tone that seemed designed to make you feel guilty. I stopped reading the book at that point. Something just didn’t feel right.

  46. April 30, 2008 at 11:37 pm

    […] I never thought about the New Age movement. Recently I have read some of the writings of Bronte Baxter, who writes a lot about Hindu religions and they have brought to mind new ideas about some New Age […]

  47. DAS said,

    May 3, 2008 at 5:55 am

    Thank you all for discussing this subject. I was a TMer for 11 years, and somehow felt disgusted by the whole money/corporate image that it encouraged. I was even accepted to MUM in Fairfield for the PhD program in Ayurveda. After being interviewed (interrogated) by a governer in order to enter the school, I never responded to such arrogance again. I simply walked away, and was quickly ostracized by my “friends” who also meditated with TM. Yes…it is definitely a mind-control cult…right up there with the Vril Society and the Nazis.

  48. DancesWithBunnies said,

    May 7, 2008 at 8:28 am

    This conversation is so very pertinent to a whole host of people out here on the internet who are coming or have come to the same conclusion about much of the new age material and the imported eastern style religions..

    thank you Rob, and Bronte.
    I need to get that book “the Guru papers.”

    Yes much of the new age appears to have some authentic material mixed with poison..and many of us have gone through material including ACIM (Gary Renard’s books and the new one “Take Me To the Truth, Undoing the Ego” by Nouk..and find something is not quite right.)

    I know we are all connected ona fundamental level..back in 1999 before i had ever delved into spirituality seriously i had a dream i which i asked a little girl if everyone in the dream was actually me…she said “yes and if you think that is scary…” i awoke in terror. she was about to tell me that everyone in real life was really me as well.
    Which is why many of the Eastern Religion SEEM to fit in with what i experienced in my dream. ACIM is just western style advaita.

    I had heard Groeshel, a catholic priest , knew Helen Schucmann and wrote that she spent the last two years of her life in an almost psychotic depression.

    I also am looking for information on new age groups as well as the majr religions feeding some forces that keep us imprisoned., i deeply appreciate this blog.
    Thank you guys so very much!


  49. brontebaxter said,

    May 7, 2008 at 9:04 am

    Regarding Bunny’s comment … Surely we are all one on a fundamental level, because everything that is is made out of consciousness. That level of oneness is the reason harmony between all of us is a real possibility, and why love is a possibility. The problem is the way this truth is twisted by the manipulators to serve their agenda. They want us to give up our personal autonomy so they can be in control, and the argument they use to do that,in the Indian tradition, is that oneness is THE truth and individuality is an illusion. They want us to feel ignorant and toxic if we identify with and cherish our uniqueness. But spiritual empowerment actually involves embracing both aspects of our nature — functioning from the level of Basecamp (the Infinite) but inside the embraced perimeters of our personhood.


  50. May 10, 2008 at 8:20 am

    […] They and their kids are the ones running the government and denying us of today the rights … Hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as […]

  51. Lisa Charity said,

    May 14, 2008 at 7:35 am

    wow,interesting stuff written on here! I was a child hippy doing LSD by age 13. It definetly expanded my mind and influenced my art.But I don’t see meditation being the answer to anything. I do “pray” and I have come to the conclusion the world will be what it is.You can’t change the world, only yourself. But the evil forces running this show are making it difficult to be yourself. They want you to be what they say you have to be…Those in the “know” can relate to what I’m talking about. We will see this world fall apart at the seams.It’s being destroyed as I type.Even a revolution couldn’t stop it now.It’s like a freight train out of control. What can we do..nothing. Wait and see.I don’t think we have to wait much longer to see the results of this chaos spiraling out of control. BTW thay have our implant chips ready.Just don’t accept it.Even if it means death. Then you will see truth.And the true messiah..he was called Jesus when he was here before. He will be called your Majesty when he returns to put an end to the evil bastards thinking they are in control of the universe….~peace~don’t hate the messenger…BTW i’m still a hippy, just a truly enlightened one and it has nothing to do with organized religion.They polluted God.

  52. brontebaxter said,

    May 14, 2008 at 9:33 am

    Mmm, I don’t agree with you there, Lisa, about the Jesus part. Or about our ability to do nothing. It’s doing nothing that has led to this state of affairs. No one is going to save us, as the whole “saving” mindset is the problem. There are multiple groups of beings vying for control of human consciousness, but they all have the same agenda: using mankind’s energy to make themselves more powerful. The true God does not want to be called “Majesty” and doesn’t require human worship. Only insecure “gods” who rely on others life force need that.


  53. C. said,

    May 14, 2008 at 10:29 am

    “…as the whole “saving” mindset is the problem.”..
    Exactly, it’s time we mature and realise we are the ones we have been waiting for. No more waiting for metaphorical “Mom and Dad” to correct our mistakes and make it all better.That’s what we did for two thousand years…it doesn’t work! It just got infected!
    The definition of stupidity?
    Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    It’s time to stop the blame game, stop picking at where things went “wrong” and start looking at how to dig ourselves out of this hole. I’m not saying we should not be aware of the “errors” though.
    Claiming our own power of choice based on experience, is what defines humans differently than animals. Some would even call that “divinity”.
    We can turn this seeming world “destruction” into a world “transformation”.
    But we have to take action – “God” helps those who help themselves.”
    That much is clear.

  54. Lisa Charity said,

    May 15, 2008 at 12:49 pm

    well see about that, garunteed. The collective mind is god.But it’s not happening with these people on the earth. Try explaining that to your neighbor or a stranger at the grocery store……It’s personal. Point blank

  55. Lisa Charity said,

    May 15, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    “and thats what we did for 2 thousand years” maybe you should count back a lil farther. It’s been around since man started worshipping God,way before Jesus. He was the last incarnate of God. Guess you better get digging deeper and deeper. Maybe you’ll hit China. I suppose you all think the implant chip to survive in this world happened by chance.I’d really like to see someone stop the illuminati and yes they are real.Not what they claim to be..worse. And sorry they control the world,but not my mind. And no implant in this body,EVER

  56. Lisa Charity said,

    May 15, 2008 at 1:08 pm

    My point is basically no one is collectively going to do any thing.. Just try or explain to me how that can or will happen. People will never agree on any thing..a few here a few there..not happening. Reality sucks people. So live in your dream and be happy. Thats about the most you can expect till the shit hits the fan. Take it up with the worlds leaders who could care less about what you or I think. They have thier own agenda. It’s definetly wrong. But those with the most power and money in this world call the shots.. truth..for now… so thats all I have to say about it. ~peace~

  57. Michael Recycle said,

    July 13, 2008 at 4:00 am

    amazing writing, i love how it exposes what SHOULD be obvious, but still acknowledges that “miracles” do occur

    the only way you could make this better would be plastic surgery

  58. July 31, 2008 at 7:55 am

    Rob wrote:
    > I’d like to ask for comments on A Course in Miracles, if anyone has
    > anything to offer.

    Of course there’s no problem with reading this book or any other. The real issue is, WHY are you reading “A Course in Miracles”?

    For example, is it POSSIBLE that you don’t trust yourself or believe in yourself enough to seek Truth in your own experience, so you’re looking for it in a book? This is very very common in all sorts of religious and spiritual practices. It’s worth questioning if you find yourself looking for truth this way. For example, if you want to understand your true self, why not examine your own experience, for yourself? Why should some old book be an authority on who you are, rather than you yourself?

  59. Williams said,

    December 4, 2008 at 2:57 am

    Remarkable writing, the words fill my heart with truth and empowerment. I am a writer on the subject too.

    I feel for every word being said as it explains perfectly what I have always felt inside.

    The only question I have, is where can I find this book when it becomes published?

    Please someone notify me or email me. Any information would be appreciated with my sincere gratitude.

    BRONTE’S RESPONSE: Thanks, Williams. It’s heartening to get this response from readers. And it makes sense people should have it, because if something’s true, many different individuals should be arriving at a perception of it independently of one another. I’m interested in hearing from such people.

    I’ve put your email address on a notification list for the book. Other readers are welcome to write to me at and ask to be put on the list as well. I will also announce the book’s availability on this blog site when “Whistle” is finished.

  60. Kathy Terry said,

    April 7, 2010 at 8:42 pm


    I stumbled onto your website last week. Your assertions are shockingly enlightening and worth pondering. I will write more later, but for today I want to share another perspective of the baby boomers that I read this morning and suggest that there is a link between these two threads.

    a former TM enthusiast-turned WCG member-now happily free of both!

  61. Ulla de Mora said,

    November 20, 2010 at 6:59 pm

    I must be doing something right regarding the Law of Attraction to have found this conversation above, even though it appears I am two years behind everyone here.
    Thank you, Bronte, for sorting through these complex issues and showing the way out of the confusion.
    TM was for me only a brief encounter with cultlike organized take-over of my mind- I never liked the vibe of “shreem”. But despite stopping TM at an early stage my life at that point went out of my control and I am now, thirty years later, actively and consciously emerging from those ruins.

    “The energy flows where the focus goes” is now my motto, and accepting full responsibilitby for whatever happens to me.
    Yes, the subconscious mind does need weeding and cultivating, and all of our creativity can only bloom once we understand that our reality begins in our thought processes, and subsequent decisions.
    Knowing this, obviously the big shot controllers want to collect adherents to increase the power of their own minds. But their lack of conscience ultimately will become their downfall. Man was not created to become someone else’s robot.

    There may be no greater obstacle to the planned hijacking scenario of earth than individuals taking back their own minds and defining their own vision of utopia.

    If I want to meditate, and use a mantra, it will be this:
    Oh, God increase Thou my wonderment at Thee!

    • brontebaxter said,

      November 21, 2010 at 3:27 am

      Ulla, I like everything you said here until the last part. Sounds too much like worship to me. The true God does not seek worship – only those who think they must feed on the energy of humans to survive seek that (the so-called “gods”). (If you read further in the “Blowing the Whistle” article series, you’ll find the case for that argument.)

      Seems to me there is enough “wonder” in the world (and in our minds) already. We needn’t ask God for more. Rather, let’s summon within ourselves the courage to face all that’s truly wrong with this world, and the wisdom and strength to repair it. “Wonderment” (to me) equates with whitewashing everything troubling as “God’s will.”


  62. marc said,

    January 16, 2011 at 1:41 am

    the only one left is NEil Young !!!

  63. Clare said,

    February 6, 2011 at 4:04 am

    Thank you Bronte. Much of what you have written resonates with me.. I think that any ritual involving worship of any kind is not a good thing. You are the power and your intention is all there is. I have tried this form of meditation and it just did not feel right. There was something about it that made me feel uneasy so I decided not to continue. Maybe while we are busy looking within, the negative powers-that-be are stealing from our (emotional and physical) wallets ….

  64. April 15, 2011 at 12:18 am

    Hi there, You’ve done an incredible job. I’ll definitely digg it and personally recommend to my friends. I am confident they will be benefited from this website.

  65. paul rio said,

    April 26, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    After reading the comment of Thom Knowles, I feel compelled to say that i enjoyed the 1st level of
    TM for several years but it was not, for me, complete. Bronte’s explanation seems strange but I do
    not know astral planes, etc.
    I must record that I found the TMOrg. very rigid about TM prices & I
    percieved some type of mental conditioning among the TMers, in & out of Fairfield/MahaU. I also
    noticed a serious lack of compassion, especially among the TM teachers & leaders.

    I must write that after a few years of practising TM, attending some
    TM lectures, & visiting Maha U./Fairfield, I developed suspicions the TM finances. TMers claim
    that no one in the TMOrg. has become rich but how could I be certain of this? Has anyone read the
    Earl Kaplan letter?

  66. September 14, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    Bronte, you wrote: “Rather, let’s summon within ourselves the courage to face all that’s truly wrong with this world, and the wisdom and strength to repair it.” When I think of the Flower Children (I was perceived to be one at the time), and where they have gone, I reflect that most of them were formed by a Judeo-Christian worldview in which there is a ‘right’ and a ‘wrong.’ We wanted to right the many wrongs we saw around us and we were passionate about it, until as you and everyone else points out things changed. Some people seemed to get caught in political rhetoric (but without effective action), others got caught in drugs or other forms of escapism, some went back to school and/or got jobs and moved into a higher socio-economic bracket (and many went overboard in playing ‘rich kids’ to the detriment of society as a whole), and some ‘went spiritual.’ I’m not a proponent of religion at this point in my life, although I was earlier, but in my many years and travels in spiritual/religious/cult circles I’ve seen that people often don’t understand what’s going on, what’s best for them, and they make mistakes which they later regret. But nobody ‘made them do it’ – they did it themselves – gave all their money to the guru, or whatever. The religionists are just doing what they do. Some of them may be crooked or misguided themselves, but it’s still up to individuals to make their own choices and decisions. I’ve only been involved with one guru, and that guru has never asked me to do anything I felt I couldn’t do. That person helped me during a difficult period, and now I’m free to come or go, no strings attached. When I needed help, I had a closer relationship during that period, got the help, said thanks and moved on. Now I just do what I want to do, get involved as much as I want and nothing more. But I already had a lot of ‘spiritual experience’ before meeting the guru, had studied Jungian approaches to spiritual growth and understand the nature and power of symbols. The reality they represent. For example, for me, repeating ‘names of Gods’ only means repeating names of qualities. For me there is only the Infinite, but that infinite has qualities, just as I , as an individual being have qualities. The Sufi teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan helped me to understand that while I may lose the sense of alienation that we think of as us the ego, i don’t lose my ego but only transform it, or my experience of it, in the process of spiritual growth. Like many here on this site, for me ‘sitting quietly’ has been the greatest practice. Adding names of qualities and attention to the breath and to sound has only added to that practice and is optional. Turning inward and tuning to the Infinite within myself has always been the main practice. I’d like to think that there is an opportunity today to reconnect with genuine spirituality without the lashings of religion, and an option to take what is beautiful and true from religious traditions without having to subscribe to them in their organized forms. But I think it will be difficult to do that, as they all trail such lenghty histories and ‘traditions’ behind them. But back tot he Flower Children – maybe we were in reaction to our Judeo-Christian upbringings and cultural backgrounds, but we were still acting out of that place of ‘righteous indignation’ and we may have lost that energy and belief in our own righteousness when we stepped out of that tradition. Boomers are often accused of being very self-rightetous people but now it’s all dedicated to relative trivialities, like sprouted bread versus non-sprouted, the best sound systems, and so forth. Lost the fire of a righteousness based in compassion and caring about ethics.

  67. Llamadas said,

    March 21, 2013 at 12:10 pm

    I enjoy looking through an article that will make people think.
    Also, thanks for permitting me to comment!

  68. truthseeker said,

    July 21, 2013 at 4:09 am

    I everybody ( I do not know if somebody already talk about it ) I want to suggest an interesting movie : ” kumare” . It’s a guy born in the U.S. but his roots came from India. He wonder and have a lot of questions about the traditions from India, so he start to impersonate a guru, it’s a form of documentary but the guy is very bright and it is very well done. He said the camera crew are there because they make a movie about him. He wanted to learn where it lead him and he was so astonish how easy the people can be manipulate. It is very reveling.

    Thank you

    A truth seeker

  69. July 27, 2013 at 12:14 pm

    I am now not positive the place you’re getting your info, however great topic. I must spend a while finding out much more or understanding more. Thanks for magnificent info I was on the lookout for this info for my mission.

  70. bob said,

    July 28, 2013 at 8:59 pm

    I spent a few years with the Maharishi in the early 1970s in Switzerland as his florist and became a TM teacher. Many years later I was sacked by the TM administration because I started working as a lobbyist for the Australian sex industry in a very high profile way. Personally I never saw any conflict with sex and spirituality and thought that the political correctness creeping into the TM administration was appalling. Jesus wasn’t afraid to work alongside sex workers, if one can believe the bible. But while I think the Australian TM movement relied too much on external appearances and cultural stereotypes to judge what is ‘right action’, I’d have to say that they were on the whole a nice bunch of people. I’ve worked around the sex industry and the Australian parliaments for over 20 years now and you need to have a pretty good sense of humour and a good radar to survive business-wise in that milieu. I met the Maharishi many times and I never once saw anything other than a man who was simply devoted to making other people’s lives better. I guess it goes with the territory that when someone is incredibly successful there is a line up of others ready to tear them down. In April 2009, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star, Donovan and Mike Love all got up at a press conference to praise Transcendental Meditation and what it had done for them. Do you really think they would have done this if those rumours about the Maharishi and Mia Farrow were true? I mean they were all there…while most of the commentators on this blog, including the author were in nappies …or diapers as you call them in the US. Its so easy to pick up a rumour, turn it into truth and re tell it over and over again…each time embellishing it just a bit more. Chinese whispers. I’d like to suggest that Bronte Baxter read Eckhart Tolle’s book the Power of Now, especially the chapter on ‘no’.

    • brontebaxter said,

      July 29, 2013 at 12:35 am

      No, Bob, it isn’t hearsay, and I was not “in diapers,” as you suggest, when the Mia Farrow incident occurred. I personally lived through that bit of history as a young woman. I also personally know women who were sexually propositioned by Maharishi.

      I’ve read Eckhart Tolle, thanks. An article about his book is posted on this blog.


  71. Kyle Cleveland said,

    July 29, 2013 at 4:08 am

    Honestly, the lie that Mahesh was not a celibate monk is insignificant next to all the other lies! The deception is from the very beginning and all encompassing. Mahesh was a sick cult leader that used deception at every turn. Born and raised in the movement seen the dark side of “rounding” and other long meditation programs like Mother Divine(TM nuns) and Purusha(TM monks)!!! The suicides/attempted suicides, the misdiagnosed mental illnesses after rounding courses with TM-Sidhis(vedic “flying”), etc. Of course its a purely scientific technique and non religious(LOL). The children seem to have both extremes covered either they figure out the charade or they become true believers. If they figure it out then they end up as outcasts and cult walkaways. If they become true believers they could end up institutionalized after they figure out you can’t fly from practicing self hypnotic deception. The rabbit hole of TM goes very deep, the best defense against organizations like this is to say “NO” immediately and walk away. When the magician asks to “pick a card any card” the only way out of the magic trick is to NOT pick a card. Anyone who learns trance induction and goes through the 3 days of indoctrination has the chance of falling all the way down the rabbit hole and that is one dangerous fall. Good blog Bronte:).

    • brontebaxter said,

      July 29, 2013 at 1:34 pm

      Hi Kyle

      You don’t know me, but I remember you. You were about six months old last time I saw you. Your parents came to the TM center where I worked, sent there by the higher-ups to get our center to start producing more money. We were told your dad, Clyde, was to be our new center chairman (instead of the one we had democratically elected). He immediately told us we were to create a big, suburban-wide conference to attract all the business, government, and educational professionals in the vicinity and get them to join TM. We were all upset – it was going to plunge the center deeply in debt to create such an event on the scale Clyde envisioned – but he told us it would pay for itself and then some. He said we were being “negative” to question his plans.

      So the movement higher-ups basically forced us take out a huge bank loan. Of course, the event drew very few people, in spite of all the slick and expensive advertising. When the thing bombed, your family suddenly left town, and the center staff – mostly part-time TM teachers who supported the center out of pocket with money from their day jobs – was left legally responsible for the enormous debt. We had been solvent before that, only spending within our means.

      That was the last I heard of Clyde Cleveland, but as you can imagine, I don’t have happy memories. I remember you because your mom seemed like a lovely person, and I remember going to your house once, where you were crawling around on the floor, being very cute.

      I’m so happy to know you grew up to see through the charade and not to become a part of it. You’re a smart fellow to have survived all the indoctrination. It’s good to see you posting here, Kyle. I wish you well, and God bless.


  72. Kyle Cleveland said,

    July 29, 2013 at 8:12 pm

    That sounds about right, pie in the sky:). Although in a twisted way my Dad was clearly right bankrupting the movement was a beautifully “positive” move. I do love this story though, the authoritarian leader in the cult comes in and demands no one question or get branded a “negative” loser. LOL. I’ve been involved in some dialogue’s at TM-Free blog. I think you’ll figure out my story quite easily if you read the comments section at this link(about 20 comments won’t take that long). I commented under “Junior Cleve” :

    • brontebaxter said,

      July 29, 2013 at 11:41 pm

      Thanks for the link, Kyle. I laughed out loud at that satirical article by Gina. It’s brilliant. Thank heavens for the TM-Free Blog and for all the TMers waking up. I also read your own comments and get the gist of what must have happened to you. I’m so sorry, but so glad you finally figured out the problem wasn’t you. When I finally left TM, it took me two years to break out of it. I had to get professional counseling, because I was so indoctrinated that when I began questioning, I thought there was something terribly wrong with me.

      Regarding your comment that at least your Dad was “right in bankrupting the movement,” let me clarify that it wasn’t the movement that was bankrupted, but individual TM teachers who had to pay out of our meager TM stipends – and part-time teachers, who also had to help by paying out of pocket. I believe we eventually defaulted on the loan, but it’s so many years, I no longer remember.


  73. Kyle Cleveland said,

    July 30, 2013 at 12:01 am

    Happened to my wife:(. Born and raised by founding faculty at MIU. I was the witness to it all(perhaps an even worse position to be in?). I’ve had the unenviable position of being the trail blazer out of the mud, my wife through the help of Colleen Russell and Joe Szimhart is reestablishing her identity and feeling more empowered month to month. I was surrounded on all sides by TM true believers innocently sharing everything I was learning from books like Cults in our Midst and Recovery from Cults, etc. etc. LOL. I learned quickly that breaking through dogma is one serious business, for some reason for me it was more like shining a light in a dark room. Oh, that’s what’s been going on!! Makes sense:). For my Dad in particular this was very disturbing and incredibly challenging for his mind to grasp. I did after much arm wringing and fighting get him to read The Guru Papers by Kramer. Of course he loved it once he got into it!! You should have seen the notes he took as he read. LOL. All defensive, cognitive dissonance responses, all the programming he got from those sickening TM teacher courses and years and years of living in Fairfield. Both my wife and I graduated from MSAE. Governors of the age of enlightenment are basically professional liars with brain damage:(. So sad!!!

    • brontebaxter said,

      July 30, 2013 at 3:50 am

      Did your dad finally break free? How about your mom? Yes, it can be incredibly difficult. I have a friend who got kicked out of TM for attending an Amma lecture in Fairfield, then hooked onto Amma with the same fanaticism he’d given to TM. Now he proselytizes for HER. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. This person is so steeped in Eastern guru dogma, so afraid of questioning anything he’s learned, that he reminds me of all the things we hippies accused our parents of … the gospel truths, and closed-mindedness. Our joining TM was a way of rebelling against that. Now the rebels have become the dogmatists.


      • Kyle Cleveland said,

        July 30, 2013 at 5:42 am

        Well……. this is a tough question because they have almost no friends outside of the cult. Intellectually my Mom is questioning and thinking critically but within a framework of denial. She sees what she wants to see and if pushed will acknowledge reality but prefers the comfort of the cocoon. My mom has let go of the technique better than my father who in my opinion has developed an unhealthy addiction to trance induction. He still believes a great deal of the nonsense but after reading the Guru Papers and a great deal of critical analysis he can question some areas. For example it was not ok with him that Mahesh lied about being a celibate monk or purposely hid critical information from the group that would have helped so many understand how to help their children and loved ones!!! MANY of my friends(especially female) were able to use cognitive dissonance to twist their minds into making this ok and actually more than ok. “Good for him.” and “He never really claimed to be celibate did he?” or “After reading Robes of silk feet of clay I love him even more.” or other such insanity. Its the long term effects of TM and the TM sidhis that everyone is starting to notice more and more. The emotionally flat responses of long term TM’ers, the total lack of empathy for the “outside” world, and the increased anxiety and paranoia regarding just about everything!! I really feel for the people in the movement especially the children who as true believers are more susceptible to the mental illness dangers of cult involvement like depression, induced psychosis, suicidal ideation, and chronic disassociation. We never “chose” to join such a distorted world unless you believe in past life karma or other such crap. Born into a family of “yogi’s” we must be so pure and enlightened! That was told to us as babes and all of our teachers at the school were extremists/fundamentalists. What a weird world looking back its just amazing I didn’t question more sooner, but this cult is very sneaky and deceptive to the point that the outside world just considers them nutty but just a bunch of harmless hippies bouncing on their asses on high density foam. LOL.

  74. Dennis Winters said,

    February 27, 2015 at 5:30 am

    What it boils down to, as I see it, is whether someone is looking for a technique, or looking for a guru. If you find a good technique and it works, you’ll carry on using it. If you’re looking for a guru, you’re just bound to be disappointed, because that’s the karmic pay-off for anybody engaged in such a fatuous pursuit – they all have feet of clay.Forget about the teacher, concentrate on the information !

  75. March 6, 2016 at 10:15 am

    And now I stumble upon this wonderful discussion surfing the web to understand the meaning of “loosh.” A spiritual, philosophical, economic justice, how to end war and poverty seeker as a young woman, never would have dreamed I would end up working for a perennial wisdom approach to taxation policy! But so I have and been a Green Party and Democratic Party candidate for Congress to boot! ha ha, and the beat goes on, bless you all and especially the wonderful mind and spirit that is Bronte.

  76. Luke said,

    May 24, 2016 at 7:20 am

    Back in the ’60s, before TM, there was the Student Mediation Society. I went to an information seminar held in some apartment building lobby given by a Western follower. During his presentation, he described how meditation worked, saying that one quieted one’s mind and went down into the deep center of one’s being. As he spoke, I followed his words: got quiet and into my deep center. Thus, when he closed by saying we could have all the wonderful blessings of meditation if only we would put out something like $35 (a lot to penurious students!) to receive our “individual” mantra, I walked out. It was clear to me that whatever benefits there are, they are freely available. Without charge and without membership or followership.

    That said, a few years later I fell in with another group having a leader who claimed the group’s practices were not religious. This was Subud. I watched over the years as members were bilked by other members in the name of so-called Subud enterprises; as marriages were destroyed by the more “spiritually advanced” men seducing mainly women members; as any claims to real spiritual experiences were silenced so others would not feel less-than.

    Just goes to show that the loosh parasites will find a way!


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